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What do you think - of this name?

HuskerMom wrote: What do you think of Violet Lee? Dh suggested Violet and we're pretty much decided on Lee since it's my middle name. I like it but I just don't know if it's the one kwim?

Cece00 replied: I dont care for it personally.

I think Lee is a cute middle name...would you spell it Leigh? I think its so pretty that way, but its also the same as your name.

Danalana replied: I've never cared for Violet too much...Lee is my middle name too! We ruled it out for a girl because almost every girl in my family has that middle name. Even some of the boys, laugh.gif
Anyway, I think you should go for it if you like it biggrin.gif

Calimama replied: I'm not a big fan of it personally, I keep picturing Wednesday from the Adam's family when I hear that name. Yes.. I'm weird. tongue.gif

luvbug00 replied: I think it's nice happy.gif but i don't care much for how it sounds with lee.

moped replied: I don't care for it but everyone is going to have an opinion - if you like it then go for it!

Jamison'smama replied: I really like it. Isnt' that what Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck named their daughter? I think it's a cute name.

lisar replied: I like it. It sounds fine to me.

Although it is reminding me of Willy wonka and the choc factory. Sorry it made me think of the girl on there.

grapfruit replied:
Violet! You're turning...Violet!!! tongue.gif

Seriously though. I think, it's your little girl, you can name her whatever sounds pretty to you! biggrin.gif

Violet doesn't sound bad. I do like Crystal's idea of changing the spelling of "Lee" to "Leigh". That way it honors you, but it gives her a name all her own happy.gif Also, if the name doesn't flow super well for some people it really doesn't matter too much. Just make sure you can yell it really good laugh.gif

Oh I just tried, it "yells" nicely biggrin.gif

A&A'smommy replied: I'm not a big fan either... it kinda reminds of the little girl off of Charlie and the chocolate factory blush.gif But its your baby and you should be happy with your babies name!!! wub.gif

Danalana replied: The reason I would never name my baby Violet is that I live in Alabama, and people tend to not pronounce things correctly. And when I say "tend to not pronounce things correctly", I mean that they horribly butcher names. I can say it the way it should be said, but I can't even tell you how it would end up being said around these parts emlaugh.gif
I thought Cade would be safe....I mean, how hard is that? Even extreme southerners can't get in an extra syllable or anything emlaugh.gif
So that's what I was thinking of.

PrairieMom replied: At first I was not really into it, but by the time I got through reading everyone's responses I decided that Violet is really pretty, The more I say it in my head the better it sounds. I don't care for it with Lee tho.

boyohboyohboy replied: i think its cute, and lee is also my middle name..maybe you could name her leigh and violet could be her middle name?
i always changed my mind a million times before we came up with the right now.

Brias3 replied: I really like the name Violet!

AlexsPajamaMama replied: I love the name Violet...just not with Lee as the middle name though, it doesnt seem to flow for me...

jcc64 replied: I think if you like it, that's all that matters. If you're still not sure, which it sounds like you're not, keep it on the back burner and keep searching. You'll know when you hit the right one- sometimes you don't know until you actually see the baby for the first time. Good luck, and fwiw, I think it's a cute name.

HuskerMom replied: Well I think we'll keep it on our list but keep thinking. We had thought about changing the spelling of Lee but decided not too. It's my middle name because it was my grandpa's name so it's really important to spell it the same.
When I suggested Violet to my brother he said it reminded him of willy wonka and the chocolate factory too. tongue.gif I suggested it to my mom and she said oh don't go with that. So I've stopped suggesting names to her because that's what she says everytime. rolleyes.gif

Nina J replied: I think it's cute. I wonder how often it would be shortened to 'Vi'. Which is cute too.

Whenever I hear of the middle name Lee, I think of the poem 'Annabel Lee'.

Mommy2BAK replied: Thats a nice name!

amynicole21 replied: I really like Violet wub.gif I wouldn't suggest ANY names to your family or friends, though... they tend to have all sorts of unwelcome opinions that they won't DARE to voice once the baby is actually born and named. wink.gif

bawoodsmall replied: I think you will know when it is the one. We did with both our children. I dont think I like it though but just my opinion.

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: I love it!!! And stop telling your mom or other family members. I couldn't stand having my families opinions on names. Especially if they didn't like one I really liked. It was like I was dissapointing them. Just go with what you and DH like. wink.gif

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