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okay..I hope I don't start a rash of you know what - with this, but..I think this is beyond

Boys r us wrote: absurd! We just got notification that we [the bank I work for] are disclosing to the media today that some of our predecessor banks had ties to slavery. first thought still do that? of course then I read on..back in the days of slavery banks who over time have become our bank had ties with slavery. now, don't get me wrong, I think slavery was a horrible thing...but WHO at that time DIDN'T have ties with slavery. So anyhow, I was like why in the world would we be bringing this up..well apparently there is a relatively new law in some locals called the "Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance" that requires all companies who do business in these locals to research the histories of their companies and then disclose any findings related to slavery to the public in order to business there.

I'm so blown away by this..just taken back. I guess I just don't understand the purpose it serves...besides an uproar of attention in the media and with customers who are trying to figure out why the heck we're telling this to everyone!

amymom replied: Political Correctness gone to the extreme! Your company has to do this because of the laws. The laws are just absurd!

Edit: spelling error sorry!

Maddie&EthansMom replied: I've heard of this. I think it is crazy!!!

A&A'smommy replied: Okay I'm SOOO with you on that one I'm from the south and i KNOW my family has ties too it's NOT my fault its in the past get over it.... rolleyes.gif stupid laws unsure.gif

mammag replied: Oh good grief! That is so absurd. Politically correct BS!!!!!! That serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever but to cause more rifts, imo.

My2Beauties replied: Corporate America at it's best rolleyes.gif sad.gif I'm with you it's really stupid, most businesses especially in the South had ties to slavery, this will create a nothing but a ruckus and confused customers. Sorry!

gr33n3y3z replied:
Its Just to stir up more crap and it has to do with rights again

The more they drag stuff up like this the more feathers the ruffle and makes it more difficult for ppl. to get over.

ferocity302 replied: Yes sometimes history and the past need to stay in the past.

I think some of the political policies go to the extreme.

jcc64 replied: OK, you know I have to come in as the devil's advocate here. I am not a Southerner. And I am also not a descendant of slaves. I guess that disqualifies me from truly understanding how either side feels on this issue. And yet, while political correctness sometimes defies common sense and can often seem quite silly , at its core is the attempt to offer some sort of compensatory sensitivity after the fact. Whether that changes anything is up for debate. But as a white person, I don't believe I have the right to dismiss the information you are speaking of as irrelevant. I don't know how it feels to be a descendant of slaves, and I suspect, neither do most of you.
Full disclosure isn't a bad thing, imo. Give the consumer all the info, and let the chips fall where they may. Would terminating a business relationship based on this info have any far reaching implications or provide restitution for all the wrongs perpetrated against enslaved ancestors? No. But consumers have a right to know as much as possible about who they're doing business with. And if it doesn't matter, then it won't matter. If it does, it will.

amymom replied:
I agree to a point. What about the expense to the bank to do all the disclosure? What a bout the employees who get ill will passed to them? It just seems to be too much, too late.

lisar replied: I am actually reading a book right now about the cival war and slavery. Has anyone ever read up on that it is really interesting. I dont think they need to bring it up it just causes more problems than it does good. I know my family owned slaves A LONG TIME AGO. I didnt do it so why make the people that are hard working NOW deal with it. I dont get it at all.


redchief replied: I think all this nonsense started a few years back when the pope apologized for the Inquisition. Since then it seems like everyone is getting on the absolution train.

Instead of apologizing for the faults of our predecessors I think we should learn from their mistakes and treat people like they want to be treated... like fellow human beings.

jcc64 replied:

Well said!

MommyToAshley replied:
Well said, I agree completely. I do believe that some of these laws seem silly to me and they do cause more problems than they do good. However, they do encourage conversations like this one. If Nicole's bank didn't make this statement, we wouldn't be having this conversation.... and we may be more likely to make similar mistakes again. (Thus the term History repeating itself)

Celestrina replied: This is just downright silly. It is only holding someone responsible for their ancestors actions. Today we cannot be held responsible for the actions of a living family member.

mad.gif mad.gif Very well said mad.gif mad.gif

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