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What is safe and what isnt?

AJD495 wrote: I was just wondering, i'm only 8 weeks pregnant right now, but is it safe to wash w/a femine wash like summers eve sorta thing or not? I've also heard that its not safe to use baby powder?! how is that possible?, on top of those 2 i was wondering is there a website or nething that has a list of whats ok and whats i know they tell you NOT to drink any caffine, but according to some of those books you might as well just live in a mental institute till your child is born realistically how much caffine is normal? sorry to ramble on and on, but these things are so confusing to me. Thanks!

Noahs_mommy replied: Well I don't know about the other things, but my doctor told me I could have 2 servings of caffiene a day. Some days I have more and some days I have less. And everything is progressing perfectly in my pregnancy and I only have two and a half weeks to go!
Fish is also something you need to take in moderation because of the mercury content.
Congratulations and good luck!!!

amynicole21 replied: I wouldn't use feminie washes or baby powder - they aren't good for you even if you aren't pregnant. I don't know if the risks increase when you are pregnant or not though... unsure.gif

My doc okay'd 3 cups of coffee a day tops... soda's have less caffeine in them than coffee does.

Hillbilly Housewife replied: I wouldn`t use the feminine wash either. Just in case. I would htink baby powder is fine - but you mean *down there*, don't you.... so I really don`t know.... I use it for my arm pits! rolling_smile.gif emlaugh.gif (regular deodorant doesn`t really work for me... lol)

As for caffeine - I drink some coffee, though not every day. But I don`t think there`s an actual 'problem' with drinking a cup or 2 a day. In moderation. smile.gif

AJD495 replied: ok, so if its not ok, to use a femine wash, is it ok to use body wash or soap down there, i am physco about being clean idk what i can use, not to be grose or nething, but its still 2 weeks till my first prenatal visit and idk if i can wait till thanks.

amynicole21 replied: Absolutely ok to use soap! The problem with the sprays/douches is introducing something with so many chemicals and scents so deeply into the body.

Jamison'smama replied: IMO yes you can use soap and the wash would be fine if it's external---just no internal cleansing. No idea about powder.

~Roo'sMama~ replied: If you're talking about the summer's eve feminine wash that's just like a body wash and not a douche, then it's ok because it doesn't go up inside you. thumb.gif I have to use the sensitive skin kind because every other body wash or soap makes me very irritated down there!

AJD495 replied: yeah, i am just talking about a femine body wash it isnt nething that goes inside its just like a body wash, but its for that specific area.

kimberley replied: i found an article for you on why baby powder is not recommended...


there are products out there that claim to be safe during pg but be careful.

My2Beauties replied: You shouldn't even douche when you're not pregnant it's very harmful - IDK about the baby powder thing, but I steer clear from that stuff usually anyways, it's harmful when ingested and lord knows one poof of the stuff and it's all in the air! I'm weird about stuff like that anyways. yes it's ok to use soap down there though thumb.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied:
Dude...... ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

that's disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess it's back to being smelly quicker for me.... emlaugh.gif

Abestos? I can't believe it. ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

AJD495 replied: ok so what can i use for chafting on my upper inner thighs? cuz thats what i use the powder for, is it ok to use cornstarch powder cuz i read the label and it doesnt look like it has talc in it, but i dont know...also is it ok to take tylonol for a terrible headache or not?

Jamison'smama replied: I believe corn starch is fine--and I took the occasional Tylenol--Dr. told me it was fine--your doctor will give you a list of okay medications.

kimberley replied:
i agree. i have taken tylenol throughout all of my pg's but no ibuprofin. my ped said i could use cornstarch if i really needed to (just make sure it is pure) but avoid excess that can be inhaled.

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