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Who wants to guess - what I'm having :)

3_call_me_mama wrote: Ok so I'm due in about 3 weeks, and according to the Dr could "go any day" (yeha oK!) So Anyway I thought since i havent' revieled the sex here yet, that it might be fun to see what you all think I'm having.... and IF i have told you.. just play dumb and vote anyway! LOL Pregnancy brain might have spilled it but not remembered! So what am I having?

coasterqueen replied: Ok I voted boy. Now are you going to tell me? tongue.gif

kimberley replied: girl! love2.gif wub.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied: I say girl ~ that seems to be the trend lately. happy.gif wub.gif

CantWait replied: I say "girl" love2.gif

Boys r us replied: you're having a girl..thre's no way possible you could have anything but...Rae and Lisa ended the boy streak!

Hillbilly Housewife replied: Boy


luvmykids replied: BOY, because it's about time someone around here had one emlaugh.gif

BAC'sMom replied: I say BOY

luvmykids replied: So are you gonna tell us or what? rolling_smile.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied:

I voted GIRL! love2.gif

paradisemommy replied: i'm guessing BOY but only because i cheated and looked at the pics of your stash wink.gif

3_call_me_mama replied: Ok I'll tell you! 60% of you are.

We are expecting a BOY !! But his name WILL remain a secret until he is born. Lisa (green3y3s) will update when he arrives and give you the scoop and maybe pics, depending on our internet at the hospital. I had to tell you cause I am finishing the nursery this weekend and wanted to share pictures and that woudl TOTALLY give it away/ (well maybe not cause it's jungle animals, but it is definately NOT what i would do for a girl!)

I have to go in for ANOTHER ultrasound today due to some bleeding the other night (which landed me in teh hospital for a few hours to be "monitored") but nothign big opther than that .... so they want to check and make sure my placenta hasn't moved. But the Dr estimates that I have about 7-10 days left. (We'll see about that... after having to induce the last 2 out) I'm thinking it's gonna be October 7th or 11th. Not sure why either.. jsut have had that feeling since i found out I was due in october.. But i;ll let ya know!
And Tammy! when i saw you posted, i wondered if you had seen teh stash pictures! LOL wink.gif

coasterqueen replied: YAY!!! Congrats. I was right smile.gif Take it easy and KUP. hug.gif hug.gif

paradisemommy replied:
emlaugh.gif rolling_smile.gif emlaugh.gif rolling_smile.gif

My2Beauties replied:
My b'day is the 11th - that's a wonderful day tongue.gif

luvmykids replied:
Congrats!!! What did I win? tongue.gif

lisar replied: I said Girl. Only cause so many of us have girls....

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