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bottle, sippy cup??

artistmomoftwins wrote: Has your little one transitioned to sippy cups yet? I have tried several times off and on just to see how they would react but I don't think they are ready yet mad.gif I wish they were because I have milk stains all over my

I think they say 15months you should switch?? We did this with our older ones around that time and just went cold turkey to sippies. I guess I"m hoping to hear of some earlier success stories.

zdk753 replied: All of my kids were on sippy cups on their first birthdays. When they started holding their bottles I would give them sippy cups to practice w/. By the time their first birthdays rolled around they knew how to drink from one.

Jamison'smama replied: Jack wouldn't take a bottle but he will sort of take a sippy cup--so I guess we've transitioned. He likes the Avent and the Nuby cups the best--the Nuby is the easiest for him to drink from though.

mom2tripp replied: Tripp doesn't drink bottles so we went right to the sippy cup and he LOVES it. He uses Aven and Nummy sippy's rolling_smile.gif

amynicole21 replied: I was feeling pressured by daycare to switch Sophia over to sippys when she was around 15mos. She wasn't ready, but I caved and took away the bottles. She would NOT drink milk from a sippy and stopped drinking milk altogether for about 3 months ohmy.gif Offer cups to them frequently, but don't force it. I think it's far more important that they get enough to drink than that they are on sippys - JMO. wink.gif

moped replied:
Oh Kristi you have such a good baby boy!!!!!!! I am jealous! LOL j/k

mom2tripp replied:
I am TRULY spoiled by Tripp being such a good baby, I'm telling you Jen when #2 comes around I will have my hands FULL rolling_smile.gif

Sarah&Mackenzie replied: Mackenzie drinks her juice and water out of a sippy cup but still drinks her formula out of bottles.

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied:
iagree.gif iagree.gif iagree.gif

Wil is almost a year and he is still on a bottle. I've tried several sippy cups, but he's not that interested. He will take the Avent sippy sometimes, but only with water or sometimes a few sips with juice. My ped said not to worry much. I agree with's far more important for them to get enough to drink than to be on a sippy IMO.

LeesAnn'smommy replied: My DD started taking a sippy cup at 6 months. We started with a soft spout on the sippy cup. We used the nubby sippy cups. Then after a couple of months we switched to the gerber soft spout they are just a little harder. Then after about another month we went to the hard spout. Now she drinks great out of a hard spout sippy cup and she just recently started using the straw cups. Which she just thinks is really neat. We are getting ready to celebrate her 1st birthday september 13th. I think every baby is different and will switch when they are ready. We started at that age because our doctor had said we should start to introduce her to the sippy cup so that by a year she would be off the bottle. The first time i gave her the sippy cup she took right to it, so i never gave her the bottle again. I thought if i did then i would have problems and i didn't want to have them if i didn't have to. Good luck

jacobsmama replied: Jacob was on sippy cup by about 10-11 months he really likes it nubby but he won't use hard top cups very well but he just uses to drink so I say let them have it. tongue.gif

DblTblDad replied: My 1 1/2 year old kids were learning to drink water from a sippy cup from the time they started eating peopel food. They were breastfed and sometimes fed expressed milk through a bottle. When their mom died, I had to abruptly take the bottles away while they were onlt about 15 months. I am a pushover and I let them drink water out of bottles before bed still. During the day they drunk from cups. We have every sippy cup ever thought of ever but their favorites are from looking at the lable, advent and nuby. They get frustrated with the others.

CantWait replied:
Sorry to say, the milk stains don't go away with sippy cups. Most are a leaky leaky at best LOL laugh.gif

Mom2Boyz replied: Conner never took a bottle, but I started getting him use to a sippy around 6 months. By the time his first birthday rolled around he was a pro at drinking from one. We also started with the soft spout Nuby, but at around 14 or 15 months, he discovered that if he pushed the spout down on the floor, or table that whatever he was drinking would come pouring out rolleyes.gif So we quickly switched to Gerber sippy cups thumb.gif

jaedynsmommy replied: I haven't had Jaedyn just drink out of a sippy cup only, she still has her bottle 3 times a day, but also drinks juice or water from her sippy cup smile.gif

NikkiM replied: Maddie is still on the bottle blink.gif

KingMom replied: Colin is drinking from the Nuby sippy cups, I just bagged up all the bottles last weekend and put them away since we aren't using them. Now I just need to get him used to other sippy cups.

My2Beauties replied: Hanna went on the sippy at about 13 months, the thing is to find one they like, I bet I bough 30 cups before I found those Nuby - the spouts are really soft and she took to them the first night, they are so much like bottles! Problem is - she is hooked to that darn thing, can't go to sleep or take a nap without it and she is almost 2! wacko.gif

sunrosejenn replied: Eliana is still on a bottle ... started working last week after 15 months of staying home ... she is now in daycare with 2 other kids so she see's what they do and is starting to do alot of things she didn't before like eating ... she is sooo grown up she will be 1 in twenty four days

six_kids_at_28 replied: With my 3 oldest kids we didn't know what age do transition them to a sippy cup and off the we ended up doing it from 18-20 months blink.gif

With the triplets, I found out from a friend that at around 15 months they should switch to sippy cup..thats when I did it for them. I just slowly weaned them...from 3 bottles a 1 just at night..and then, a sippy cup and no bottle smile.gif
Good Luck thumb.gif baby.gif

lkelly replied: We give Nicole juice only from a sippy cup. I think it will probably be a long time before she weans off of the bottle completely- she hates to even hold it herself! Her Daddy's much better than I am to make her do it.

My3LilMonkeys replied: Brooke switched from the bottle to a sippy at about 13 months. Then she moved from a sippy to a regular cup (everywhere but at my MIL's because she has brand new hardwood floors and carpets and doesn't want stains) by about 18 months. However a friend's baby who is 22 months still drinks out of a bottle 75% of the time so don't be worried - everyone moves at their own pace!

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