The Suspense is Driving me NUTS!!!!!!
Kirstenmumof3 wrote: Tomorrow we find out when we are going home! And I'm going crazy here! I'm packing little things that we don't need, throwing out food that we are not going to eat and I've started cleaning. I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight, I'm just too excited! Spencer can't wait to get home and wants to leave this Saturday! I don't think he will get his wish though!
amymom replied: Prayers for Spencer to get his wish! He deserves it!!!
A&A'smommy replied: How exciting!!! That would drive me crazy too!!!
ZandersMama replied: I hope it is soon!
jcc64 replied: Thinking good thoughts for you guys!
mom21kid2dogs replied: Here's hoping Spencer gets his wish!!!!
CantWait replied: I sure hope he does, not one kid deserves it more.
3xsthefun replied: I hope that he does get his wish!
holley79 replied: ~~~~ GET TO GO HOME VIBES ~~~~
lisar replied: I hope its soon. I hope he gets his wich and gets home this weekend.
MommyToAshley replied: I hope it all works out and you are able to go home tomorrow. Update us when you can!
Calimama replied: I hope he gets to go home soon!! He's such a strong kid!
~Roo'sMama~ replied: Good luck! I hope Spencer gets his wish and gets to go home this weekend.