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Where is everyone

lisar wrote: It is so quite on here today. Come on people I need my entertainment while I am work or I will go crazy. LOL.

stella6979 replied: I'm here, I'm here!!! cool.gif

ZandersMama replied: im here, but i was wondering earlier the same kids are driving me nuts i need somehting else to focus on tongue.gif

lisar replied: so that makes 3 of us.

DVFlyer replied: Everyone must be out celebrating the market going back up... smile.gif

PrairieMom replied: I'm here, sorry, its a Huge pain for me to get at the computer with these dang crutches. rolleyes.gif

mckayleesmom replied: Leithan came home and stole my computer for his lunch break... growl.gif

A&A'smommy replied: Im in and out... I had to take alyssa to the er last night for and ear infection so therefor i'm REALLY tired and I need to clean house AND my friends have been coming to visit me on their lunch breaks today tongue.gif

luvmykids replied: I've had people in and out all day coming to look at stuff I have listed on Craigslist.

CantWait replied: You know I was thinking the same thing......then I forgot I'm on a HUGE time difference. What is day for me (Monday afternoon for example) is still Sunday evening or early early early Monday morning for you guys. So it doesn't get jumping in here till sometime Tuesday for me. sad.gif

MoonMama replied: wavey.gif Hello!

I'm usually on in the AM, but I got to sleep in today thanks to DH. cool.gif groupwave.gif

MoonMama replied:
I'll see you on sometimes Marie when its really late here and I can't sleep, which has been a lot lately. wacko.gif

luvbug00 replied: I'm on here. depressed.

My3LilMonkeys replied: wavey.gif I'm only here at night - work blocks it. rolleyes.gif

CantWait replied:
sad.gif Hope you get some sleep soon. I know how much it sucks when you can't sleep, I go through it all too often unfortunetly. hug.gif hug.gif

A&A'smommy replied: seems like a lot of us are having a hard time here lately!!

Calimama replied: I'm here. I finally got my computer back. thumb.gif

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