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choose your element!

cameragirl21 wrote: this may be a hard one but your choice reveals a lot about who you are or rather, how you see yourself.
if you don't understand how you can relate to an element, feel free to ask for clarification.... happy.gif

PrairieMom replied: water

mom2my2cuties replied: Definately Earth for me.

amynicole21 replied: I've always felt pretty "earthy" rolling_smile.gif

sparkys2boys replied: I voted fire

gr33n3y3z replied: ok I need clarification lol

cameragirl21 replied:
Lisa, what element do you relate to best--remember that fire is powerful, energetic yet dangerous, earth is rock solid and firm, air is free and everywhere, water is fluid, flowing and takes the shape of its surroundings....
does that make sense?

gr33n3y3z replied: oh ok
I see myself in all the elements that you said but i would have to say I have more Fire and Earth and about the same in each
So what does that mean? LOL

MyBrownEyedBoy replied: I'm a water baby all the way. I love to swim, I feel very at peace when near, on or in water. I have never been afraid of it.

cameragirl21 replied:
you can't be both fire and earth, they are nearly opposite to each other in meaning and earth puts fire out...if there is a fire and you dump some dirt on it the fire will die so that is not good, for the fire anyway.
just choose one, ok?
are you more entrenched by a burning flame or the natural terra of the earth?

gr33n3y3z replied: Earth

Hillbilly Housewife replied: Definitely earth... I'm the most stubborn person you'll ever meet. laugh.gif

cameragirl21 replied: hmmmm, no one here likes air?
don't you like to breathe? tongue.gif

PrairieMom replied:
I thought about voting air, just becuase its my JOB, cool.gif but I think i am more of a water person. laugh.gif

grapfruit replied: I voted air b/c I'm sort of an air head sometimes rolling_smile.gif

No seriously though, I'm very "breezy" as in easy to get along w/. However, I can just as easily turn into a "wind storm".

cameragirl21 replied:
actually, the meaning of air is really the opposite of airhead...people who are element air are usually very smart. happy.gif
i will reveal the meanings either later or tomorrow so that everyone who wants to vote has a chance to vote.

My3LilMonkeys replied: water

CantWait replied: Water.

DillsMommy replied: water

MomToJade&Jordan replied: It's always been water for me. I was born under the sign of the fish.

my2monkeyboys replied: I'd have to say earth for me. I love to be outside, walking, digging in it, appreciating what grows there, that kind of thing.

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Well I voted earth before I saw the answers. I'm not sure I'm so firm (a little jiggly as a matter of fact...sorry, had to say it), but I consider myself pretty well-grounded! thumb.gif

luvmykids replied: There are things about all of them that I feel I relate to but I'd have to say earth.

Jamison'smama replied: I chose air before I read anything. I saw it as peaceful, necessary and relaxing. I see that it is not a common choice but funny enough, my DH chose it too without knowing that it was my choice...2 airs? What does that say....?

cameragirl21 replied:
i definitely see you as air, Brenda and i definitely see Pam and Carrie-Anne as water, those seem obvious. happy.gif
i will tell you all what it means tomorrow. tongue.gif

JadensMama05 replied: Fire.. definitely. Somewhat unfortunately

Kaitlin'smom replied: I woudl say air. I love the smell of the air after a thunderstorm.

MotherForever2043 replied: Definetely FIRE!!! smile.gif

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