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What will I do w/o a dishwasher

coasterqueen wrote: Oh no! ohmy.gif My dishwasher crapped out on me last night with a full load of dishes in there and then another load of dishes sitting in the sink. sad.gif

They can't come fix it til tomorrow. What am I going to do without my dishwasher. bawling.gif bawling.gif bawling.gif

Geesh, I hate relying on technology so much. wacko.gif

amynicole21 replied: Ugh! I wouldn't be able to live without my dishwasher either! grouphug.gif Take some deep breaths Hang in there sweetie... it'll be fixed soon. biggrin.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: eeekkkk, I am sorry when mine was not cleaning anymore I had to hand wash them, no fun, I am to spoiled with one.....I could not stand it so I went and bought a new one!

I hope they get it fixed ASAP for you!

jem0622 replied: Our's went on the fritz a month ago. It hasn't been in the budget to fix I've been handwashing every night and sitting them in the dishwasher to dry. Just making the most of it! I have found that certain utensils and dishes come cleaner with handwashing.

aspenblue1 replied: I was lost without mine. I was so happy when we got the new one.

coasterqueen replied:
That stinks Julie. sad.gif

Luckily ours is still under warranty. It's jsut shy of 5 years old. September will be 5 years, so we are right under it wink.gif. Funny, the washer broke a few months ago just before the warranty and now the dishwasher. Weird. We bought all of our household major appliances all at once when we built our house, all warranties are up in September. I wonder how many of the other ones will crap out on me before then? rolling_smile.gif

My2Beauties replied: Man, I don't have a dishwasher. We still rent though. Trying to buy a house by the end of ths year, I hate washing dishes. There is a stinkin' pile in my sink right now. I'm so bad sh.gif

jem0622 replied:

Don't forget that you can buy extended warranties. You can even buy a warranty if you've never purchased one before. The only downside is that the item has to be repaired first and then you can purchase the warranty to save you on future repairs.

We tried our darndest to fix the dishwasher ourselves but just can't figure out the problem.

There are nights that I don't mind washing them and nights that I do mind. Sometimes (rarely) I leave the dishes for DH.

A&A'smommy replied: OH NO i know what you mean! I HATE washing dishes by hands! I'm sorry your dishwasher broke! sad.gif

jen replied: I would go mad!!! I would probably just wash them by hand because the repair people never seem to be on a schedule suitable to the rest of the world! BUT best of luck to you in any case!!! and thank god for the warranty!!!!!!!!! I can't imagine life without my dishwasher! blink.gif

MommyToAshley replied: Acckkk! I know how you feel, we had to buy a new one ourselves. But, at least it is still under warranty!

And, since we are being honest... I hate doing dishes, even WITH a dishwasher. How sad is that! blush.gif

DansMom replied: I've never lived in a house with a dishwasher---not that I wouldn't love it! My advice is to do dishes side by side with spouse, one washing, one rinsing. It makes the job so much more enjoyable and it goes much faster. Of course, you have to wait till the kids are asleep! I hope you get your dishwasher fixed soon!

coasterqueen replied:
LOL! I'm the same way Dee. I don't even like to put them in the dishwasher and I despise taking them out. blush.gif

mummy2girls replied: Mine actually crapped out aklso... its so annoying to do them by hand..LOL

Mom2Boyz replied: I don't have a dishwasher either, (unless my hands count tongue.gif )
Hope you get yours fixed soon though thumb.gif

MomToMany replied: We had gotten a dishwasher last year (I think). To me, they don't work as good as washing them by hand. I still prefer to wash them by hand, but I don't have time to do that. So, they go in the dishwasher. DH thinks I'm nuts!!

Boys r us replied: OHHH no!!!
I would literally shrivle up and die without a dishwasher!!! Ughh I hate just loading and unloading the dishes from that..much less WASHING THEM BY HAND! Hope it gets fixed soon!

Kirstenmumof3 replied: My dishwasher died on my 3 years ago and we haven't been able to replace it. I was so upset when it went, I don't like washing dishes. We have 4 borders living with us so our dishes are always piling up! I hope you can replace or it have it fixed soon!

kimberley replied: sorry your dishwasher broke. hope you get it fixed soon. i have never had one and i doubt i ever will lol. i don't mind doing the dishes. i just call up a gf i haven't talked to in a while and chat the whole time and it is over before you know it. or have DH come chat with you while you are washing. it makes it go by faster. thumb.gif

coasterqueen replied:
LOL. Dh saw that I was doing dishes last night and left to go over his buddie's house. mad.gif Oh well he would have probably annoyed me anyways. rolling_smile.gif

How can you talk on the phone and wash dishes? I'd be afraid I'd drop the phone in the sink water. rolling_smile.gif

I think the dishwasher is getting fixed today. I hope. wink.gif

kimberley replied:
after a lot of years of practice, i can successfully balance the cordless on my shoulder lol. rolling_smile.gif

glad you are getting it fixed today. thumb.gif

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