What a MESS
sparkys2boys wrote: well you guys should see this place we are covered in ICE bigtime. It started freezing rain yesterday around noon and just stopped this morning early sometime. My yard is covered in HUGE tree branches and I have one beside the house that that am amazed it didn't crash through the roof. THe poor neighbors yard is worse then ours, you can't get out of the end of our street at all, there is a HUGE tree across it and half the island has no power. Thankfully we never lost ours. So again no school..lol and in the spring I will be a month trying to get rid of all the branches. The roads are a sheet of ice and I am TIRED of being in this house.. ughhhhhh.. where is spring??
booey2 replied: OMG, does not sound good down there at all. Hopefully you will get a break soon and the kids can go back to school. We were supposed to get some here but it never happened. Hang in there.
mommy~to~a~bunch replied: I hate ice storms! That can be so scary, because trees or power lines could drop at any moment!
~~~~~~~Early Spring Vibes~~~~~~~ for you!
Crystalina replied: OMG! I only got as far as the first sentence and I was like...wth does ICE stand for? It wasn't until I kept reading (which was a good 30 seconds and I even checked the PC abbreviation!!!!) that I realized and don't I feel stuuuuupid.
sparkys2boys replied: Im not going to even comment Crystal
CantWait replied: Omgosh sending lots of sun your way.
sparkys2boys replied: Marie.. did you guys not get this?? I thought it was hitting alot of the Maratimes??
Crystalina replied: Thank you for that.
sparkys2boys replied: Not a problem
Kaitlin'smom replied: eekkk how scary, did you take a picture?
I hope srping comes SOON I am tired of bouncing in temps here, today its kinda nice but it going to change drastically this evening and we will have wind gust 40-45mph
lisar replied: That sounds like alot of fun. NOT!!! Take some pictures...
sparkys2boys replied: I just got some pics and will post them tongith when I find out what DH did with my cable for the camera..lol. It is nasty out.. so slippy!
coasterqueen replied: Same here.
I'm tired of winter - boo hoo go home winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MoonMama replied: Yuck that sounds horrible. ~~~~early spring~~~~
Calimama replied: Yuck! Be careful!!