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Went to the doctor yesterday.

Crystalina wrote: Since I'll be over the hill ( rolleyes.gif ) in August (35) the doctor gave me the Down Syndrome speech. I could have an amnio or a certain kind of u/s that is equipped to pick up on whether the baby would have DS. He told me that I could pass on both of those and he could just tell me if he sees anything obvious in the next u/s. I decided to just do that and pass on them both because IMO unless I'm going to abort d/t DS then what's the sense. I don't plan on aborting so... More then likely there will be no problem but I did let them take blood and test that way.

So that's what happened. I'm not sure when he'll do the nest u/s but hopefully it's soon because I want to see what it is! The heartbeat was between 157 & 159 if you want to go with that wives tale. happy.gif

lisar replied: Doesnt that heart rate mean BOY?????

Crystalina replied:
I'm not sure. I'm secretly hoping for a boy. sh.gif I'm not sure I could handle another little Diva love2.gif in this house. wacko.gif

Then again the ER bills for a boy wacko.gif . Evan just jumped off of a chair last night and tried landing on all fours on the floor but forgot that he had his arms tucked in his shirt so when he landed it wasn't pretty. rolleyes.gif

lisar replied:
Girls do that to. LOL..... Trust me I have a 2 year old who I swear thinks she can fly.

my2monkeyboys replied: I'm in the same boat with you. I never had the tests done with Will and I won't with this one, either. No abortions on this side, so whatever the outcome is we'll handle it as best we can.
I'm sure everything will be great though!

kimberley replied: glad it went well. i woulda passed too. how are you feeling?

BAC'sMom replied: I had a bad experience the first go round with that testing. So I passed on the testing with the second and third kiddos. You’ll be fine! hug.gif I was 35 when I had my last one too.

A&A'smommy replied: I'm glad you app went well my guess is that your having a boy but if you go by heartrate that is what Autumns stayed at almost the whole time

lovemy2 replied: I skipped all that stuff too - I was 36 when Dylan was born - I fretted a bit but figured it was what it was - baby was coming home here no matter what so - they did some measurements with the back of the neck and a couple other things that COULD indicate DS - I would have had the amnio if something had shown up there - not because it would have given me the opportunity to abort but so I could have the chance to prepare...

I am sure all is good - as my OB said - just because you turned that freakish age 35 doesn't mean all the eggs went to dirt rolling_smile.gif hug.gif hug.gif

gr33n3y3z replied: I passed on ALL those test with every Pg I had

Besides I know things are fine wink.gif

Crystalina replied:
I'm feeling unbelievably fantastic. I had that dreaded feeling again that something had happened to the baby and told my doc when I saw him. I said that I just don't feel pg anymore because I'm not sick, I don't feel bloated and I just feel like I did before getting pg. The ony signs are my craving for pickles (which I never craved before. It was always Reese's cups happy.gif ) and my craving for Subways sweet onion chicken teriyaki on toasted parmesan oregano bread. user posted image

He checked and all is well. He said I'm just at that "good" stage of pregnancy. I've never experienced the "good" part of pregnancy so I wouldn't know. emlaugh.gif

kimberley replied: thumb.gif that's great! we should all get 1 "good" pg smile.gif
enjoy the pickles and subway happy.gif

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