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mummy2girls wrote: jenna is only in her daycare till the end of the month then transferring as she couldnt get in another daycare till july 1st. anyways.... I was upset and confused this morning. On monday i had brought a jar of homemade baby food and a jar of fruit when i dropped jenna off. Then my mom picked her up that night. I went tuesday mroning and as i was putting the milk in the fridge i noticed the whole jar of homemade food gone which i love to see because then it means jen is eating what i make. and the jar of fruit still unopenend(which is ok because she sometimes eats fruit and sometimes doesnt). anyways i told the lady that i didnt know she had finished the homemade food and that youll have to just give her fruit and ill make more tonigtj and bring it tomorrow. well i dropped jenna off agagin this morning and i was putting her food i made in there and her milk. I looked and the jar of fruit wasnt even openend..ARGHHHHHHHH. come on that is wrong. I would accept the reason of i tried giving her fruit but she didnt like it but geez not even opening the jar to try if she wants any. so all day she had no solids?i asked the lady and she said that the girl that takes care of the babies comes in about an hour and that they will ask her. This lady that takes care of jenna is really starting to bug me. I am going to just tyake jenna out of the day care and have my mom watch jen until she goes into her new daycare....

there my vent for the today..i feel better

MommyToAshley replied: Gettin out the virtual saucepan for you! smash.gif smash.gif That is totally uncalled for! I would tell the owner that you want to know exactly what she eats every day.... or better yet, I would take her out of daycare and have your Mom watch her until the end of the month like you suggested. At least you know she is in good hands!

I think it is obvious you did the right thing by switching daycare.... only a couple more weeks! Hang in there! grouphug.gif grouphug.gif

mummy2girls replied: also it really upset me because i can picture the whole situation...the other 2 babies sitting in the high chairs eating and my poor jenna watching them eat and she doesnt get any. jenna has become a great eater lately(must be a growth spurt). her mouth goes open whenever she sees the spoon. and its not like she has 10 kids to take care of ..she has jenna(7.5months) another girl(1 years) and a little boy 13 months. and one of the afterscholl care kids (girl) loves to help with the babies. I always see her running to the room when i bring jenna. she brings out the bouncy cahir for jenna and i strap her in and this girl will play with her and jenna loves her. so i am just not getting this.

ediep replied: that is my main fear about daycare with Jason. We struggle through every meal and I am pretty sure that he would not get that attention at daycare. Jason is not a good eater at all. He would live on bottles and cheerios if it were up to him. If it is possible, I would let my mom watch Jenna if I were you.

Kaitlin'smom replied: gesh they could have at least opened the jar and made it look like they tried! no really thats poopy of them not to try. smash.gif

I bet she will have fun with her grandma though! baby.gif

MomToMany replied: horray.gif Good for you for taking her out of there! Your mom will do a MUCH better job caring for her! I'm glad you found another place for her to go smile.gif .

Boy, I'd be SO mad mad.gif !! Poor Jenna, watching the other kids eat without getting any dry.gif ! At least the after-school girl seems to care smile.gif .

Hillbilly Housewife replied: Nice! It was the opposite for me.... Zach used to be babysat by my grandmother, in my mom's office, so my mom weas there too.

You know how parents can be...they know better, they've been through it...etc.etc... well... My grandmother would give Zach certain foods that I didn't know, or that he hadN,t had before etc... and sometimes he'd be pretty miserable a few hours after eating it. So finaly she admitted she had been giving him all this stuff. I told her it had to stop, and that she absolutely HAD to follow what I asked of her, and to ONLY give him what I'd provided.

After 2 more weeks, it still wasn,t working. On top of that...I'd get comments from my mom and grandmother like : That color doesn't suit him. He's going to be cold in that suit. He's wearing socks that don,t match with his shirt. Poor little guy. Yadda yadda yadda. So finally...I told them that because they didn,t do exactly as I asked, that I was putting him in private daycare. I'd rather pay money to someone who I can trust to give him the right things. (I had been talking and checking this woman out for the last 4 months prior, just in CASE somehting happended and there was to be a family conflict...go figure.)

So ever since, I think my sitter is WONDERFUL. There is more care given, since it's not a group daycare.... there's only 2 other kids, 11 months old and 4 1/2.

supermom replied: smash.gif smash.gif smash.gif to your daycare.....

I agree with the others that if you don't feel comfortable there, then go ahead and if your mom can watch her I say to go for it - also see where to report these people, so that someone else who is checking them out can at least be aware that a report has been made (at least here there is a way to make a report against them which the state has no choice but to investigate, and also they keep records for anyone who wants to know about them)

Julie (jem0622) replied: Don't just pull her out. Trust me. You have to call them on this one. The boys are now home w/ DH, but I went through A LOT when my eldest DS (nathan) was in DC from age 3 mos-2 yrs, 9 mos. A LOT. Never this situation (except that I think the in-home caregiver (before his DC center spot opened) was dumping any leftover EBM (sniffle sniffle) and not telling me. LIQUID GOLD! Sheesh!

I would ask for a meeting w/ the person in charge in that room, plus any intermediates and the director of the daycare. You have to have this on the records. You have to for her sake and the sake of any other children there and children who may come along.

You could even (by a stretch) bring up the legalities of such things (the pediatrician tells you to feed her solids by a certain age b/c their iron stores and such drop significantly and she requires more than formula or EBM for nutrition and growth).

This makes me so sad. I am sorry to hear this. Stand up for yourself, your daughter, and other children. Even if you leave, you have to say something!



Hillbilly Housewife replied: I agree with Julie!! grouphug.gif

Kirstenmumof3 replied: I'm so sorry this happened to you! I am really starting to dread DayCare now and wondering if I made the right decission in putting Claudia on the waiting list!

I'm glad your mom will be able to take care of her for you! It will be good for both of them! I hope your next DayCare is a lot better!
grouphug.gif grouphug.gif grouphug.gif grouphug.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: Me to.......... make some noise! they need to answer to the lack of respect to you! They are taking care of precious cargo and to teat them like that is soooo wrong!

catou_98 replied:
Just wanted to say that I TOTALLY agree with julie, go ahead and make some noise! smash.gif , and that is for you and jenna! grouphug.gif

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