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A&A'smommy wrote: I slept on my stomach last night (I didn't mean to).... I woke up this morning with some mild cramping.. some on my side which I find weird and some kinda of low.. it feel like is could be stretching.. and I have felt this before but it didn't really last this long. I don't have any bleeding or spotting and I wanted to see what ya'll thought before I called my dr. wink.gif

moped replied: I would say it is normal - cramping is common......

A&A'smommy replied:
ok good!! it just don't remember some of these things

amynicole21 replied: Yes, I used to have lots of weird cramps. I think you're fine.

moped replied: I still do sometimes

Danalana replied: I've had it at different times...not long ago, in fact. BUT (and I hope this isn't TMI), I just went to the bathroom, and I feel lots better emlaugh.gif But yeah, cramping/stretching is normal.

Calimama replied: I hope the cramping eases up for you. hug.gif

luvmykids replied: I can't remember either laugh.gif But I'm sure it's part of being pg. Hope you feel better soon hug.gif

mummy2girls replied: Its probably streching hun. I felt it more with Jenna than i did with Jordan. But if it gets really intense i would call... wink.gif

My2Beauties replied: Yeah I felt more stretching with my 2nd then I did with my 1st, I'm sure you're fine.

CantWait replied: What they all said, and sleeping on your stomach won't hurt the baby hun. If that's how you're comfortable sleeping, go for it. hug.gif

A&A'smommy replied:
oh lol I know, its hurts me though which is why I said I didn't mean too.. I wake up sore from sleeping on it.. which part of it is the bladder problem tongue.gif

CantWait replied:
emlaugh.gif emlaugh.gif
Oh sorry, I get it now.

A&A'smommy replied:
emlaugh.gif emlaugh.gif

also can I just say this pregnancy stuff is weird wacko.gif

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