Update on Hanna
My2Beauties wrote: OK she went back to the docs yesterday and they have confirmed it it just really bad allergies! She does have a little viral infection on top of it but her allergies are just that bad Poor baby! I even got a second opinion just to make sure but it looks like we are going to have to do an allergy test! I really don't want her to have to go through with this but they think her allergies are so bad she may need allergy shots, it just depends on how the test comes out! I haven't made the appointment yet, I will when I get paid. I'll keep you guys updated though! As far as the poopy problems, things are moving right along right now I guess I could say
Josie83 replied: Glad things are sorting themselves out with her rear end I hope her viral infection doesn't make her to Get well soon Hanna! for you mummy! xx
Sunflower04 replied: My son goes for his allergy test on April 5 so I totally understand how you are feeling. We found out that is can't have cow's milk, egg white and walnuts and can't be around dogs. Believe or not just by knowing that he is a happy and heathlier kid. I hope you get some good results from the test.
Kaitlin'smom replied: awww poor Hanna I hope she feels better soon
ediep replied: awwww, poor Hanna, I was wondering how she was doing/ Hope she feels better soon
kimberley replied: aww poor baby! the allergy test is hard, but just try to distract her with songs, toys and books. not sure if they do it the same there but when James had his, they did it down his back, so we would lie on our tummies at home before hand and play, so he knew it was coming sorta. and ITA with sunflower that knowing is half the battle. honestly, i wish we did James' test sooner. P&pt your way.
DansMom replied: Aww, dealing with allergies is hard---but at least you will have an idea of what to avoid and that will help. We're likely going back to the allergist soon to test for wheat.
A&A'smommy replied: Poor baby!!! I can't believe they are going to test her already they said that we couldn't test ALyssa until she was 2 but I guess since she is sick so much that sounds about right! Poor baby I hope that she doesn't have to get shots maybe they can give her something else I hope she gets better soon!!
mammag replied: Poor thing! At least it may help make her all better.
texasp3 replied: Awww, I'm sorry to hear that. If she does have allergies though, once you figure out what they are I bet there will be a big improvement in her.
GavinsMommy replied: Aw, it'll be okay!!! I had allergy tests when I was about five and it was no big deal. They took this piece of plastic that had a whole bunch of little protruding sticks and they just touched it to my back, it didn't hurt a bit, it tickled! I also had a c-scan which was no big deal either. I don't know if that's what they're going to do for her, but if so don't worry! As for the shots, that's too bad but hopefully it won't come to that!!
gr33n3y3z replied: I hope she is feeling much better I hope the reactions are not that bad when they do the testing. Make sure you get a bottle of ItchX spray
Maddie&EthansMom replied: Poor Hanna!! I"m glad you were given a diagnosis, though. Please keep us posted and give her a hug from me.
aspenblue1 replied: Poor Hanna I hope she feels better soon.
coasterqueen replied: ((HUGS)) those allergy tests were hard on me I can't imagine them on a baby. Kylie had a smaller version of the test but she handled it pretty well.
Good luck and keep us posted.
MommyToAshley replied: Poor Hanna, I hope she is feeling better soon. Let us know how the allergy tests go. At least you will be able to find out what she is allergic too and how to prevent the allergies.
Keep us posted!