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Who has better handwriting

Kaitlin'smom wrote: just something I was thinking of

I have better handwriting than DH...guess thats why I seem to do all the cards wink.gif
however my sisters DH has far better handwriting than her, so I was wondering who's was better

I know its silly rolleyes.gif

5littleladies replied: I definitely have better writing than Dh-his is atrocious!! rolleyes.gif

A&A'smommy replied: Jeremiahs handwriting is "prettier" than mine laugh.gif

3xsthefun replied: Mine is better not a whole lot though.

MomToJade&Jordan replied: Oh mine is much better. His is legible, but that's about it.

Maddie&EthansMom replied: We both have good handwriting. DH writes like a girl....all curly and loopy. It is very pretty. tongue.gif

Lollie replied: Hi.... wink.gif

Oh I definitely have a better handwriting than Devlins!!! rolling_smile.gif

When we were attending the same varsity together,we'd help each other studying and stuff and I promise you writes so that only he knows what he wrote!! But then theres other times where he wrotes neatly so I guess it depends on his mood. wink.gif

I don't mind tho...he's hands are VERY good in other areas...excuse the pun!!!LOL thumb.gif

My2Beauties replied: Brian's handwriting is what I refer to as chicken scratch!!!!!! laugh.gif

Mommy2BAK replied: My handwriting is definately better than John's. His handwriting looks like a kindergartener!!! LOL rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied: My handwriting is better, but it's still not that great!! I used to have nice handwriting but I got out of practice I guess. tongue.gif

MomToMany replied: DH doesn't write in cursive unless he's signing his name, which is a big scribble. Mine is definitely neater. I got a compliment in Wal-Mart last week or the week before on my neat handwriting.

MommyToAshley replied: Mine is SOOOO much better than DH's handwriting. He really should have been a doctor because he writes like one.

redchief replied: I do.

Catholic School and "Palmer Method" were quite effective.

Writing verses didn't hurt... the nuns would have nothing to do with sloppy punishment papers.

coasterqueen replied: I have better handwriting than Dh. Although we both are left-handed I had to spend a summer in school learning how to make my writing look more like a right-hander so that they could read my writing. So that's why mine is probably better now. blush.gif

Crayon replied: Absolutely me, without a doubt! cool.gif

Nicole replied: Both Greg and I have hand writing that could use some help! biggrin.gif

Boys r us replied: Rick has great handwriting, mine isn't bad..but far from great!

Josie83 replied: My handwriting is quite neat, jason always makes fun of it because he says it never falters and my letters look like they've been written with a ruler. Jeralous I tell you! he has boy's andwriting xx

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