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major emerg... - can't get ahold of hubby

Teesa®© wrote: DS slid down the last two steps coming downstairs. He was barely crying, so I thought he was OK. he tells me he can't cry b/c he can't breathe.. he can breath pretty much ok or he wouldn't be able to tlak... says his bak really hurts, but only see a little red mark on it. don't know what to do. IMed his sis, nephew and niece [all in the same house, just a city away, sis has a car... nodoby was home, gave brief expaination and went to neighbours to calls, but he's not home], finally talked to idiotic niece who was more concerned ni asking 40 bill questions than phoning her uncle. i toldher to just shut up and call him and tell him to come home NOW.. bout a min later she goes why??? i capped and said f#$%#'s sake!! either @#$%@% call him or tell me u won't so i can figure something #$%@#% else to do!! ending up just disconnecting her.

DS is sort of lying on the couch. can't sit up, cant lay down... i can't find the #$%# ext # for DH's work... it's on the other puter and the stupid keyboard won't work and i have a pw to log in... can't see it while networking w/ it, so can't get it that way either. neighbour's not home... cell phone is dead , but i don't know if it even has any time on it... and i'm gonna beat DH when he gets home for not having time...

ican move him, he says it hurts a bit.... he only slid, didn't actually hit the stairs... maybe he just knocked teh wind outta himself? he's barely red at all, just a little tiny pink mark.... i'm worried poopless here, maybe panicking for nothing. i know he was really tired, so maybe it seems like it hurts more b/c he's ired and cranky??

ignore my spelling.. am typing fast and trying to find someone who has a flipping brain to phone dh

Anthony275 replied: maybe it's his tailbone?

A&A'smommy replied: well first of all you need to calm down, then you need to call your ped and see what they say if you can't call you ped then I would go ahead and take him to the er. If you can't get ahold of your dh then you need to call someone else and have them take you. hug.gif

Kirstenmumof3 replied:
hug.gif hug.gif I agree! Try to relax! I hope everything is okay! hug.gif hug.gif

Calimama replied: Maybe he's freaking out (and saying he can't move) because he sees you are very upset? If he SLID down 2 steps than I doubt major damage is done. hug.gif

Teesa®© replied: I can't call anyone because we don't have a land line. All we have is a pay-as-you-go cell phone and there's no time on it growl.gif

He's not like that. When I tried to pick him up, he was having difficulty breathing and I told him it was OK to cry, but he told me he couldn't because it hurt too much. When I asked him to stand up so I could look at his back that he said he couldn't because his back hurt so much. I tried to lay him on his tummy to look at his back and he was trying to cry, but he couldn't. He could take shallow breaths to get air in, but that was it. I asked him to relax and calm down a bit, but it was scaring him so he wouldn't. It wasn't until I tried laying him on his tummy again - "Hurts, Ummy" - back - still hurts - and then his side, that it started scaring me. I gave him a Tylenol and put a cold cloth on his back and told him to lay whichever way was comfy for him.

Obviously, my niece didn't bother calling DH because he never came home. His sister has been home from work for hours now and she obviously didn't bother calling him either. growl.gif growl.gif

It took a while, but I think he's OK now. I think he knocked the wind out of himself, somehow. Either that or maybe it hurt him enough that he was hyper-ventilating. Is that possible? He wasn't breathing rapidly, and not really gasping for air, just breathing shallow and rather slow. I guess hyper-ventilating is out, then. He told me earlier that everything that I did was just right and it made him all better [he didn't want the med's and got mad about the cold cloth, lol]. He's sleeping nice and peacefully now, but he was all worried because he lost his second tooth today and how would the tooth Fairy find him in my room??? We left his tooth and pillow in his room wink.gif

mckayleesmom replied: Poor guy....Sounds like he knocked the wind out of himself pretty good. Glad he is feeling better. Do you not have a phone Teesa? You might want to look into a pay as you go phone for emergencies....I have one that was like 20 bucks and I only keep like 15 dollars on it at a costs 25 cents a minute, but worth it for emergencies.

Calimama replied: Poor little guy, I hope he's doing better. hug.gif

kit_kats_mom replied: I'd probably take him in to the doc if you can't use a neighbors phone for calling the ped. It could be a broken rib or something.

MoonMama replied: hug.gif hug.gif I hope he's feeling better now. hug.gif hug.gif

Teesa®© replied: DH finally came home from work and I asked him if anyone bothered to call him. He said, "No, why?" So I told him about DS going down the stairs. He went up to check on him while I complained about how useless some of his family is, lol, and DS woke up to see daddy. He said he was, "OK, and nothing hurts anymore and I can't bring my tooth in here because the Tooth Fairy will get lost and not find it, but Ummy made me all better and I had fried eggs for supper." [yeah, that was all one sentence, I added the comma's, lol].

As far as I can tell, he's fine, but if he complains about any ache, pain or soreness of any kind, he's going in and getting checked out. He was only 3 feet away from me when it happened and I heard him thump as he landed on his butt on the floor. He slid on his back two steps, so I highly doubt he broke anything. I think I'm going to change my rule about no shoes in the house and get him some special indoor ones like he has at school.

I'm also considering a bungalow......

my2monkeyboys replied: Aw, man... I'm sorry you had such a hard time getting hold of DH. His family should have been a bit better about that.
BTW, is there a neighbor you could go to to call if you have an emergency in the future? Even if you don't know them I'm sure they'd let you use the phone.
I am so glad he seems to be fine now. I'm sure that was scary!
hug.gif hug.gif

Teesa®© replied: We do have a neighbour downstairs now, but he wasn't home. He's a newspaper reporter for our paper and is in and out, in and out all the time. Anywhere I could go is too far to run to with two young children in the house.

DH is going to pick up a phone card before he leaves for work today. He hadn't worried about it earlier because we were gone for pretty much the whole weekend and weren't going to use it.

I'm not sure how DS was this morning. Both of them decided to sleep with me last night and I'd woken up for a potty break and decided to stay up to wait for DH to get home. When I went to go to bed, the three of them were taking up the whole bed so I slept in DD's room. I never heard the alarm in there, so DH took them to school this morning.

I was *JUST* talking to DH - he's laying on the couch - and asked him how DS was this morn, but apparently he's fallen asleep dry.gif

sparkys2boys replied: Awww, glad he seems ok now. What a situation.. ughhhhh hug.gif

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