When did you start gaining weight??
CantWait wrote: So far (at 28 weeks) I've only gained 2.5 kgs or 5 and a half lbs. Looks like a heck of a lot more
MommyToAshley replied: I lost about 8 lbs the first trimester due to mornging sickness that lasted all day. But, when the morning sickness ended, I just started putting on the weight.
By 4 months, I couldn't fit in my clothes anymore.
By 6 months, I had gained about 50 lbs!!! People thought I was having twins or about to have the baby anytime.
By the end of my PG I had gained 70 lbs. Which I still don't understand why because I ate really healthy...lots of fruits and veggies and very little sweets or junk food.
supermom replied: With my first, I had gained about 60 lbs all together, but a lot of that was water (pre-eclampsia), but when I got PG with number 2 and 3, I started at the same pre-pg wt I did with the first (yah! BF).
With Anders I gained about 1 lb a week for the whole pregnancy - even at first I was ALWAYS hungry, and I ate and ate and ate, even if it was healthy. So, by 28 weeks, I had gained about 25 lbs......ouch!
With this one, I am at 22 weeks and I have only gained about 5 lbs all together, because I didn't feel really good the first trimester, like Mommy, and actually lost about 6 lbs.
I think too, that it has to do with your body's metabolism. My DH can eat, and eat, and eat (he actually eats about 2X what I do in calories) and he NEVER gains. For that I could strangle him! But also, I have a very slow metoblism, and am on the heavy side, so my current gain my Dr is not worried. The only time I had a Dr. worried is with my second, and I had not gained but about 8 lbs by the 35th week because I was so sick! But I managed to add another 7-10 over the next 7 weeks (I was 2 weeks overdue).
If your Dr. isn't too worried about it, then if I were you, I wouldn't worry too much either.
casmi replied: As soon as I test I start gaining weight! LOL
I actually try to be very careful with weight gain. I'm really neurotic about my weight - thanks to a life long battle with an ED.
ANyway, with DD#1 - gained 27lbs, DS - only gained 2lbs, DD#2 - gained 26lbs, and DD#3 - gained 31lbs (of course I ate a kit kat "Big Kat" everyday)
Guest_msjennbug replied: In my last three pregnancies I did not start gaining until 20-21wks, but then I really start to pack it on!
Of course, at 29wks, I feel huge and miserable. But I still have people coming up to me saying, "oh I didn't know you were pregnant"
Ok, what? did they think I was just getting FAT??? oh, sorry to rant. LOL....
around 20wks I start gaining and showing and then I really blossom.
Jenn (#6 EDD 7/4)
MamaMartie replied: I always follow the same pattern. In the first trimester I lose weight. In the begining of the second, I gain a couple pounds. Then at 7 months I start packing it on to gain a total of between 30-32 pounds. Right now (week 35) I've gained 26 pounds. 2 weeks before the baby is born I won't gain at all, then the week she is born I will lose a pound. By 6 weeks post partum I'll be back in most of my normal clothes.
That said, my baby belly pops out right about an hour after I take the pg test. I am in maternity clothes by 10 weeks at the latest. I am not one of those people who can wear her normal clothes for months or just buy a couple sizes bigger. People are forever asking if I am having twins or if I am positive of my due date.
Martie edd 5/25 with #4
CantWait replied:
don't ya just hate that??????
Kaitlin'smom replied: I had a lot of people not wanting to say or ask, they were afriaid of ofending me if I was just getting fat!
Hillbilly Housewife replied: Well I was a size 4/6 when I got pg. Within 2 months, I was a size 10. I gained 78 pounds througout my pregnancy, and I ate really healthy. In the last month alone, I gained 17 pounds. It was to the point where the doctore was watching everything I ate, and I still packed on the pounds. The day of Zach's birth, though, I stepped on a scale about 3 hours after he was born, and I had lost 33 pounds. The rest, I pretty much still have on!!! rofl!
kit_kats_mom replied: Immediately! LOL Nah really, I was overweight before I got preggo (5'10" 210lbs) in fact I distinctly remember wishing I would get pregnant so that I wouldn't have to do situps to get rid of my belly. Pitiful I know. Anyway, I gained about 50 lbs by the time the whole ordeal was over but I dropped 35 lbs within 3 weeks of having her (I think alot of this was due to nursing) and thanks to Weight watchers, I'm only 14 lbs from my goal weight of 175 as of yesterday! WW and nursing are a great combo! You get 10 extra points as a nursing mom and so I get to eat the same number of points as my DH who weighs over 225lbs! I'll probably run into problems when she weans but so far, this has been the easiest diet ever!
MommyToAshley replied: Way to Go! Congrats!
mckayleesmom replied: I lost 20 lbs when I was first pregnant and didn't start showing until I was 7 months, never did get really big. But my baby was only 6lbs 1 ounce.
CantWait replied: went to the doctor on thursday and I'm finally starting to gain a little weight, 5lbs in the last month I think
MommyToAshley replied: YEAH!
Your munchkin is growing. Some people just don't gain a lot of weight when they are PG, I just didn't happen to be one of them. LOL