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who was depressed turning 30?

mummy2girls wrote: im going to be 30 in 18 days and im depressed on that fact! Mainly because i am alone, not married ...god not even with anyone! Ive suffered 2 losses before my 30th birthday. I feel so depressed! I just want to crawl into bed and not come out!

huggybugboy replied: hug.gif I'm sorry hun. We love you! A december birthday alone is enough to get me depressed sad.gif

mammag replied: Oh I definitely was! Now that 32 is approaching though, I'm not quite sure what I was worried about....

I think the main thing for me was that I had said sometime before that I would be in the best shape of my life when I turned 30.......instead I was big and pregnant! laugh.gif I was in the BIGGEST shape of my life....

They say women get more confident as they get older so I'm waiting for that magical age to come along. rolleyes.gif

Don't worry too much about it. At least you look young so when you say 30 people will be thinking....."Wow, she looks good for her age" laugh.gif

5littleladies replied: Well I haven't gotten there yet (I'm "only" 27-or so people say rolleyes.gif ), but the thought of turning 30 terrifies me! I remember when my mom turned 30 and I thought she was OLD! So what does that make me? bawling.gif

I'm sorry you are feeling lonely though! Give Miss Jenna some extra hugs tomorrow! And here's one from me. hug.gif

3_call_me_mama replied: Hugs shelley!!!

I'll let you know in a few years if it's depressing or not. I'm only 26 so i got ways to go yet! But right now i'm not thinking it's going to be any big deal:) But that may change

ediep replied: 30 wasn't a biggie for me. I didn't feel any different.

booey2 replied: Hugs and hang in there, I too share a December birthday with you and turning 30 was okay, I just totally do not like December birthdays myself. Thomas was supposed to be a December baby but he came early so he is still a Sag. with me but a November baby. I felt that life only got better after 30. hug.gif

ammommy replied: hug.gif
26 was harder for me than 30 for some reason. I guess that at 26 I was no longer a kid. It was time to grow up sad.gif You may not be married, but you're also not stuck in a horrible marriage like some people that I know. You have a great daughter and things are bound to look up in this next decade thumb.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: I agree with Lisa, you have so much to be thankful for. hug.gif I'm so sorry you are feeling down. My parents both have December b-days. (mom-24 and dad-25 happy.gif ) Talk about feeling cheated. rolling_smile.gif

I'm not 30, yet. I will be 29 in a few months and that scares me more than turning 30 for some reason. dunno.gif I'm actually looking forward to my 30's. I definetly think I've gotten better with age. Embrace it, hun! wink.gif You'll be just fine. You have a wonderful life and great things lie ahead. hug.gif

Nathansmom replied: I'll be 30 in January - and it scares me!
However, like everyone else said, I'm trying to count my blessings instead of focusing on what I don't have. I guess I always figured that by 30 I would have the house, the white picket fence thing...oh well, maybe by 35??


jcc64 replied: Try turning 40....
(41 in a few weeks! bawling.gif )

TANNER'S MOM replied: Yes I was depressed.. I don't like my birthdays..well after I turned 30 I don't anyway. I hate it hate it hate it.

But here lately I have been kinda feeling the confidence that I am suppose to have. So I hope you get that too...

adixon24 replied: hug.gif Here's an extra big hug.....we've had that discussion at work lately. Just about everyone agrees that turning 30 is rough, but be thankful for the good things that have happenend in the past 30 years and especially that Princess of yours! Im thinking about you....hang in there!

Insanemomof3 replied: Shelly, I am going to be 30 in a month, and I am totally depressed too. You are not alone! hug.gif

moped replied: 30 didn't hit ma as hard as 34 has, but Shelly I have to tell you that I was single when I was 30 - really.......then he came along when I least expected!!!!!!

To be 30 and single is a wonderful thing!

A&A'smommy replied: I'm sorry hun!!!!! hug.gif hug.gif

But Jeanie is right you DO look AMAZING for your age!! hug.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied: Well I have been depressed at every birthday since I turned 18. tongue.gif I am turning 25 this month and I wish I could turn back the clock 5 years at least. rolleyes.gif

And I agree... December birthdays are a bummer. hug.gif

DansMom replied: I liked turning 30---I still felt like I had some time left to make important decisions about my future, and I didn't get married until age 37---my way of saying: at 30, there's still time to find the right person, make the changes you want to make and redefine yourself. Turning 40 felt good too, largely because I had made those changes and accomplished some of that self-definition. I finally feel like I deserve to be taken seriously. I'm old enough to run for president. My only regret: the pouches under my eyes are not because I'm tired---I have to accept them.

jem0622 replied: I didn't mind 30 (the number)...but I have minded the extra white hairs popping up and the changes in the firmness of my skin (very slight).


C&K*s Mommie replied: Slightly over 2 more years for me. But I concur with Jennifer

She seems to be the center of your life, and in the end I am sure you would not have it any other way. hug.gif hug.gif 's to you!

kimberley replied: 30 was hard for me too. i had hoped to accomplish a lot more of my goals by that age than i did... BUT i didn't expect to have Jacob or James and they were/are definitely worth throwing my "plans" out of whack. snuggle your baby girl and remember your life is just beginning now wink.gif the angstful years should be near an end and now you can focus on being the confident, beautiful woman we already know you are. hug.gif

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