Why do we keep getting this?
coasterqueen wrote: This is really starting to frustrate the dickens out of me! About every 3 to 4 weeks I keep getting some kind of virus or whatever it is and I've been getting it since about Oct/Nov of last year. It starts out with drainage/sore throat, which leads into heaving feeling in my chest, NO energy, and eventually to a croupy cough. Kylie and I, both, keep getting it. The first few times we got it I was positive it must be allergies, because I have them terribly and I'm convinced Kylie does as well - just by the allergy shiners she has. BUT there has been a few times DH and Megan have gotten it also, so that lead me to believe it wasn't allergies.
Well, I woke up yesterday morning with my "familiar" symptoms and Kylie woke up with them this morning. What is this stinkin' thing? Why do we keep getting it and SO often?
Anyone else battling anything like this the past few months? I wanted to go visit my friends babies (2 had them this week) this weekend during Easter and now I feel like we shouldn't be going at all. This keeps happening every time we get sick w/this stupid virus - we have to cancel our plans.
Kaitlin'smom replied: Maybe a trip to the doc is in order, mayeb your just passing something around and someone is carring it there for you keep getting sick. I have had a stuffy nose for weeks, its driving me crazy but with the weather chning from warm to very cold had to do messing with me...I dunno. Hope you find some relif and fast.
coasterqueen replied: We did go to the doc once and he gave us antibiotics. That only helped for a few days and bam! back to the sickness again. I've disinfected our home so many times it's sad.
kit_kats_mom replied: Karen, I know the agony of the crud of which you speak. It is awful! I'm on round 3 now, with about a 2 week break between. I dunno, maybe boost the vitamins? That's what I'm going to try next.
ediep replied: when I stsrt to feel that drainage drip thing in the back of my throat I start taking decongestants along with vitamin and lots of oj. sometimes if you can dry it up before it infects your throat you're ok.
good luck
Hillbilly Housewife replied: Try some colloidal silver.
cameragirl21 replied: i was actually going to ask if you're on antibiotics because i think that may be the problem. first of all, antibiotics do not work on viruses, they only work on bacterial infections. also, if you're taking a z pack that alone will reinfect you, i absolutely hate them, took one once and swore i'd never do it again. everyone that i know of who takes a z pack gets sick again within a few months...and just fyi, when i got sick again a few months after taking a z pack, my doc's office said that everyone who got infected when i was got reinfected, so it's not just who i know, it's a large number of my doc's patients who took the z pack. i suggest not taking any antibiotics and letting it ride itself out, that is the only way to really be rid of it. also, take some vitamin C and B complex...start taking both daily and you won't get bugs anymore. i'm very sickly because of my asthma and don't have much of an immune system but daily C and B complex did the trick for me...i can be around the sickest, most contagious person on the planet and i remain healthy. also, since you had said you don't eat many fruits or veggies, you probably are Vitamin C deficient which could also be the culprit. hope you feel better soon.
lisar replied: How about a multi vitamin every day with some extra vitamin C. I give this to Lexi everyday and every time we all in the house get sick Lexi never gets it. Other than that I dont have any suggestions. I hope yall are feeling better soon.
jcc64 replied: Noah's got a siimiliar virus right now. Started on Mon with a 103 fever, complete lethargy (slept almost the whole day), bad sore throat, then the cough. He's still not right, 5 days later. Went to the dr to rule out strep- now we're just waiting it out. I wanted to reiterate what Jen said about the antibiotics- they will compromise your body's own natural defenses. I think way too many drs are quick on the draw with antibiotic prescriptions for what most of the time is a viral infection. So many people wind up taking strong meds unnecessarily, they mess up their own individual immunities, and unwittingly contribute to the creation of super bugs that are increasingly resistent to any antibiotics. You've heard me go on this rant before- it kind of makes me crazy that so many drs are front and center with this problem. They of all people should really know better. I think I've told you guys before- my brother's a ped, and he's only put his kids on antibiotics once, and they're 12 and 8 now. That should tell you something.
coasterqueen replied: Just to be clear none of us are on antibiotics. I, myself, took the antibiotic months ago when I first got this crap hoping it would help, but it didn't. We've just muddled through it ever since.
I am taking extra Vit C, daily, but I have not tried coilladal silver. I'll have to try that.
A&A'smommy replied: I know the feeling I keep getting it too.. but mine either turns into bronchittis or goes away quickly... I think I'm getting bronchittis again!!
redchief replied: I've had more viral infections this year than normal for me too, Karen. I still believe the weather has a lot to do with it. It's been such a miserable winter, I think we're all so cooped up and close that we just keep passing these bugs back and forth. I can't wait until it warms up enough to air all of this nonsense out!