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help - sick baby, need help!

jolene555 wrote: she's had a temp of 101 since 10 am, tylenol didn't break it. she's slept for all but maybe an hour since, and it's 8 pm now. she also won't eat or drink. she's had 3 bottles ans a couple slices of pear for the day. i just took her temp again, and it's 102 now. we just gave her more tylenol, but at what point do we just go to the er??

yes, i called the doc at noon, and she didn't get back to me until 6pm and just said to only be concerned if she's not producing wet diapers. is it not a problem that she's holding a fever??

i'm so stressed. barry's busting his back doing work so we can make rent friday, i've got tons of homework, and georgia is demanding that she be held. someone, somewhere, help?

mammag replied: Do you have any infants Ibuprofen? My doc sometimes has me alternate between the two when the fever is more resistant. Don't worry about her sleeping, she needs the rest. If you get too worried just go ahead and take her in. Don't worry about what they think even if it's nothing.

Hope she gets better soon.

3_call_me_mama replied: Not sure what to tell you. I'd go with your gut on this one. If you feel she should be seen, take her out. But from my experiences holding a temp 101 isn't too much to worry about unless they get dehydrated. and Tylenol may or may not help. It doesn't always break teh fever, just makes the baby a little more comfortable,adn the mom a little more at ease.

The only thought i have is possibly an ear infection.. cause i know the liek to be held, run a temp and often have little appetite when the have an ear infection. Hugs and good luck to you.

Boys r us replied: 101 is enough to make them feel really rotten, but not high enough to really become concerned. If it gets above 103, that's when my dr tells me to call him. But to be honest with you, my dr asks me and all of his patients NOT to treat a fever unless it's getting dangerously high b/c that is actually part of how your body fights off your illness, by fever...and with us parents dosing our kiddies up to get rid of the fever, we're working AGAINST their little bodies natural mechanisms to deal with their sickness!

Alice replied: *** I have no medical background, so take this as a mommy's advice. Anyone who has a medical background beats what I have to say!!

Fevers are the body's way of fighting an infection, so don't worry excessively if she stays in the 101-102ish range.

But if she gets up there, in the 104ish range, run, do not walk, to the ER.

What is she wearing? Dress her in as little as possible, to get the heat out-- just a diaper and a light blanket if that seems reasonable to you. You don't want her shivering, but you do want her to cool off a bit.

Remember, fevers always seem to spike at night, so she's probably as sick now as she's going to get. If it will make you feel better, have her sleep with you, so you can check on her all night instead of just worrying in your own room.

My son always runs HOT when he's sick. I can tell when it's serious by his behavior. If he's listless and kind of out of it, I worry. If he's feverish but aware, it's not so bad.

MommyToAshley replied: ITA with everyone else.

How is she acting? If she is lethargic then I would go to the E.R. If she is acting ok but just wants to be held, then I might wait it out a little longer. I have always been told that how the child is acting is as important (if not more) than the fever itself.

Have you tried pedialyte? I would be concerned about dehydration if she is not eating or drinking. They have pedialyte popcycles too. I would really try to get her to drink more so that she doesn't become dehydrated.

grouphug.gif I hope she is feeling better soon. It's so hard to watch our little ones be sick and be so helpless.

Keep us posted.

Alice replied: How did she get through the night??

Josie83 replied: Sorry I'm just seeing this now Jo. How did she manage last night? any improvement grouphug.gif Let us know how she is today when you have the chance grouphug.gif xx

kimberley replied: poor girl! i hope she is better today. just make sure she is getting enough fluids. 102 really isn't that high for a baby. jacob had reached 104 a few times and the ER told me it is only a concern if it lasts for days and he is not getting enough fluids. his body was just fighting off an infection. give us an update when you can. grouphug.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: I hope she is better today

jolene555 replied: the fever is still there, but she's acting a lot better. we got a lot of good cuddles in yesterday, and i think that did us both a ton of good. the doc told us to double the tylenol and that broke the fever for a bit. she slept through the night and woke up STARVING. of course, starving still has it's limits - she still refuses a bottle with the medicine in it. picky girl. she detests pedialyte in all forms, so we're just watering down her milk for now.

i skipped class and took off work today, since i am still exhausted from yesterday, and wanted to be here for her today. it's lovely to have a day off sometimes.

Josie83 replied: I'm glad to hear that she's feeling a bit better Jo. and you're right, it will do BOTH of you good to have the day out! the last thing you need is to get too rundown and sick yourself. I've noticed you've not been around here in a while. I hope everything at school and work etc is okay! Big hugs to both you and Georgia grouphug.gif xx

mammag replied: Yes, glad to hear she is doing a little better. Enjoy your time off with her and take care of yourself so you don't get sick to. grouphug.gif

3xmommy replied: Just as a side note, when my kids run fever, I take a damp washcloth (cool but not freezing because that'll just piss em off and make em cry) and wipe them from head to toe... plus alternating the Tylenol and children's IBProfen. (that's what my kids' doc says to do with meds) Make sure she dont see you put medicine in her bottle, she might be little but dernit she knows, mine did. I had to hide to make bottles! LOL


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