What do you think about this . . . - You're going to think I'm crazy.
jolene555 wrote: We've been living in this new place for a couple weeks, and I LOVE it. It's smaller, but the layout of this home is simply perfect for our needs. I could not find a thing I didn'it like, except . . . (I cannot believe I am saying this) Barry and I think Georgia's room might be haunted. She has not slept through the night once since we've been here. I understand that that may be normaly "new surroundings" stuff, but she wakes up EVERY night at 1:20-1:25. Also, she has this really cool baby moniter that has soothing music and a illuminated thing that shows on the ceiling (you know what I'm talking about???), and we can turn the thing on from our end. We've used it for a long time, and since we've moved it has turned itself on at least 3 times. It's never done that before and we cannot explain it.
Any ideas????
TeagansMom609 replied: That gives me goose bumps! Thats pretty freaky. Hey I believe it!
~Roo'sMama~ replied: Hmm.. sounds kinda spooky. I don't know what I think about it but, scary story.... my old youth pastor told us once that after they'd moved into a new house their daughter would wake up screaming every night, and one of them would have to go sleep with her ~ well one night her mom had gone in to lie in bed with her and she felt someone lie down in the bed next to them. She thought it was her husband but when she looked there was nothing there except a dip in the mattress like something heavy was on the bed. After they prayed about it the problem went away and their daughter stopped waking up at night.
BUT, maybe she is just not used to the new place yet and when she wakes up she gets scared. Allthough that is weird about the baby moniter.
coasterqueen replied: That is freaky! But I've heard things like this happening. YIKES!
Mommy2BAK replied: Geez, I don't need to read these sorts of things because I will have nightmares. I have always been a big baby! That is so scary.
WillnCare replied: I believe! I grew up in a 150 y.o home in Ga. There were 17 children born in my bedroom, some died during birth/infancy/childhood. The parents later died in the house as well as some of the adult children.
I have never "seen" a ghost, but I have always thought there was something weird there. I was never comfortable. Sometimes I would be positive my cat would jump on the bed and there was never anything there. Also, sometimes i would get a chilling, hair on my neck standing up kind of feeling...its indescribable!
Strange huh?
ps... I'm new but not nuts!
Kila replied: I don't doubt it! That stuff creeps me out!
jolene555 replied: I've always believed in this stuff. Barry's best friend is a Wiccan, and she get's "feelings" about certain things. We're going to have her come visit and do a cleansing thing. I'm a firm Catholic, but I'll do anything to keep my baby safe.
I also know that children are much more sensitive to these things. A friend of mine has a daughter who used to see a ghost in their apartment (please, I know I sounds nuts, but I'm totally honest) who she called "Pity". She would tell us all sorts of awful, horrible things that happened to Pity, and nothing that she was ever exposed to (like her father beating her with a "big hammer"). It was awful. They took her to a median and she never saw Pity again, but the median said that she was just very sensitive. Well this little girl (who's 6 now) and my friend came over for dinner the other night. She followed Georgia into her room and immediately came out saying she "didn't like it in there". I didn't give it a second thought until recently.
I don't know if I can but Georgia in there at night until I know what's going on. Am I being too paranoid? I'm so scared for her.
paradisemommy replied: i totally believe you. i would seriously look into getting your house blessed. a coworker of mine had a *spirit/ghost* in their house and their 4 year old son used to see it and point it out all the time. he got so scared that he used to only stay underneath the dining room table and be afraid to come out. they finally got a reference to a pastor who i guess you could say specialized in that type of stuff and when the pastor called him back at their house told him - yes he had an evil spirit there that he could feel *over the phone*..it was so bad and that this spirit was actually following them to work and where they went. *shivering*..man that stuff seriously creeps me out. anyways - the pastor came over, walked the block of their house, told them it was only their house, proceeded to bless it and they haven't had any problems so far. so...if your wiccan friend doesn't help, grab the phone book and start making some calls...
gr33n3y3z replied: It sounds like someone in your neighborhood has the same baby moniter as you do. Because baby moniter and cordless phone run on freq. and they can interfear with each other or your neighbors and also you can pick up sounds from someone close on both. But I'm not saying your not right about the other.
MomToMany replied: Wow, how spooky!
Boys r us replied: I don't think you're crazy at all! I believe in the supernatural and I think it's really cool actually.. I know a lot of people who would be freaking out.. But if the "ghost" is cutting on the monitor, it sounds as if it's a good spirit who's watching out for Georgia!
Sunflower04 replied: That is strange!
We just moved into our house back in April and strange things would happen with Joey's toy always going off. Then later we found out a little girl that lived in the house got hit by her school bus in front of the house. Now that I know that is it most likely the little girl spirit and I comfortable with it not that I would want to see a ghost or anything.
elvisfan replied: Well, I'll tell you story about my ds's old room. First I don't think your crazy!! The last house we lived in was not good. So much stuff happened. None of us slept well EVER! We lived there for a year. I heard someone call my name more than once and my dh wasn't home and kids were in bed. I heard a baby crying went to check on ds3 and he was sound asleep. He would often freak out in his room and I would wonder if there was something in there. He would point to the corner and scream. My dh and I also had our bed shake a few times. Our tv would turn on and off and this stuff only happened upstairs and we're thinking because it used to be an up/down duplex and maybe some weirdos lived upstairs. We would hear banging and other such noise. We called our senior pastor and some elders and the annointed rooms and walls and prayed over our house and it was quiet for quite awhile until right before we moved out. Now we live on church grounds and it has been soooooo peaceful!!! I love it!
DansMom replied: I grew up in Maine in old houses, and I do think there is leftover energy of some kind in a house where someone has been very sad, mentally ill or where there was a lot of anger or violence. I also think houses can have a good energy where there has been much love and happiness. In one old farmhouse we lived in (only one year), the prior tenants had moved out because of supernatural activity. This place was at the top of an old dirt road in Temple, Maine and the nearest neighbor was a quarter mile away. There was only cold running water, no heat except woodstoves, and only an outhouse (no bathrooms)---a very old house. A 13 year old boy was shot on the stairs by his father there (an accident supposedly, but sounds fishy). Well, I was 13 at the time we lived there. Things were always moving around, starting with the night we moved in. A basketball bounced down those very stairs in the middle of the night while we were all sleeping. When a friend was visiting, she declared that she didn't believe this stuff, and she said "if there is a ghost here, I want to hear a sign!" Immediately there were three knocking sounds in the floorboards followed by three knocking sounds in the crawlspace above the stairs. But the energy wasn't that negative---it was just there, but not malevolent, just "active". If you believe what the "experts" say about poltergeist activity, the presence of children (especially adolescents) can activate the energy even when it was dormant.
Even if there's nothing to it, I would go ahead and do some kind of blessing. It can help psychologically if it is just nerves. I, however, believe that houses can be inhabited by leftover energy that needs to be released (but I don't think the actual soul of the person is there).
A&A'smommy replied: Okay yes I HATE ghosts, I have seen, felt and flimed BAD ghosts. But Sara said something that works prayer!
My2Beauties replied: OMG you guys are giving me chills and freaking me out. It's weird you say this because sometimes in the middle of the night Hanna's toys come on for no reason at all and Hanna cannot sleep at all in her room by herself anymore. She slept so much ebtter when she was in our room in a bassinette! Now I"m thinking weird thoughts, thank goodness I'm moving in a ferw weeks! But I believe you, I think that stuff can be true!