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Wal-Mart Lawsuit - Anyone hear about this?

My2Beauties wrote: I've been following this case, yet another reason I won't shop at Wal-Mart

ZandersMama replied: mad.gif blink.gif

luvmykids replied: I heard about it awhile back, it really bothers me mad.gif

Boys r us replied: Like someone in that article states..who needs the money more..a disabled, brain damaged woman in a wheel chair or walmart with their 3rd quarter net sales of 90 billion??

kimberley replied: ohmy.gif mad.gif that's disgusting! that poor family sad.gif

mommy~to~a~bunch replied: mad.gif Wal-Mart sucks, I refuse to shop there anymore. My goodness, do they not have an ounce of compassion in their bodies??? I guess the obvious answer is a BIG FAT NO growl.gif .

:.Mrs_Mommy.: replied: growl.gif

That is horrid! Poor woman!

redchief replied: What a tragic loss for this family!

What a horrible inhumane way for a corporate giant to treat it's employee. I realize the company is so-called looking out for it's employee health plan, but I bet if they polled their employees they would find that they are overwhelmingly for making an exception in the case of this family.

msoulz replied: Wow, that is unbelievably cold - I wonder if Sam Walton is rolling in his grave or if he would support such evil?

Kirstenmumof3 replied: dry.gif That is so sad! Legally it's within there rights, but is it morally right? I feel for this couple and I hope someone listens to there story and comes to there aid!

moped replied: That is the first I have heard about that awful!

Maddie&EthansMom replied: I've been following this too LeaAnn and I refuse to shop at Wal Mart, too for several reasons.

HuskerMom replied: How sad! growl.gif

My2Beauties replied:
You hit the nail on the head, I just refuse to go there anymore. They have no morals, are money hungry and not to mention they have several discrimination lawsuits pending for discrimination against women. It's a horrible place to work. Go to I didn't hear about this story until a week or so ago have been following it since and doing research on it and since then I've literally refused to go there, before when I knew about the discrimination lawsuits etc...I wasn't going often (maybe once ever 6 months if I couldnt' find something anywhere else) but now I downright refuse to shop there anymore growl.gif

jcc64 replied: To whoever wondered if Sam Walton is rolling over in his grave- he created the mindset by which his family operates the company today, so the answer to that question is- I think he'd be in full agreement with the policy as it now stands.
We all have to remember that cheap products contain many hidden costs, some seen, some not. Jobs are shipped overseas, workers are abused and grossly undercompensated, small companies are driven out of business, all so we can buy our $3 t-shirts. We all need to get in the habit of understanding the human casualties of businesses that operate this way. There are a million other Debbie Shanks out there, and they don't all work for Walmart
We've had several contentious debates on here about health care reform, and it seems pretty clear to me that as long as people feel their own behinds are amply covered, they don't have too much concern for the fallout of our crappy system, like this woman and her family. This story is not an anomaly- things like this happen everyday.

Kaitlin'smom replied: I hardly ever shop there, and now I dont think I will go there to see if I can find what I need cause I cant find it anywhere.....not worth it for me. I wont even shop at sams club any more. I am so dissapointed in them as well.

msoulz replied:

That may not be true. When Walmart was founded he only sold products made in the USA and he had a totally different vision/marketing strategy for the company. Remember when Walmarts were only located in rural areas in what seemed like crazy places to put them? That was his doing. These stores popping up in suburbia full of things made in China were not part of the original plan. IMHO the second generation's greed is what is causing this.

But then, I did not know Sam Walton, only what I recall studying about the company, so who really knows?

And I am all about "It's not personal, it's just business" but this just goes way beyond the way a person should be treated.

Crystalina replied: I don't agree with a lot of the stories that have been in the news about WM. **Not saying I don't believe the stories...I don't agree with the way WM handles a lot of the stuff I read. To clarify that. smile.gif ** With that said though, our local WM has helped out it's employees a lot. I know a few stories (small town) where they have went above and beyond what they should have. I still shop there. Just going by our local WM we've had nothing but good come from them in the community and with helping employees.

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