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gender prediction

my2monkeyboys wrote: Has anyone ever tried those old wive's tales or the chinese calendar to try to predict the sex of their baby?
I did a bunch when I was pg with Will, and about 75% were right. It was always fun to do them and see which ones were right.
Anyone else ever do them? Were they ever right?

Crystalina replied: My mom tried the wedding ring over the belly but it always gave a different answer. rolleyes.gif

So far my "feelings" have been right. With Izabella I could only think of a girls name. I never even thought of boys names and with Evan it was the same, only boys names. With this one I only have a boys name so if history is right then I will have a boy. Also, we conceived on the actual day of ovulation and the site I was going to said there was a better chance for a boy if you conceived a day or two before O, the day of O or the day after O. Girls were more like 4 days before. We'll see.

A&A'smommy replied: The chinese prediction was right this time... last time I was too young rolleyes.gif

mommy~to~a~bunch replied: They were never right for me rolleyes.gif .

ETA: The most accurate one was the pendulum test:

"The Pendulum Test"

"-you need a pendulum object, it can be anything heavier that you put on the end of a string. Thread works the best.

-hold it about 1 inch from your LEFT wrist (underside), and wait for it to start moving

-This is the part most people are mistaken about...It will swing back and forth accross your wrist sideways for a BOY

-and for a GIRL, it will swing up and down your wrist like fingers to elbow (NOT in a circle)

-the cirle happens inbetween children, when the pendulum is "thinking"/changing directions and this will happen inbetween EVERY child you will have

-it will stop on its own when it's done

-pendulums and rods has been around for centuries, and has been an incredible tool for many people throughout the years-from finding water, to solving crimes, to predicting # of kids and their genders!

It works because it is feeding off of our own personal energy."

my2monkeyboys replied: I've done the pendulum test (same as what you had written), when I think I may have O'd compared to when the deed was done, and the chinese calendar. So far it looks like a boy. We'll see! tongue.gif
I'd be thrilled either way. If it's a boy they could share a room/bunk beds once the baby is a little older, but it'd be cool to see DH with a daughter, too. Will would love it and hate it either way and I'd just love it. wub.gif rolling_smile.gif

mommy~to~a~bunch replied:
The pendulum test was accurate until #6. It said that Abby would be a boy, but she's definitely all girl wub.gif . I may have to try it again! It works when you are not pregnant too.

Sam & Abby's Mom replied:
It was kind of the same with me and my pregnancies.
When I was pregnant with Sammy but DIDNT KNOW, yet, I had a vivid dream about a baby boy. About a week later my boobs started hurting and I realized I couldnt remember the last time I'd had my period so I took a HPT and it was positive. I just felt it in my bones that I was carrying a boy. As a matter of fact, I was calling him Sammy from the time I was two months pregnant. Same with Abby - I didnt know I was pregnant and had a dream about a house fire. In the dream I rescued Sammy and then realized I left the baby girl in her crib. (must have been my brain working on the 'will I love my 2nd as much as the 1st' thing.LOL) I ran back in the house and rescued her. About a week or so later I got morning sickness in the evening and thought to myself 'no way'. I ended up taking a pregnancy test about 4 days later and I was pregnant. I KNEW it was a girl -- I felt 100 percent sure of that. Then, with this last pregnancy I never had a good feeling. I was worried about miscarriage from day one. I'd had extreme fatigue like never before for about a week. One Saturday afternoon, I'd been napping while the kids were down and had a dream that I was taking a HPT but could NOT read the results. I was holding the test up and then down and to my right and to my left but it was all blurry and I couldnt tell if it was positive or negative. I woke up from that nap and immediately took a test (had one left over from when I tested with Abby) and it showed positive right away. I kind of felt more boy with this one,, but was never 100 percent sure. I also had a lot of reservations about the pregnancy in general. As you know - I miscarried. My doctor is going to do some testing of the fetal tissue retrieved from the D&C and I asked him if they'd be able to tell the sex of the baby and he said possibly. I'm curious as to whether it was a boy or not.

So, do you think I'm nuts ? I cant tell you how many times I almost hit back space over this whole novel! LOL

my2monkeyboys replied: I don't think you're nuts. I think a lot of people just know.
I did have a dream the other night about the baby. My FIL was here visiting, and I passed him the baby... a little girl. I even saw her face perfectly clear. I don't think it means anything, though. I am not one of those that ever really knows stuff like that. Even with Will I had no idea what I was carrying, other than the fact that it wasn't a litter of puppies!

ETA: I did have a feeling I was pregnant about 4 days after I ovulated though. That's the first and only time I've ever had a gut-feeling though when it comes to babies.

moped replied: The chinese and the pendulum test were both right with laila.....

kit_kats_mom replied:
That's what I heard too, about the ovulation. I heard the male swimmers were fast but the girls are more long lived. So, if you dtd prior to O, the girls would be the only ones left.

go figure rolling_smile.gif

My2Beauties replied: Everything was wrong with mine, the chinese calendar, the pendulum, even my own dreams. laugh.gif

lisar replied: I did them but I dont remember which ones were right or anything.

JennyB replied: When I was a little girl, I remember my grandma and aunts sitting around with a needle on thread and holding it over their wrists. They did it to me for fun. I don't remember what it said. I haven't tried any since I have been pregnant. But it sounds interesting.

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