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whats your opinion on setting up the nursery - before the baby comes?

ediep wrote: I am not really the superstitious type of person, but I am not someone that would do something that I know is bad luck either. DH and I already went out looking at furniture for the baby's room, we already have a crib, and there are a few things that I want to get...besides the fact that we have no girl clothes for the baby.

DH's grandmother told me today.....DO NOT set up the nursery before the baby is born. I was thinking to myself "that is not really practical, we want a new carpet in the baby's room, I want to paint the walls, buy her bedding, wash all the 0-3 clothes I have and put them away in the drawers, buy new bottles and sterliize them, and 50 million other things." I am only 26+ weeks right now, so I'll wait another month or so before we even begin working, but the furniture needs to be ordered soon

anyway, I had Jason's room completely set up before we had him, and I was wondering what do you all think? did you set up the baby's room before he/she arrived?

AlexsPajamaMama replied: We set everything up before baby was it would all be done before he got here. I personally think its alright.

Maddie&EthansMom replied: Everyone I know sets up the nursery before the baby is born. I've never heard of NOT having it ready. huh.gif

luvmykids replied: I did mine before hand, I'm not sure when I would have had the time to do it after huh.gif

MommyToAshley replied: We had ours set up in advance as well. I agree, it isn't very practical to wait until after the baby is born... I am sure you remember what the first few months are like. I don't think I know anyone that waited until after the baby was born.

moped replied: Oh yeah - I would have had Jacks up sooner, but Tom waited til April for the crib, he born end of June. I didn't have to paint because the house was brand new, but I did put up stickys on the wall and had his crib set all ready - it was so beautiful. My sister helped me get it all clean and ready for him. We would sit and have coffee on the floor and giggle for hours saying "Jack, come see your new bedroom"...........that was fun now that I am thinking about it.

Ok, that got a bit silly............sorry

Yes, it was all set up!

coasterqueen replied: With Megan I wasn't in as much of a hurry as I was with Kylie at setting up the nursery. I knew that if I waited closer to the end of my pg then I wouldn't feel so anxious for her to get here before 40 weeks. But then with all the bedrest, etc, I did the major things in Megan's room early, but not all the washing stuff, etc, etc. WELL she came 4 weeks early and let me tell you, having to do all that stuff after she was here was a real P I T A BIG TIME. OMG, it really did stink. I'm such an anal person, the day we got home from the hospital I immediately starting washing everything, sterilizing everything, etc, etc. It was a mess and I just didn't like it.

So after all that yapping I just did my advice is do it all before she won't regret it. wink.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied: I did both before they came and would totally recommend it. Who wants to be moving furniture and washing clothes after just giving birth?

amynicole21 replied: That's actually a Jewish (and probably old world) superstition that you aren't allowed to bring anything for baby into the house until they are born. I can't imagine! blink.gif We had everything ready to go months before both girls were born. wink.gif

PrairieMom replied: we were set up and ready to go. I didn't have my baby shower until afterward tho.
At 27 weeks your baby is viable, so I think you are safe. thumb.gif

MyBrownEyedBoy replied: My mom and dad and sis and bro came out to help set up and paint Logan's room about 4 weeks before my due date. It was a blast.

Jackie012007 replied: I'm almost 20 weeks and we have really started to set stuff up. We started shortly after I found out, because the room was at that time filled with Carl's sports memoabilia and stuff. We painted and then slowly worked on it. I think DF is like nesting or something, he's OBSESSING over that room.

I would say definitely plan ahead, I've never had a baby so I don't know but I can imagine what it would be like if nothing was ready and suddenly you have this newborn. We're trying to get lots done now while I still feel good, because I know that in a few weeks my tailbone and back will really be hurting and I want to help out as much as I can! It's fun too biggrin.gif

A&A'smommy replied: yes, and all the clothes washed and towels, and everything else set up around the house including the swing, bassinette we were prepared but most of the seting up was done around 36wks and evertying else was done after 30wks (I believe) because we were slow and we didn't want to get too impatient tongue.gif

mummy2girls replied: I did:) i wasnt going to with jenna because of well you know.. but i didnt believe in that stuff so i set it up. It made the whole pregnancy a big reality when i set it up.. well as much as i could being it was at my brothers...LOL

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Oh I did both nurseries super early. I wasn't as worried with Wesley about having EVERYTHING washed beforehand as I did with Wil, but I had his room done a lot earlier than I had Wil's done (but being that I used the exact same nusery stuff with both boys, it was pretty easy to get finished).

I say go for it!

boyohboyohboy replied: I set up my first sons room when I was still in the first trimester! and my second we started buying stuff when it was on sale, before we even conceived him!

Bamamom replied: You NEED to set it up before you have the baby. There is no time afterwards. I can't imagine trying to do all of that after the little one comes. That's one old wives tale to ignore biggrin.gif

Brias3 replied: I set up rooms all three times in advance. In addition, I got everything "ready" too for the most part- bottles, clothes, etc. all washed and ready. I wouldn't think its bad luck either way, just personal preference.

kimberley replied: go for it. we are a bit superstitious and didn't set up until well into the third trimester but the last thing you want to do with a newborn is decorate and organize. just keep it neutral in case the u/s was somehow wrong.. tho i am sure it wasn't wink.gif i wanna see pics!

MyLuvBugs replied: We like to set everything up ahead of time, b/c we know how tired we're going to be after the baby comes. smile.gif Besides I'm an organization freak, and i have to have everything in place. LOL laugh.gif I think it's fine to set things up ahead of time, but if you feel a little superstitious about it....then wait. hug.gif

BAC'sMom replied: We set up all three nursery's before my babies got here, but we did wait until I was atleast 6-7 months along.

Kaitlin'smom replied: I started it but it was not ready when she came. She was 3 weeks early. So my sister, mom, dad and DH finished it while I was in the hospital. I was sad I was not there to help with it but they did a great job. It was all nutual except the clothes. I say go for it, No way coudl I have set it up after

Cece00 replied: I've always prepared BEFORE the baby arrives. Who on earth has time to do it AFTER, esp if its not your first baby?????

I've got 3 kids, I cant imagine trying to do a nursery after #4 arrived.

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