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We have a smile! - Pic included....

MomToJade&Jordan wrote: Jordan has been smiling for a bit, but this was the first time we caught on camara.

A&A'smommy replied: awwww SHe is TOO cute!!! She looks JUST like Jade!! wub.gif

mckayleesmom replied: wub.gif

CantWait replied: And what a perfect little smile it is wub.gif

C&K*s Mommie replied: baby.gif awww..... that is priceless!! wub.gif wub.gif

kit_kats_mom replied: what an adorable little grin wub.gif

MommyToAshley replied: wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif

She's so pretty! So, who do you think she looks like?

3xsthefun replied: Aww! So adorable!! wub.gif

5littleladies replied: She's adorable!! wub.gif I can't believe how much she looks like Jade!

holley79 replied: She is SO precious.

booey2 replied: What a cutie, gotta luv them toothless grins and even better when you catch them on film.

Our Lil' Family replied: Aw, look how sweet!!! wub.gif

MomToJade&Jordan replied:
Thanks guys!

Right now she looks A LOT like Jade at this age. When she scowls she looks just like her Daddy. LOL! Jade and Jordan both got my eye area, like shape, size even down to the eyelids and eyebrows. They both got their daddy's ears too. LOL! We always said that Jade went swimming through the gene pool and got all of our best features. It looks like Jordan did the same thing. rolling_smile.gif

kimberley replied: wub.gif aww what a pretty smile! she's so cute!

~Roo'sMama~ replied: That is just precious!! wub.gif wub.gif She has a beautiful smile. love2.gif

amynicole21 replied: OH MY! She looks so much like Jade. Two beauties!!! wub.gif

coasterqueen replied: What a cutie!!! wub.gif Both girls do look so much alike.

My2Beauties replied: She is so adorable. wub.gif

mom21kid2dogs replied: love2.gif Oh she is TOO CUTE!!! love2.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: She is GORGEOUS!! wub.gif I can't believe she is smiling already. wub.gif What a happy baby and such a sweet smile.

ITA that she looks like Jade. wub.gif

MM'sMama replied: AWWWWEEEE! love2.gif Look at that beautiful smile and that adorable little sweetie! love2.gif

ions_momma replied: wub.gif She is soooo cute!!

mommy_loves_chase replied: very very cute

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