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help... - can you overdose on teething tabs?

~Roo'sMama~ wrote: Andrew got the teething tabs out of the diaper bag and ate almost all of what was left... I think the container was about half gone but I don't know for sure. unsure.gif They're pretty safe right? What should I do?

momofone replied: Maybe call the company that makes them to find out what to do.

I hope he is ok.

Is it the hylands ones?

Kaitlin'smom replied: call poison controll if the bottle does not say anything

~Roo'sMama~ replied: yes they're hylands. I really wish I knew for sure how many were left when he got them! It was probably actually less than half because the container is only half full when you buy it to begin with. rolleyes.gif I know if I call the company they'll want to know how many he ate and I just don't know... it could have been just a few.

momofone replied: they do have a website with a phone number at the bottom of the page if you wanted to call .

lovemy2 replied: I would call Poison Control - they would know even if you aren't quite sure how many he ate...

Calimama replied:
Ditto! Better safe than sorry.

A&A'smommy replied: Did you call poison control?

coasterqueen replied: I'd call Poison control. Don't feel bad. I had to call Poison Control TWICE blush.gif yesterday for Megan. rolleyes.gif blush.gif

MoonMama replied: Did you call? Is everything ok? hug.gif hug.gif

holley79 replied: Annika did the same thing. I called poison control and the lady kind of chuckled. She said that she wouldn't be drooling for a while but she would be ok. Annika ate a BRAND new bottle of teething tablets.

~Roo'sMama~ replied:
WOW that's a lot! I thought they were pretty mild though and wouldn't do anything - still you'd think they'd put a child proof cap on them.

I never did call Poison control... I couldn't find my phone (one of the hazards of having a cell phone only - there's no way to page your phone when you lose it. rolleyes.gif) By the time I did find it it had been long enough, and I'd realized that there were probably only 15-20 or so in the bottle, and I caught him when there were still 10 left on the floor.

A&A'smommy replied: yeah I was sure he would be fine.. they are pretty mild!! hug.gif

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