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nipple shield?? problem latching? - my child: the tongue thruster

natersdaddy wrote: i have a nine day old infant who will NOT latch on to my nipple!
at the hospital right after she was born she latched on just fine the first time I had ever breastfed... then never again has she latched on. I use a plastic nipple shield that she thrusts her tongue at before she will (scream until she) latches unto the shield. while i was still in the hospital the nurses and a doctor tried to help my with my "problem" but they gave up when she turned herself beat red and screamed for a good two minutes because she couldn't latch on...after 9 days she is still having trouble latching takes her a good 10 minutes of trying before she eventually starts sucking. THIS happens every time it is time for me to nurse her...i was considering getting a breast pump and bottle feeding her because the plastic shields nipple is like a bottle nipple more then a regular nipple so i think she would have an easier time latching on to that...but that will be my last resort...she is my first child and i would love to be able to breastfeed her!! what should take moms approx. 30-40 min. to do takes me up to an hour or sometimes two hours to get done! but she is eating when she does start sucking- she weighed 6.6 pounds at birth and now she up to 7 pounds...but she cries herself red and gives herself a soar throat! i don't know what to do...I am not going to has made me cry a few times while she is "nursing" (screaming) because i wish there was something i could do to help her latch on to the nipple...

Insanemomof3 replied: I don't really have any advice, but I wanted to give you some hug.gif hug.gif

It can be hard when you first start breastfeeding since you are both learning at the same time. Just hang in there is all I can say, you will both get it.

Calimama replied: I would go see a lactation consultant. Good luck hun. hug.gif

Bamamom replied: Put your finger in her mouth and let her suck on it a minute. While she is sucking massage her tongue down. After she lets out a little sucking energy and you get that tongue relaxed try again. My first born was like that and massaging his tongue really seemed to help! hug.gif hug.gif

PrairieMom replied:
Oh, thats a good idea.

Why do you need to use the shield? I had big problems nursing both my children, it hurt SO BAD! I changed to the football hold, and it made a world of difference. My pain went away, and my daughter latched better.

bawoodsmall replied: Oh goodness. I cant believe those people would not help you more. If you really want to b/f her you have to consult a lactation consultant. Mine was AWESOME!!!! They really want to help you and are dedicated to helping you nurse your child. With my first I swear I talked to her on a weekly basis for like 9 months. KEEP TRYING! I hope you find a l/c as good as mine was. biggrin.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Where are our BF experts? Karen, Amy??? I don't have any advice myself except talking to a LC. And don't give up. She is gaining weight, which is proof she is getting your milk. But I understand how you would want the process to be much easier on both of you. hug.gif The finger idea sounds like a good one to me....But I'm sure someone else has more advice. Hang in there. hug.gif

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coasterqueen replied: I had a tongue thruster and she was on a nipple shield. My other was on a shield as well. I will respond as soon as the girls go to bed. wink.gif

Boo&BugsMom replied: No advice, but your story seems very similar to what I faced with my youngest. I tried everything...sheild, pumping, etc...even with pumping I was not producing nearly enough for him. I ended up just giving up because for me, it just wasn't worth all the stress it created between me and him. Good luck.

coasterqueen replied: Give the nipple shield some time. It took my first a bit of time to get used to it. Try putting some breastmilk on the nipple shield before having her latch on.

Honestly, I think you should seek the help of a lactation consultant for this. I could try to pinpoint the problems for you, as I've dealt with two children who didn't latch on well and many many months of using a nipple shield, as well as a forward-tongue thruster BUT without actually being there I don't think we'll get to the heart of the problem.

I encourage you to seek the help of a LC either through the hospital or through private practice. I would definitely do that before quitting or going to a bottle. Give it a chance first.

I am displeased with your hospital that they would not help you more. I stayed in the hospital for 5 days with my first and LC's were there around the clock trying to get my daughter to nurse.

Hang in there!

moped replied: I used a sheild and it was great - I felt so much better when he latched on to that!!!!!!!

natersmommy replied: i just wanted to say thanks for everyones input- she hasn't really improved but i still have faith! i live in soldotna alaska and i need to find out where there is a lactation consultant....there might not be one up here-lol- it's a "small" town. she eats when she does latch on.... how often is it normal for her to throw up? she barfs like 2 times a day's allot of throw up-it's always soon after she eats... should i take her in to the hospital? i am prob. going to take her in today i am afraid of viruses or dehydration she sleeps almost all day- she is 13 days old and she is still only awake for a few hours a day- is that normal? lets just say i am a VERY worried mother...her first pediatric visit was when she was 7 days old then they don't want to see her again until she is 2 months old...i think that's a big gap between visits when she is so new- should i request her to be seen again?

Jamison'smama replied: hug.gif Spitting up is normal, I doubt it is a virus if it's just a couple of times a day after eating. Do you burp her during feedings, like when you switch sides? Sleeping all day at 13 days old is also normal. All babies are different, but she sounds pretty typical. If you can't find a lactation consultant, call the La Leche League--there is one in your town--- here is the link La Leche League of Soldotna

Hang in there----you'll figure her out

moped replied: WEll if you feel you should take her in then do so - but it is normal for them to sleep ALOT....but she does still need to eat a lot too.

If you call the hospital I am sur ethey can get you a LC

boyohboyohboy replied: I dont have anymore advice then what was already given to you, and to tell you that these ladies on here are great when it comes to this subject, they have helped me tons...
hang in there and dont give up, it took me 13 weeks to get it right with my second child, and i bottle fed the first, and the difference in their health was great...i wish i had the knowledge the first time around that i have now.
its so worth it if you can stick with it.
good luck.

coasterqueen replied: Are you getting baby to latch on to breast first before using the shield? Just curious. Explain your process and lets see what else we can come up with.

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