Ugh. Anyone checked on their 401k lately?
amynicole21 wrote: My mom told me she lost $4k in the last month, and her co-worker lost $15k Luckily, I've only lost a little under $2k. What a nightmare.
punkeemunkee'smom replied: It is scary! I am afraid it will cause a rush of people taking their money and hiding it under the mattress!
Our Lil' Family replied: DH was just reading ours last night. He lost more than I did, only because he has more than I do but yeah, we both lost! SUCKS!
lovemy2 replied: So it goes - but hang in there it will rebound - you can't take it out and put it in the mattresses - in the long run you should be OK (let's hope)
PrairieMom replied: I'm not looking.
gr33n3y3z replied: It was bound to happen but then it was money you didnt have in the first place in most cases
luvmykids replied: I know my parents are a little freaked out, b/c of their age they're nervous the market won't recover in time. I had to talk my dad into waiting it's sure to go down more but then it can only go back up, right?
A&A'smommy replied: Yikes that sucks!!!
gr33n3y3z replied: I have it but mine is out of pocket so I'm not looking LOL bc I would prolly do the same
jcc64 replied: I never look at it. I let dh deal with it.
coasterqueen replied: Same here.
grapfruit replied: I lost like $40 so far. But there's not a lot in there, and I have the advantage of time on my side. I know historically the market bounces back, so it's just a waiting game for me. I have LOTS of years before I need to worry about it.....
I do feel bad for all the people that don't have the luxury of time.
mummy2girls replied: ok im lost here?
lisar replied: Now that I just read this, I am not gona look at mine right now. I will wait a few more weeks. I have mine in a high stakes one, so I could have lost ALOT. So I dont even wanna go and look.
amynicole21 replied: retirement fund in the US. The stock market is in the toilet right now, so 401ks are losing a lot of money.
grandma replied: Me either - great advice PM! lol
bawoodsmall replied: Aww crap so do I. I dont think I can look. It really doesnt matter anyways to me. I cant get it back and I think in the long run the high stakes is best for us. Dont look Lisa!!!!
My2Beauties replied: I just started here in August so I haven't lost that much. I cashed in my other 401k from my old job because we needed the money really bad at the time. It wasn't much either. I will never ever cash this one in though, mark my word
holley79 replied: I don't have a 401k but I do have my retirement in investment. Let's just say it's not looking good.
Maddie&EthansMom replied: Does that mean you won't be retiring anytime soon?
Sorry, not a laughing matter.
I'm certain Scotty knows what his is down to the penny, but he hasn't made mention of it to me. It's probably for the best.
holley79 replied: Nope won't be retiring probably before I'm freaking 100 years old. It's probably for the best that he's not mentioning it to you. It's very scary stuff. I need for it to come back up and roll it to pension.
moped replied: I AGREE.....
we don't have the 401K here, but my stocks are in the toilet - it hurts BAD!!!!!
redchief replied: I'm afraid to look. I know that I didn't lose as much as Lisa, but my funds are in more brick and mortar stocks than Lisa's, who has hers in fast growers (and in a bad economy, fast losers ). But I've lost a lot.
AlexsPajamaMama replied: I dont think dh has looked at his in a while....and I dont think Ill mention this to him either he'd freak...and I dont want to know how much he's lost...
mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Ditto to that, but insert my DH (Rich)! He hasn't said anything, so can't be that bad I guess.
Brias3 replied: My thoughts exactly. Either that or he's just trying to avoid my reaction
My3LilMonkeys replied: I am deliberately ignoring mine for now.