popcorn is not
Kaitlin'smom wrote: cutting as my afternoon snack I feel more hungry now that I ate it then I did before I had it. I have been trying this for a few days and same thing everyday Any suggestions on lo-calorie filling snack I could try?
mom21kid2dogs replied: You might want to add a nice, big glass of water right before your afternoon snack. It can take the edge off the hunger. Here are a few afternoon snack ideas to switch in and out with. Yogurt, fruit smoothie, crackers and cheese, a little bit of granola and fruit. I'm sure other people will have some suggestions for you. Also, I used to do something that involved my hands~like dishes or painting my nails while drinking the water just to see if my munchie sensation was truly hunger or just some other excuse to eat~like boredom or habit! Good luck! That feeling generally lessons after you've altered you eating for a week or two.
coasterqueen replied: Are you wanting something sweet? Or what? I know popcorn never filled me unless I ate the whole bag. The salt just made me want more.
Cary Lynn replied: I know, crackers didn't do it for me.
booey2 replied: I do eat the whole bag , Smart Pop by Orville is only 3pts on WW for the whole bag and on the new CORE plan, I am following that now you don't have to count it cause it is on the list of CORE foods.
Kaitlin'smom replied: yep sweet or something, maybe it is the salt, I have the smart pop small bags and they dont do much. I even drink alot of water before, during and after but still my stomach feels empty....does that make sense?
coasterqueen replied: Terri,
I used to follow the old Flex Plan so the whole Core plan is new to me. I'm gonna have to hit you up for some tips/info when I start WW all over again since I don't go to the meetings .
coasterqueen replied: Hmmmm, well the weight watcher chocolate chip muffins always did me good . So do the snackwell chocolate chip cookies (the mini ones). But what always did it for me was being able to munch on tootsie roll pops. They were only one point on the old plan.
I don't know what fills one up might not fill the other, ya know.
~Roo'sMama~ replied: When I was trying to lose weight before and had a hard time not eating constantly at work (especially when I was on the night shift! ) I would fill a gallon jug with water and just keep pouring myself glasses of water. Every spare minute I had I drank a glass of water. If I got the munchies I drank a glass of water. If I was bored I drank a glass of water. If I was going to sit down and watch tv I'd bring a glass to sip while I was sitting there. It didn't necessarily fill me up - I would get hungry again not long after I drank it but then I'd just drink more. Eventually (it did take a while) I got used to drinking tons of water, and lost that urge to eat all the time. Plus drinking lots of water is good for your complexion.
ETA: It worked for me at home too, not just at work. Another thing that helped me curb my sweet tooth was to eat an apple or some grapes. At least that's natural sugar and good for you.
MomofJandB replied: What about those 100 calorie snack packs? I think they are by nabisco. Some of the flavors are oreo, chips ahoy, and wheat thins. They are pretty yummy!
Kaitlin'smom replied: well I do drink plently of water, but I have to stop at 58oz a day other wise my skin dries out....I know its not suppose to do that but when I finally figured out whya my shik was dry and nothing was working I found it was to much water intake and I scaled back to find my limit....so I can add more water
I do love the 100 calorie packs I have one with lunch so i dont want to add another for snack....humm guess I will have to figure out something else
booey2 replied: That's not a problem I am always willing to help someone shed some unwanted pounds. There is a list of food you can eat, in proper proportions and some restrictions on certain starchy foods that you can only eat 1 serving of a day. But other then that you eat what you want on the (list) and you don't have to track points. Your old info and food lists are still good, the new books have tic marks beside all of the core foods, I will get it together for you if you want it.
A&A'smommy replied: Have you tried slimfast snacks or shakes I lost 10 pounds just doing that they have really good chocolate bars and stuff.
ammommy replied: Are pistachios (?) on the list? They really help curb my hunger. Plus, it's not totally mindless munching since you have to shell them. Low salt pretzel rods are another good snack. I find that salty foods make me hungry for some reason (thirsty too, but that makes sense).
Have you tried making a pitcher of iced herbal tea? I like the perfect peach from Bigelow. It's caffine free and virtually calorie free, but has taste unlike water. Sweetened with a pack of Splenda, it tastes like a treat.