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What is on your mind, right now?

C&K*s Mommie wrote: I am thinking that I am famished, as I have not eaten since this early afternoon. We are about to leave to have Christmas at my fathers house, and will eat there.

So what is on your mind?

MotherForever2043 replied: I'm excited about finally returning to work on Jan. 1!!! So I can get the kids bigger & nicer presents. smile.gif

Calimama replied: I'm beyond tired for some reason and I want my hubby to come home so I can get a break. wacko.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied: I'm thinking about the cheesecake I'm making for our office Christmas bake-off - I've never used this recipe before, and I'm a little worried that it won't turn out since I can't taste it before I take it to the office tomorrow.

And I'm thinking that I've gained 5 lb in the past 2 weeks, and I know that number's not going down before Jan 1 and that makes me mad at myself....

redplaydoh replied: That it's almost 2am and I need to be sleeping! blink.gif

coasterqueen replied: That I have a ton of stuff to do and the only thing I want to do right now is rest and finish my movie. blush.gif

msoulz replied: I am wondering about Stacy's boy Jake and how he is!

Tiggersmom2 replied: I'm wondering how much bigger my belly can actually get.... blink.gif

ZandersMama replied: I plead the fifth! tongue.gif blush.gif

moped replied: I am wondering if the choclates I made for my freind are cool enough in the car overnight so i don't forget them in the morning - AND if the commercial on OC is over and i should go!

luvmykids replied: I'm thinking I'm pretty happy with the way my fudge turned out and hoping I can restrain from eating it all tonight laugh.gif

I'm also thinking how unbelievably happy I am that it stopped snowing and by tomorrow I should be able to go Christmas shopping....for a day or two I was convinced I was never going to be able to leave the house again rolling_smile.gif

MoonMama replied: How will I ever finish Christmas shopping and gifts with this dang snow storm! sad.gif

coasterqueen replied: I like this thread. happy.gif

Right now I'm thinking how excited I am that I just finished wrapping all of Santa's gifts and our gifts to the kids. I have one more gift to wrap for Kylie from my mom, but not sure I am going to do that. happy.gif I'm also getting to watch my movie and it's good. We have two Santa gifts to put together.

I'm also thinking about how crazy I am to try to venture out with the girls tomorrow to finish our Christmas shopping. wacko.gif

huggybugboy replied: blahblah.gif will she ever stop talking?? [listening to drama on the phone]

salmndr007 replied: I have a sudden urge to graze!?!

MomToJade&Jordan replied: This very minute I'm thinking there are only two more crazy shifts left before Christmas and how I can't wait for it to be over with. snooze.gif

C&K*s Mommie replied: For me, right now. I have a few moments of silence here in the morning because the girls are still asleep. rolling_smile.gif

Boys r us replied: I'm looking at the christmas tree and recapping the gifts underneath, wondering if everyone will be happy. I feel like I didn't have a lot of time to put much thought into gifts this year...kinda feel like I slacked in the creativity area this year! sleep.gif

booey2 replied: Well there are few things on my mind, 1) my sister who is in surgery at this very moment for a hysterectomy, 2) the shopping I have to finish after my work dinner, 3) wrapping all the stuff I have to wrap no of it is done for the boys yet, will start tonight maybe tongue.gif . Finally - how fast can I make this day go??? rolleyes.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: I am thinking of the work I need to finshe before I leave work for the rest of the year, what my boss thinks I will be quite pleased with, and the gifts I have left to wrap.

CantWait replied: That I can't wait for Christmas day so the kids can open their presents.

Terri, sending P&PTs that everything goes well with surgery and a quick recovery. hug.gif

booey2 replied:
Thanks Marie, I just can't wait to get out of here (I am at work doing nothing, still PO'd at my boss - see my dieting journal for more details). I am counting the seconds til it is time to go home. Thanks again for the prayers and hug.

holley79 replied: Since it is a new day, the day before my 4 day weekend, I am thinking I can't wait till 5!!! emlaugh.gif

BAC'sMom replied: I am thinking I still have to go to the store today and do all my baking. huh.gif And I am thinking why did I not do a better job at hiding the Barney videos from the kids. sad.gif Now I have to listen to I love you…you love me all day! blahblah.gif

sparkys2boys replied: i'm thinking that I am gettting a darn cold AGAIN.. and that I don't have time for this, it's to close to xmas.. and i'm thinking that I just spent an hour cleaning the livingroom, and I hear the boys coming down the stairs with a big bag of pirate toys that is going to cover the entire floor in there.. *sigh*.. so much for cleaning!

Boo&BugsMom replied: Right now...thinking of how my daycare kids will be gone by 3:30 then I am daycare kid free until January 3rd!!! biggrin.gif

coasterqueen replied: Terri - hug.gif hug.gif I hope everything is alright w/your sister.

what am I thinking right now? I wish Megan would finally go to sleep instead of playing in her crib so I can get a nap and I hope she takes a long one because I NEED a long one. tongue.gif

Also glad we got our Christmas shopping done this morning. Now I need to get the remainder of my groceries. rolleyes.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: I'm thinking about a lot right now. We are going to my parents house when Scotty gets home from work. I hope we arrive there safely and the kids behave for my SIL while we are at a concert tonight with my parents. (this is our Christmas gift from them) happy.gif

I'm hoping I get all our laundry done and get packed in time to leave. tongue.gif

I'm hoping Scotty gets paid today. This will be his first paycheck in 7 weeks. Unemployment isn't covering the bills. sad.gif

I'm feeling very grateful that our friends and community pulled together to give my children a GREAT Christmas since we couldn't afford it this year. wub.gif

C&K*s Mommie replied: I am thinking that I need to STOP thinking, and scramble to get packed. I should have had packing done yesterday. laugh.gif

ashade75 replied: I am thinking that I wish I could really get rid of these hiccups because they are driving me nuts.. hiccup (excuse me) blush.gif

luvmykids replied: I'm thinking that my Christmas shopping, although long, was too easy and I must have forgotten something. I'm thinking I need to get to bed if I want to get laundry and baking done tomorrow so I can enjoy church, brunch, and company on Christmas Eve, go to bed at a decent hour that night, and be rarin to go on Christmas morning.

Nina J replied: I'm thinking about how lucky I am when some people are so much less's making me sad sleep.gif

I'm also thinking about how hungry I am...I'm going to go and eat, eat, eat. I use the old eating for two excuse, I say to my tummy "One for me, one for you" tongue.gif

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