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When to see a doctor?

MoonMama wrote: I always said I would never be one of those mom's who takes there baby in for every sniffle. YEAH RIGHT! sad.gif I find myself doing this and most of the time its nothing but a time thing. I am worried about Braedin, he has a pretty bad cold, he's coughing and sneezing and his nose is running like crazy, a little fever but nothing too bad, and he is sleeping most of the day and night. Do you think I am just being a worry wart or is it time to take him in? He's not being super grumpy or anything just feels yuckie, he's not eating a lot but he IS eating. unsure.gif unsure.gif What do you all think?

moxee24 replied: My Ped. always told me that if I had any questions or concerns and didn't want to be "one of those moms wink.gif " then to call the office and talk to a nurse. Tell them what is going on and they will tell you if you need to bring him in. If he is not running a REAL high fever for a long period of time, not puke.gif all over the place...then it is probably just a cold and he will get over it in a few days. If not then take him in, better to be safe then sorry.
hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif Hope your little guy feels better hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

kellibellisdillybear replied: Just like mommy always said, pump fluids. I think all your doctor will tell you is the same thing. Even with a fever, it has to be over 100 (I think), and without severe vomiting or diarhea, I don't think they can do anything for him. Just call, or see if they have a nurse hotline, be sure to be specific about his symptoms. Maybe try a vaporizer of humidifier if his cough is hard. Hang in there.

MoonMama replied: Thanks girls. I called our nurse hotline and they weren't much help at all. dry.gif We do have humidifiers going and what not, I have the same cold he does. So I'll just watch him and see how he is tomorrow. Thanks. hug.gif

Calimama replied:
Poor little guy! I hope he feels better soon! I call my DH for everything. He knows more about babies than I do. blush.gif tongue.gif

holley79 replied: If you are real concerned just call the nurses line. Tell them everything and see waht they say.


DillsMommy replied: I would bring him in just to make sure. He could have an ear infection or something and alot of times just a common cold can turn into an ear infection. I brought Dylan to the doctors the other day cause he was feeling yucky, she said it was only a cold and really there was nothing she could do. A few days later he still wasn't feeling better so I brought him back (being one of "those" moms) and sure enough it turned into an ear infection. I always feel so bad when he's sick, like theres nothing I can do. Atleast I can bring him to the docs. to make sure it's nothing too bad. Hope Braedin feels better soon. hug.gif

MoonMama replied: Thanks, he seems to be doing better, I think I am just being a paranoid mommy. But better safe then sorry.

C&K*s Mommie replied: Hope he feels better soon.
You should here the back and forth conversations between my dh and I. He insists I take the girls to the doc when things are not "normal". I was not raised that way, and I do not take them in. Needless to say they get over what ever is ailing them and life goes on.
You are not a paranoid mother by any means. Besides, better to have your questions answered than to sit back and worry. 24hr nurses lines are a good thing. wink.gif

hug.gif hug.gif

Nina J replied: At this age, they can't tell you if there's anything wrong, so I think it's good to be paranoid when they're so little wink.gif

redplaydoh replied: Next time you're in with the doctor ask him if he has guidelines. I asked mine when the kids were little and he said of course call/bring them in ANYTIME I felt something was really wrong. If I suspected a cold, teething, etc. then his guidelines were that he wanted to see a baby less than 4 months anytime they had fever, after that he said we could wait 72 hours unless the fever went very high or wasn't controlled with tylenol. Same with vomiting... 72 hours unless they didn't have a wet diaper for more than 8 hours or the vomiting was uncontrollable.
Just ask him what he thinks...

MyBabeMaddie replied: If he's not eating much try giving him some pedialyte - Hope you guys feel better

~*Just Me*~ replied:

NO, NOT wise to do! He's only 3 mos. old! Just feed him his normal stuff, either breastfeeding or formula. His appetite might be less, and that's OK. DON'T substitute his normal diet with anything.

Bamamom replied: My drs guidelines were:

green/yellow mucus

wet cough - very important - babies get pnuemonia quickly. We were literally at the dr one day with a runny nose, dry cough. Told it was nothing but to watch him for a wet cough. 24 later we develop a wet cough and went back to dr. He said it was borderline pnuemonia.

A fever of 100.4 or higher for more than 24 hours - at that age anyway. Now he can have a temp for longer but when he was small our dr wanted to see him for fevers.

I would say if you are worried take him in. Why worry? And who cares if you are one of "those moms?" My theories is better to one of "those moms" at home with an antibiotic than a "cool, calm collected mom" in the hospital with pnuemonia.

HTH and hope little man is feeling better. thumb.gif

MoonMama replied: Thanks everyone. He's so much better today, we both are. And I was just being a worry wart, his ped said its just a cold and there is not to much we can do, just time and TLC. thumb.gif

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