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Ugh - prepare to be grossed out

~Roo'sMama~ wrote: Ok, I have this cat who's really old - about 15 years I think... I've had her since she was a kitten and I love her to death, but sometimes (this is the gross part) she gets poop stuck on her fur by her *ahem*... rear end.rolling_smile.gif WELL, this morning I woke up to what smelled like a pig barn, and I got up and there was POOP smeared everywhere in trails from the litter box at the top of the stairs all the way to our BED. I was feeling particularly sick to my stomach this morning (probably from the smell dry.gif ) So I couldn't do anything about the mess on the floor not to mention the cat that needs to be cleaned up. puke.gif DH was absolutly no help... I dragged him out of bed and he came downstairs and slept on the couch all morning! He'd stayed up until 5am trying to figure out the bills and our health insurance. rolleyes.gif I stayed home from work because I hurt my back yesterday, and I spent the entire day reading and sleeping and didn't remember the grossness upstairs until a little bit ago. My big problem is that DH is going to hang out with a friend tonight after work which is no big deal since he never ever gets to be with his friends anymore since he started working evenings... but I was planning on having him clean it all up when he got home from work and now he won't be home until probably 1:00 am! Technically I shouldn't clean the stuff up anyways... I guess I'll have to sleep on the couch until he gets home and then make him clean it up. tongue.gif
ARRGH..... Woe is me wacko.gif rolleyes.gif dry.gif
Sorry so long... I hope I didn't gross anyone out too much! unsure.gif

favre4fan replied: Yup thats pretty gross!! tongue.gif i live with 3 men and they can be pretty gross!!worse than the dogs!

A&A'smommy replied: YUCK that sucks!!

Josie83 replied: Ugh!! But also rolling_smile.gif xx

MomToMany replied: EWWWWWWWW!!! I couldn't take it like that, so I'd just clean it up myself!

Boys r us replied: Ewwww gross!! LOL those are called 'dingleberries'! haaa

amynicole21 replied: That happens to my cats sometimes, too. puke.gif Maybe you could just put on some rubber gloves, tie a scarf sprayed with perfume around your nose and get it taken care of. Uuuugggghhh! Yuck. I'm so sorry sad.gif

ctymom replied: I can relate! We had a cat that would leak everywhere b/c he was sick. He ended up with feline lukemia and we had to put him to sleep. Since then, we've had the whole house recarpeted. Now our dog has major skin issues and her paws bleed. So now the poor thing has to stay in the kitchen. Which I HATE b/c she smells. Really nice in the kitchen. *sigh*

I'm so tired of having animals. Cleaning up after them etc. I will not own anymore animals after our cat and dog are gone. I'm just too tired.

I'm sorry that happened. I know it sucks.

oh... had to add.... with you being pregnant, you cant go near it! Hopefully your DH cleaned it all up. There is spot remover that gets up pet messes that works pretty well.


5littleladies replied: I"m sorry Sara. I know how tired you were yesterday. Scott should have gotten up and cleaned it up before he left for work! He deserves a big ol' smash.gif . I hope your back is feeling better today. grouphug.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied: *sigh* we didn't get it cleaned up until 3 in the morning. snooze.gif I had to help with the cat cuz Dh needed someone to hold her still - I wore gloves though. wink.gif I am tired of having animals sometimes too but I'm too much of a softie to get rid of the ones I have... plus then I'd want new ones. rolleyes.gif

jdkjd replied: I'm so sorry you have had a rough morning. wub.gif

A friend of mine keeps the hair on her kitties behinds trimmed just for that reason. I would suggest taking them by the vets and having them trimmed so that you don't have to do it though. tongue.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: I'm glad you got it all cleaned up. Pets are a lot of work, huh? My dog is higher maintenance than both kids combined. wacko.gif He drives me nuts. When he is gone I'm getting a fish tank...they are so easy!!

I hope your back is better and I'm glad you got the mess cleaned up. thumb.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied:
Lol don't be so sure... we had 4 small fish in one big tank - one was a betta but the other fish were peaceable so he didn't eat them rolling_smile.gif the betta was always getting sick, and we did everything we could think of but then one by one they all died. sad.gif I will never have a fish again! wacko.gif
Some people have fish and never have problems though so maybe I'm just a bad fish mommy. rolling_smile.gif

coasterqueen replied: Sara,

I have a cat that does the same thing. Grrrrrrr. If it wasn't DH's favorite cat I'd would go missing. mad.gif

I try to make DH clean it up to and he usually does but if he's off traveling for work what I do is put long rubber gloves on and then clean up the mess. That way I have no hand contact with the nastiness....I just don't tell DH about it so he doesn't know I *could* do it. wink.gif

MomToMany replied:
We have a big 55 gallon aquarium. It's about 4 feet long. There is 1 goldfish, 2 tinfoil barbs, 2 blue gouramis, 5 sunfish, 1 perch, and 1 huge Golden snail. That snail has doubled in size, it's almost freaky! DH wants to fry him up and eat him! LOL, we're not supposed to have the sunfish or perch in a tank, but oh well. We feed the sunfish and perch minnows, and the smaller ones get flake food. The kids caught the sunfish this past summer, and DH caught the perch. They've grown quite a bit since then, LOL.

They are real easy to care for. We wouldn't have this huge tank if it wasn't!

kimberley replied: yuck! i hope DH has it clean by now!

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