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Things that annoy you

mckayleesmom wrote: Lets see

1. Going to the Commissary on post and having to park way out in BFE, because the first 20 rows of spaces are reserved for handicapped (thats acceptable)...Housing Mayor, Garrison, Officers, etd.....The last time I checked....the housing mayors, Garrison and Officers could walk.

2. Kids with crusty boogers on their face and their parents don't wipe them up.

3. People that leave their kids in cars while they run into the store or gas station...(just because you have tinted windows doesn't make it alright either).

4. People that don't buckle their kids in.

5. People that let their children run all over the place and especially when I see a child under 3 unsupervised outside.

I will be back with more. wavey.gif

moped replied: Oh I will play!

All those that you said and:

Lazy people that are staying at your house and never get off the couch and don't help out or do anything around the house for 10 days and counting and sleep til 1pm and complain that Jack is loud - WHAT

Cooking food for lazy person mentioned above and no thank you or anything

Lazy person above is a second cousin

Safeway people that comment on the food you buy

Snot annoys me today

I have more but that is just today

Kirstenmumof3 replied: 1. The word GONNA! This drives me insane!
2. People who pick there noses (absolutely GROSS!)
3. People who always have to be right and when you prove them wrong, they still claim to be right!
4. The cashiers at Walmart
5. Shopping at Walmart
6. sitting on a city bus beside, behind, in front of someone who has really bad BO!

Okay that's all for now! I'm sure there are about a million more!

Jamison'smama replied: When a new register opens up at the supermarket and the cashier opening it doesn't take the next person in line---just a free for all to get to the line.

When driving, people who don't acknowledge you when you let them in, or let them go by on a narrow street lined with cars.

Really really full sagging diapers on kids---not my own of course smile.gif

mckayleesmom replied: oh ya

6. Hello...this is the 80's calling and we want our bright blue eyeshadow back

ions_momma replied:
Definatly that one!

And Also,

1. People with bad body odor

2. People that let thier 3 year old son stay outside, alone, in the front yard, until 11 pm (we have neighbors that do that! mad.gif )

3. People who pick thier nose

4. Adults that talk with food in thier mouths (it doesnt bother me as much with children)

Im sure I will be back with more!

jcc64 replied: What's with all the boogers on this post? (although I'll admit- crusty snot on little kids freaks me out too)

Things that bother me:
People that are racists but don't think they are.

Rude, aggressive drivers.

A Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Eckerd, etc. on every corner of every town in America.

Slow computers.

Slow waitresses (when the restaurant's not busy).

Christmas music in the stores already(actually heard this last week).


I could go on forever. I'm easily annoyed, unfortunately.

Nathansmom replied: All of the above...and then some!

I'll have to think of some more, but once I do, don't get me started! biggrin.gif

luvbug00 replied:

uhhhh me too

*People who complain about infractions to people of their culture that happened a million years ago.. ex. the million person march thing is in DC today and the radio dude is like let the media get the numbers right this time blahblah.gif and started with the whole slavery bit.. where 's the million latino march? or the million woman march? or the million Asian march?? I know he's one bad seed but I wanted to punch him threw the phone!!many people of many nationalitys have worse problems then him! growl.gif

* People who throw pity parties and don't help themselves. MIL friend who doesn't stop reminding us of her liver failure and she drinks quite litraly 3 cups of vodka a day if not more.

* people who let their dogs loose and don't pick up the crap they leave behind.

Ok sorry for the rant ... blush.gif

ions_momma replied:
Definately those two for me also!!

TeagansMom609 replied: People who chew with their mouth open.

People who swing their kids by their arms. Are you stupid?

People who drive below the speed limit or brake too much.

People who call my work and start off by saying, "Yea". Thats proper speach if Ive ever heard it.

People who curse infront of their kids. Once again, are you stupid?

Women at work who turn the air on full blast in December because of their menopausal hot flashes. Um, you might be hot, but guess what? Were all freezing, its December. If your hot take a walk outside.

Gas station attendants. If you live in New Jersey you will understand. (we cant pump our own gas) Occasionally, you will ask them for $20 of regular and they will "forget" to stop the pump at $20, give you $40 of gas, and guess what? You have to pay even if its their mistake.

The women who sell perfume in Macys. Leave me alone! I will come to you if I want anything.

People who cant make change but work with a cash register.

Just about everything annoys me. Im a spaz! wacko.gif

coasterqueen replied: I think I'd annoy many of you. tongue.gif Oh and I wanna know what's wrong with swinging your kids by the arms.....Dh and I do that with Kylie all the time. She loves it. We aren't hurting her. I guess I am stupid. tongue.gif

dolfinrse replied:

We do it with Zack also, he loves it to. dry.gif

zdk753 replied: People who can't turn their cell phones off in a public place esp. the bathroom. If I can hear the person on the other end surely they can hear me pee.

People who let their kids run wild & tear up stuff in stores.


My husband

People who won't try to keep their dogs in their own yards. If I want your trash on my grass I will dig it out myself.

People who can't seem to hear their dog has been barking at nothing for 2 hrs straight or me yelling at them to shut up.

MyBrownEyedBoy replied: People who put their dogs in a chain link kennel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and don't seem to understand why he barks his head off.


7 and 8 year old kids riding bikes on busy streets without helmets or supervision.

Referees who make TOO many penalty calls in a football game.

Having to explain why my healthy looking child is having open heart surgery in 11 days. Sorry, guys, this happened all morning at church.

redchief replied:
Have to love that! Makes you want to find a diabetic and tell her to explain why she has to give herself 3 shots a day even though she looks okay.

holley79 replied:

People who pick their children up by one arm out of a shopping cart. (By this I mean really small babies.)

People who call the Sheriff's Office for the most stupidest things. (They are adults they should be able to problem solve by now.)

People who leave thier children in shopping carts and walk away. (HELLO, they stand up and fall out.)

Strangers that walk up and want to make comments on your pregnancy. (Not in the mood.)

The neighbors that cut down trees with their children running around in the yard.

Stores that put things out for Christmas when it is still September. (Trust me, think our kids are reminder enough. dry.gif )

All the family members that think that I am going to travel to each and every one of their houses, just because they can't get along, for the holidays. Nope not this year. I am going to keep my fat prego butt at the house. My due date is 01/04. HELLO! I might go in labor and they all live too far from my hospital. wacko.gif

Ok I will soapbox.gif now and quit banghead.gif !!

hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif to everyone!!!!!!


redchief replied:
Oh yea... reminds me of some of the questions we got when Erin was a baby...

Typically went like this:

Q. Oh my, what's wrong with her eye?
A. She had a congenital eye defect.
Q. Really? What causes that?
A. We don't know.
Q. (This is when they usually eye you suspiciously) What do you mean you don't know? I'd want to know.
A. I didn't say we didn't WANT to know... I said we DIDN'T know.
Q. Don't you think you should see a specialist?
A. (Duhhh) Really? Thank you for your concern. I think we're handling it okay.
Q. Do you think you did something wrong?
That's when I would quit answering for fear of choking the living daylights out of someone who desparately needs it.

Annoyances? People who don't mind their own bloody business.

redchief replied: Heheh... I want to know what all of you nose-picker-haters are gonna do to get rid of your boogers. LOL

Sorry Brianne... Couldn't help myself. tongue.gif wink.gif laugh.gif fireman2.gif

holley79 replied:

sunshine girls replied: People who leave their kid's faces all grotty after they've eaten something. If you give you small child ice cream, don't let them walk around for the rest of the day with it on there face.

People who don't cover their mouth when they cough.

The bad drivers in L.A. Which is like 3 million of them. And the rude people in L.A, again theirs like 3 million of them. I don't know why they call it the city of angels (its probably because I live here wink.gif )

And this has happened a few times and it really annoys me, I've been out with Gwen and she's farted and people around stare at her like she's the grossest thing ever. SHE'S THREE!!! plus, farts are funny.

And when people chew there food really loudly, even if they have their mouths closed. If I can hear that disgusting chewing noise I'm not happy. puke.gif

Kirstenmumof3 replied:
You could pop her arm out of its socket. This happened to my cousin, by my sister. This was about 20 years ago. I am thinking he was probably about 3 or 4. They took him to the ER and he had to wear his arm in a sling.

TeagansMom609 replied:
EXACTLY. My brother in law swung my husbands daughter by her amrs and her arm disconnected from her shoulder and she was in horrible pain and she had to get rushed to the ER. Not a good idea! She was 2 1/2. Why not swing them by their neck too? LOL

luvbug00 replied:

I do that blush.gif I can't help it! seriously! I also HAVE to drink threw a straw due to the fact I wasn't off the bottle until I was like 2.5 ( that's when I got here to the states & my mom)

ps. I sware in front of Mya it's not gonna kill her and it's not like she'll never hear it. wink.gif

owensmomma replied: 1. Overly nosey people who always seem to be in your business.

2. Pushy Know-it-alls

3. Kids running around a restaurant (unless it's Chuck E. Cheese of course) while the parents ignore them.

4. Touchy people - you feel like you're walking on eggshells whenever they're around.

coasterqueen replied:
Well maybe I should swing her by her neck? COME ON! mad.gif Would you like me to make fun of YOUR parenting choices....???????????????????? smile.gif

TANNER'S MOM replied:
This is one of those things that we will all do..

I have been having early menopause.. and I promise you .. as I run outside stripping my clothes off... and pulling my hair out.. that it is a hot that is unexplainable and not wished on your worse enemy.. it is from the inside.. like it truly comes from your uterus.. that is no longer working right.. to make you think you truly are burning in

But at last.. us women will all take our turns.. and for some it will be easier than others.. God bless the ones where it isn't, and there family!

C&K*s Mommie replied: 1. People that are know it alls when it comes to kids... because they have cousins/ siblings/ friends with kids-- and do not have any of their own! growl.gif

So it is mandatory to have full service in the whole state of NJ??? WOW! I did not know that! What happens if there is a gas shortage, and the lines average 2-3 hours (like here in the south after hurricanes) will full service still be expected?? unsure.gif

3. Louis Farrakhan types, and all of the followers, my fellow black US citizens that gave the riotters this past wkend just what they were expecting in Ohio when they were supposedly marching against "black crime"

4. People that have opinions, but fail to acknowledge/ learn about the both sides.

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: 1. When DH throws only ONE item of his clothing in the wash and doesn't bother to check the hamper or ask me if anything else can go in.

2. People that drive way too fast and ride your butt even when you're going the speed limit...and especially when they're on their cell phones or have kids in their car!! growl.gif

3. Friends who you email and leave messages for and they NEVER return your phone call. And it's not because they don't like you, it's because they are FLAKEY!!! So I guess I'm annoyed by flakey friends.

4. When DH tells me he's on his way home only to call me 30 minutes later and say he's just now shutting down his computer.

5. When food gets cold because someone is late or doing something upstairs like playing chess on the computer! I hate saying "dinner is ready" five times!

6. People that always ruin things with being pessimistic about every little thing. For example, I went shopping w/friends yesterday and picked out some books for Wil. I was about to check out and my friend kept saying how she got books for only 25 cents, or how expensive everything was and was also critisizing the book I was just about to buy!

7. People who always have to "one up you" when it comes to your kids...I'm sure you can guess what friend does this.

8. People that interrupt you as if you weren't even speaking or talk about themselves the WHOLE time. blahblah.gif

9. People who pronounce words incorrectly like "liberry" for library. Or "birtday" for birthday. Or here's DH always puts an E in front of supposed to. So it comes out esposed to...sorta like especially. Strange!

10. People who are so into politics or so defensive about it that they shove it in your face every chance they get. Especially friends or family. It annoys me when it ruins a perfectly content Thanksgiving dinner!

11. And last but not least, open toe shoes when it's raining or snowing outside!! LOL! tongue.gif

My2Beauties replied: 1. Really saggy pants on guys, this morning I saw a guy crossing the street holding his pants up the whole time he was walking - um, excuse me, get some pants that freaking fit dry.gif I do not want to see what kind of boxers you have on!

2. The fact that those gift bags cost an arm and a leg, why do I want to pay $6 for a gift bag that someone is going to throw in the trash, and the tissue that goes in the bag, $4, I've spent $10 on crap, I stopped buying the expensive ones, plain colored now only for me Thanks dry.gif

3. People who lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hate this one!

4. When you have to fart really bad at work and your stomach is hurting and you can't just outright fart in front of everyone, so you have to hold it in because you're in the middle of talking on the phone with a customer or something and your stomach hurts even more blush.gif (please tell me this doesn't only happen to me)!!

5. People who practically beat their kids in public when they don't really even do anything wrong, besides normal kid stuff.

6. When my daughter coughs with food in her mouth and scares the holy crap out of me, I think she's choking and then she smiles at me like it's funny because she got a huge reaction out of me!

7. People who drive toooooo slow

8. I'm sorry but elderly people on the road - I had to say it, they need to be re-tested after a certain age!

9. All the murders going on in my city right now, I'm ready to move

10. The fact that I didn't hit that $300 million Powerball jackpot Saturday night bawling.gif

11. Work

12. Bills

13. When I clean my house, it seems like the very next day it's dirty again!!! wacko.gif

14. Porno pop-ups!!!!

15. People who complain about things but never do anything to help themselves, get up, get out, and do something about it! HELLO! blink.gif Sorry I have too many friends like this. Quit complaining!

16. People who think nothing bad can ever happen to them, by that I mean they don't put their children in car seats, don't buckle their older children in, let them run around the car and stick their heads out the window and crap like that! growl.gif growl.gif

17. When someone is talking to me and they blow their nose and then they have a booger hanging out, that is really awkward!!! laugh.gif This happened to me this weekend

18. People who blow smoke in your face or my child's face growl.gif growl.gif

19. Shopping at K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Kroger, any place where there is a shortage of cashiers and 10 million people there at one time! Grrrr

20. Some TV shows - I admit I used to be a reality TV junkie, but lately it's getting ridiculous! Networks - we're sick of the dumb reality shows already!

OK I think I am done for now, I will come back for more later on in the day I'm sure!!! tongue.gif Oh yeah, and I pick my nose blush.gif blush.gif laugh.gif while I'm in the car!!!!! I admitted that once before! blush.gif

jcc64 replied:

LeaAnn- you totally crack me up! My mom always says the first thing she does in her car at the end of every work day is fart and pick her nose. (she's a teacher)

My2Beauties replied: I have one to add

When someone freaking calls you and is chewing gum or eating into the phone! I HATE THAT CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! growl.gif growl.gif growl.gif

C&K*s Mommie replied: ohmy.gif

I thought it was only here that K-marts are short on staff! Also they have too narrow of checkout aisles.

redchief replied:
"Full service" is a misnomer. In most service stations full service consists of the kid putting the nozzle in your tank and setting the amount; you get to wash your own windows. In the rare case where an attendant actually does clean my windows, I tip him/her.

In NJ you are not allowed to pump your own gas by law. Station owners hire kids whose job is to pump gas; that's it. The good thing about that is there are a lot of jobs available to those without other employment skills (I know quite a few kids who have worked their way through college pumping gasoline).

Detractors say that not allowing self-service drives up gasoline prices. Funny thing is, NJ's gas prices are lower than all of the three states surrounding it, and all of them have self-serve.

I LIKE the law. It provides employment opportunities to those who would otherwise not have them, there's no self-service vs. full-service pricing, and when the weather's bad and I need gas, I don't have to get out of the car.

There are several ways to ensure the attendant doesn't overfill. The best is to get out of the car and monitor the fuel transfer if you are distrusting. Another way is to keep a carbonless book in your car and write, "Please put no more than $**.** of regular gasoline in my car. Date the slip, and hand it to the attendant. In some stations, owners encourage attendants to overfuel. Most can input the amount requested right on the pump prior to transfer. If you are overfilled against your wishes, complain to the manager of the station, the BBB and the NJ State Division of Weights and Measures (who regulate fuel pumps and enforce the law).

mammag replied: Can you prepay like you do here at the gas stations so that it shuts off at the dollar amount?

redchief replied:
I'm not sure? Never tried it. I don't see why not though (at least at the newer stations). Basically the pumps from state to state are identical. The only difference is that an attendant moves the nozzle. In fact, and on second thought, I'm certain you can at least with a credit/debit card. I've seen people input their own cards to set the amount.

jcc64 replied: I grew up in NJ, and frequently visit my family who still live there. I LOVE the fact that they pump the gas for you, especially in the freezing cold winter and when I have kids in the car.

And Ed- NJ gas was always cheaper until lately. Now it's cheaper here in upstate NY by just a few cents. Not sure what happened- gouging?

redchief replied:
Probably... We've always found the further north you go, the higher the prices in the Garden State. I guess it goes to more customers, more demand, higher prices. I like it in the good ol' quiet south. biggrin.gif

coasterqueen replied: OMG! I had a cousin (well DH's cousin) who lived there and I never knew they pumped gas for you. Man, I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE for someone to pump my gas! Especially when I have two children in the car who aren't happy to begin with, when it's freezing outside or raining, etc. They took away all our full service pumps around here. I think Shell might do it and I know the last time they did (years ago) they did clean your windows.

Boys r us replied: I live in VA and we have both self service and full service stations. I pay 30 cent more a gallon almost 90% of the time to have someone else pump it for me..I CANNOT STAND pumping gas..something about even having to stop for gas makes me nuts! But it's a nice option to have!

3'smom replied:
Or there elbow could slip out of place. Had this happen with my middle child. Very painful for him and I was very unhappy also.

My2Beauties replied: Our self-service gas station here locally, there is only one, called Swifty only charges 1 cent more for them to pump it, they have another lane for self-service if you don't want to pay that extra penny rolling_smile.gif I always have them pump mine!

coasterqueen replied:
OMG! An extra penny? I'd do it every time. I mean for 20 gallons that's only 20cents more. Wow, wish we had that around here. dry.gif

kit_kats_mom replied: 1. The barf monster coming to visit our house.
2. not getting enough sleep
3. falling behind on work
4. my MIL's baby talk
5. feeling guilty for going out to dinner with DH and leaving the girls home with my aunt and her step daughter
6. being in the kind of mood that I've been in for the last couple of weeks. I annoy myself more than anything else. mad.gif
7. not having enough time to type out everything that annoys me. wink.gif It would be one LONG list today

coasterqueen replied:
hug.gifhug.gifhug.gif Cary.

b&bsmom replied: I am afraid to ask but what annoys everyone about Walmart???

I agree with most of the annoying things

One thing that bugs me is people who say they will do something and then don't follow thru.

I know there is more but I can't think right now.

Oh I know, when people think they can parent better than you. When they feel they need to give you their 2cents.gif when you are not asking for it.

kit_kats_mom replied:
Thanks Karen. I needed that. blush.gif

3_call_me_mama replied:
I never thought I was stupid.. guess I am though. I would be annoying to most too:(

aspenblue1 replied: People who call and ask questions about their account while using the rest room! how rude.

3xsthefun replied: 1. People think they know everything about kids. When they don't even have any of their own.

2. People that drive way below the speed limit.

3. People that drive to close behind me, excuse me I don't need you up my a$$!

4. People that stand right in your way talking to people, when you are trying to grocery shop. (please...if this is not a place for social gatherings!)

5. People chew with their mouth open.

6. People that are too lazy take their carts back to where they belong. Sometimes the carts are in parking spaces in parking lot of the store. I can not stand when people do this.

7. When people park way to close to me. growl.gif Geesh..if I can't get my door open all the way, it means you are too close!

ions_momma replied:
I totally agree!! He's gonna hear it and learn it someday! Its not like I am encouraging it or anything, it just slipes out. He is learning what he can and cant say right now too. He did go through a phase where he said some cuss words, but he is doing alot better now.

toady_buckshot_noodle replied: When telemarkerters call and can't even pronounce your name much less speak English.

kimberley replied: my grandmother cussed like a sailor for as long as i can remember lol. i am no worse for it. i still knew that the words were inappropriate and i should never use them growing up. i try not to in front of the kids but "stuff" happens sometimes happy.gif

things that annoy me.. gee, i could be here all day lol

teenage angst
being the only one in the house capable of changing the toilet roll
repeating myself over and over
teeth grinders blink.gif
endless phone ringing

to name a few lol

Hillbilly Housewife replied: Paris Hilton annoys me for one..... rolleyes.gif

my MIL

my kids when they do nothing but WHINE

old people who think they have right of way in a line just because they`re old... and when you comment to them that they cut in line in front of you, they tell you it`s ok because they only have 2 items.... but then they take FOREVER taking out their tiny change purse and take FOREVER counting the exact change....AAARRG!!!! growl.gif growl.gif growl.gif

when my grandmother calls me at work to ask me how to check her email... as if I don`t go through it enought with her.... rolleyes.gif

people who have a holier than thou attitude. Come on... our sh*t stinks the same way, and we all put our pants on feet first.

my HAIR. I can`t control it.... erg.

the government way of doing things

wayyyy more stuff.... but I don`t have the time!!!! lol

luvbug00 replied:

can't breathe peeing pants!!! OH GIrl you killed me!!!! emlaugh.gif rolling_smile.gif emlaugh.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied: 1. When DH is home all day with the girls and I come home (we work opposite shifts) to find my house a total wreck when it was spotless when I left and both girls in completely mismatched clothes or not even dressed and his excuse is "I was really busy with the girls today." Like I'm not working FT and taking care of 2 kids just like he is!

2. A coworker of mine annoys me quite often (she is actually a close friend) when she complains about how much work she has to do. We work for a small company that is growing very rapidly and does a side business in the 4th quarter so EVERYONE who works there will be overloaded until January. She says she doesn't have time to go to the bathroom during the day - but she has time to spend 20 min. complaining to me hwo busy she is!

my2monkeyboys replied: let's see....

I agree with the one about people without kids thinking they know how to raise them best,

people who think everyone owes them something,



arrogant people (men & women alike),


people who talk during movies,

people who let their kids run wild everywhere, all the time

smart-aleck, back-talking kids (and the parents who let them be that way),

parents who make it painfully obvious that they'd rather not be parents but who continue to be anyway

I think that's it for now... that was pretty fun!


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