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Toddler survives three weeks alone on ketchup, dry

amynicole21 wrote: CNN news story

This is horrible!!!! sad.gif

supermom replied: They ought to just leave the "mother" in jail and throw away the key!!

Hillbilly Housewife replied: Did this father not check with the neighbours to see how the kid was?

Hello?! I think the father should be help just as accountable for not making SURE his daughter was properly taken care of...

aspenblue1 replied: I can not believe a mother would do that.

ediep replied: OMG!!! That is terrible! I am sick over this!!!!

Kirstenmumof3 replied: OMG how sad! That poor liitle girl, I can't believe she survived! sad.gif

jcc64 replied: I agree with Zach's mom

MomofTay&Sam replied: mad.gif That poor little girl. sad.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied:
exactally what i was thinking.............makes me sad, I would never go that long with out checking on my daughter if I was able to that is.

~CrazieMama~ replied: omg, that is sooooooooo sad!!!! bawling.gif I have tears in my eyes. That poor little girl. Her mother is a horrible woman!!! Her father should have talked to someone. How could he not do anythign or say anything!?!?!?!?

Hillbilly Housewife replied: Then know what? Maybe the woman DID leave the child with the neighbours....and maybe the neighbours are to be help accountable.... Usually horrible parents live in an area where people are similar....

mckayleesmom replied: That is so horrible...with all the technology today,,they need to come up with a way to predict future bad parents. Im not going to be too quick to judge the father however cause I don't know the circumstances. He could have been out of town or not even living in the same area. He could have also known the next door neibhors and trusted that his daughter was in good hands. Plus since he was talking to the mom he probably believed her and might have been calling her to check on how their daughter was doing. KWIM? Most of these men and women whos children are abused by the opposite spouse don't ever leave thinking that the other will harm their baby. They wouldn't leave their children with them knowing they were incapable of taking care of them. Now in the Yikes case...I think the man should have been prosecuted because he knew his wife was mentally unstable before leaving her to drowned all 5 of them in the bathtub. His excuse was that he only left them with her a half hour until his mother got there to look after them and her. If your wife needs a babysitter because shes harmfull to herself or the children then you shouldn't leave them for a split second. That half hour was all she needed to drowned 5 babies and it would have taken less time for her if one of them wouldnt have ran from her. For goodness sakes not many weeks earlier she had tried to kill herself.

A&A'smommy replied: thats horrible....i dont see why anyone would do that to their children, to something they carried around for nine months and went through pain to have. Why would anyone hurt a child???

Heather replied: That is so horrible. It brought tears to my eyes. Poor little munchkin. What the heck was that mother thinking...

paradisemommy replied: OMG - i have tears right now for that little baby...i can't believe that baby survived...i think maybe someone should put her in a big room that she can't get out of and only feed her dry ketchup - that's just pitiful. mad.gif

coasterqueen replied: I just heard this on the radio this morning on my drive to work and realized that this happened in a town about 45 minutes from me sad.gif

I can't begin to express how I feel about this sad.gif

amynicole21 replied: Update to that story...

CNN update

mckayleesmom replied: The saddest thing about this story is that the mother was only arrested on a misdameaner in the first place..she would have gotten her daughter back if she would have told someone about her,,,now she doesn't deserve her back.

Maddie&EthansMom replied: I am amazed at the survival skills this 2 year old has. I just can't imagine me leaving Maddie alone in the house for 2 minutes, much less 3 WEEKS!! I just don't know how this little girl survived. Hopefully the sweetie won't remember any of this. That poor dad...the courts probably wouldn't let him see her until they got their visitation papers set up. What a sad, sad situation.

coasterqueen replied: Oops, when I heard this story this morning and they said Jacksonville, I thought it was in our state, LOL. The dj's were talking about it as if it was. DUH? What a doof I am, LOL. rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif

Still a horrible story I just can't fathom. sad.gif

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