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Who all has myspace? - from happymoms post

MoonMama wrote: I just joined mostly out of boredom. Who else has it? I am so sad I have one friend and I don't even know who he is. blush.gif emlaugh.gif Anyway if anyone wants to add me my link is My myspace

Donna027 replied: emlaugh.gif Lucas has a myspace and I think its pretty neat. I would like to get into it but Im too old tongue.gif

BTW That one friend you have is tom - everytime someone registers they get him as a friend. I guess hes the creator of myspace or something

Calimama replied: OOOooo I do! thats mine! I forgot to put that I sent you an add request! tongue.gif

Adrienne522 replied: I am a member of myspace. I sent you both messages. rolling_smile.gif

lisar replied: I am I sent you a friend request...

grapfruit replied: oOo! Me! Me! biggrin.gif I have a MySpace! smile.gif

I can't view it at work though dry.gif So I can't add the link.

Sarah&Mackenzie replied: Yep I have one too, feel free to add me if you would like biggrin.gif MySpace

TheOaf66 replied: I do

PrairieMom replied: I do, but I don't really use it, or know how to do anything on there. I just got it so I could see other peoples stuff.

Can someone tell me how to change my layout?

MoonMama replied: Thanks everyone, I've added everyone who sent requests and sent requests to everyone else. thumb.gif

grapfruit replied:
You go to a page that does layouts (just google MySpace layouts), find what you like and copy the entire link. Basically click in the box it tells you too and copy it. Then go to your page and click on the "edit profile" link. Go into your "about me" section and paste it. That's it! smile.gif I usually seperate each thing I add so I can change it later. (just a few "enter" spaces should be good)

TheOaf66 replied:
there are a ton of sites for layouts you can use tara and then you just copy them and paste them onto your profile, it is a lot of trial and error. If you google it there are a lot of sites that show you how to do this stuff too, I don't use mine a lot either but I do write blogs and stuff on there.

C&K*s Mommie replied: I have it too. I changed things around, so there are not many pix on it right now. It is boring and bland in comparison to other people's pages. biggrin.gif

Iluvmyboys replied: I may be the only person in the world who doesnt have a myspace emlaugh.gif Ive been thinking of getting on though. Is it hard to set one up??

C&K*s Mommie replied: Not really. For me it is time consuming, but not hard at all.

Crystalina replied: I know that your page is usually very nice Nicole. wink.gif

I'm on also. The link to mine is under my siggy pic if anyone wants to add me. Mine hasn't been updated since Christmas. I need to put newer pics on.

I already have some of you on my list. biggrin.gif

3xsthefun replied: I have one. You can add me if you want. Myspace

msoulz replied:
Nope, you're not the only one! laugh.gif I haven't even ventured into Myspace. Perhaps I'm too much of a geezer and too paranoid about putting personal stuff out there, but I don't plan to go there any time soon! blush.gif

Calimama replied: I added all of you. Everyone's page is so unique! wub.gif

DillsMommy replied: I have one, anyone can add me if they want. smile.gif

Boo&BugsMom replied: I just recently got one.

BAC'sMom replied: I do... but I am currently keeping mine on private. huh.gif

Crystalina replied:
Hey! Now what are you thinking is too old? rolling_smile.gif I'm 35 and I'm on there! biggrin.gif I've found alot of old school chums and also my little cousin who is not so little now. She has boobs! The last time I saw her she was a baby. wacko.gif

Boo&BugsMom replied:
Me too. I've found 4 old friends from high school. Well, actually they found me, but it's all the same. Plus, an old friend from college. I'm almost 30 too so it's not just for the teenie boppers! biggrin.gif

my2monkeyboys replied: My DH has one, but I haven't gotten one yet. I don't really have too many friends, so I wouldn't have any on there, either, except for the weirdos who send requests to people they don't even know! (And not just the skanky girls looking for hook-ups either! wacko.gif )
I think they're neat though. I may get one since so many of you have them... you could be friends, right?!? happy.gif

Boo&BugsMom replied: Awww, Steph, I'll be your friend. To be honest, I didn't think I had many friends either that would be on there, until people started finding me and making their own pages. You may be surprised!

ETA: about the skanky hook ups...I go into Troy's and get rid of them for him. laugh.gif happy.gif Some people are just ridiculous.

jacobsmama replied: I have it too, mostly to advertise my business. thumb.gif

holley79 replied: Holley's Myspace

Add me if you dare. emlaugh.gif

grapfruit replied: Ok, I added all you people. If I missed anybody my link is:

BabyOwen427 replied: I have a myspace page but it is set to priviate so if y'all want to see it you'll have to invite me to be your friend. I set it to priviate because I put pics of Owen on there and it just makes me feel a bit more secure. Anyways, its... My Myspace page

It's not hard to set up, you just have to have a bit of time and patience to learn how to do it. I origionally set it up to view other peoples pages too but now I am having fun putting more and more things on it.

redchief replied: Ed's MySpace... Built and maintained by Erin and Katie. laugh.gif

Mommy2BAK replied: Here's mine! Add me!!!


A&A'smommy replied: I Have one too and I added a couple of you tongue.gif

MyBrownEyedBoy replied: I do, but my page is SAD. No music, graphics, none of that stuff. Very generic. LOL.

CantWait replied: I just put one together

Marie's MySpace

JadensMama05 replied: I've got one too but I'm working on it so I'll post it when I'm done with it. Right now it's set to private and I'm not accepting friends. However if you were to add me, I wouldn't deny you, I'd just wait til I was done to approve. Jaden however has a page. Jaden's MySpace It hasn't been updated really recently though. And it's also set to private so you'll have to add him. It'd help if you'd email me too so I know who I'm approving. smile.gif Woohoo, MySpace! LOL.

gr33n3y3z replied: here is mine

my2monkeyboys replied: Well, then, seems like I'll have to work on one this weekend! I'll send requests to y'all when I get it set up.

coasterqueen replied: Ok, I've had a myspace page for awhile but never did anything with it. I did minimal with it, but here it is if anyone wants to add me: My Space

zdk753 replied: My myspace page

MyLuvBugs replied: I'm on myspace and my page is listed on my PC bio page. smile.gif

CantWait replied:
I'm clicking on it, but it's bringing me to MY page. huh.gif

Calimama replied:
Weird.. it didnt work for me either. huh.gif

zdk753 replied: Oops blush.gif . I just realized I had copied the url from my admin page. Can you say I'm an idiot rolleyes.gif ? Let's try this again myspace page

Calimama replied:
It worked! I'm adding you as soon as I figure out why my password isnt working. tongue.gif

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