We changed the boys name :)
Mommy2Isabella wrote: I LOVE THE NAME David Michale, but it just wasn't sitting right with me. I kept thinking about it and I just don't want that for my little boy!
So we changed it!!!
Isaia Michale ... Him and Isabella will have the same initials. Before we changed his name his initials would have been DMV and I just don't like that ... LOL on top of the name just didn't sit right with me I always wanted to call him Isaia instead
AlexsPajamaMama replied: I love it and it flows so nicely with Isabella!!
indywndy_04 replied: Isabella and Isaia
I think it is WAY TOO CUTE!!!
I love it!!!
grapfruit replied: No H after a?
Calimama replied: Sounds like they are twins.
A&A'smommy replied: cute, i like it because it isn't used very often!!!
Mommy2Isabella replied: Isaia < thats the italian form of Isaiah ...
grapfruit replied: Is everything pronounced the same? Just curious. I think it's cute that they'll have the same initals
Mommy2Isabella replied: Yes still pronounced the same ... maybe throw a little italian flare in there ... but other than that ! LOL
grapfruit replied: What's Sal's middle name? (My dad's name is Sal btw ) We're Italian too!
CantWait replied: I love it.
Mommy2Isabella replied: Sal's full name is ...
Salvador no middle name V.........
lisar replied: I like that name.
Danalana replied: Alright, but THIS IS THE LAST NAME CHANGE FOR YOU, MISSY! I love the name, though. I particularly love David, but Isaia is good too. Hey, I had a dog named Isaiah (we're not Italian )! I know, I know...not a dog name. But he insisted!
mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: I love it!
But just a warning, same initials gets tricky!!! I often get my boys mixed up!
lovemy2 replied: It does flow nicely but I am not a HUGE fan of the name - but it sounds nice together with Isabella - I love David - we have three of them in my immediate family
My2Beauties replied: I get mine mixed up too but their initials aren't the same I love the name BTW.
MotherForever2043 replied: LOVE IT!!!