criss angel
carrieb wrote: Is anyone into Criss Angel? I saw his show Mindfreak last night, it was kinda crazy.
MyBrownEyedBoy replied: I just think he's kinda hot.
Crystalina replied: Yea, same here. That's pretty much the only reason I watch.
CantWait replied: Ya he's hot and dating Cameron Diaz. He's awesome.
Mommyof3 replied: He is pretty neat. I heard him on a morning radio show once and he was saying that he gives out all of his secrets on how he does things to hopefully make others be interested in what he does enough to go out and do it themselves. I thought that was pretty cool...
C&K*s Mommie replied: I've seen his show a few times, and when I can I try to catch it (rare). I agree he is hot hot hot!
Farelle replied: I'm glad someone else thinks he's hot..... He's amazing at what he does. Where does he give out his secrets??? I would LOVE to know how he does some of the things he does.
carrieb replied: his hotness definitely helps! but i thought his tricks were pretty original, right?
MyBabeMaddie replied: Did you see the one where he floated from the top of one building to another?! How in the world is that possible I'm totally skeptical - he is hot tho - Where can you find out his secrets?
Farelle replied:
Yeah...that's the one I want to know about. How the HECK did he do that? I mean I can think of the obvious way but how did HE do it???
Mommyof3 replied: I think when he was on that morning show he was saying that he sells books or things like that where he tells all of his secrets.
luvbug00 replied: he is just hot! but his poor mother must have a heart attack with every stunt.
Crystalina replied: Oh he does tricks?
HuskerMom replied: I'll have to check him out, I've never heard of him before. But I googled him and he's hot!
carrieb replied: i am now a fan! He blows my mind.
he is on tonight again! New episode!