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Testing - trying to post a pic

b&bsmom wrote:

Trying to post a pic

user posted image

b&bsmom replied: Anyone know how to help me get a pic that is on my computer onto a post?? Having trouble. Thanks

luvbug00 replied: I always photobucket it first and then trasfer from there useing IMG code.. good luck!

Bee_Kay replied: hit the REPLY button...

then towards the bottom, there is a BROWSE button.... click it, find your file... I'll try it

Bee_Kay replied: OK, that works ... do that smile.gif

ashtonsmama replied: Did it work?!?

luvbug00 replied: Barb How did you do that? it NEVER works for me! LOL..

b&bsmom replied: I think this will work. This is my dd in Oklahoma musical she is the one in the white dress with glasses and braids!!

Bee_Kay replied: thumb.gif

luvbug00 replied: SOOO CUTE! you must be sooo proud! wub.gif

b&bsmom replied: Thank you for your help!!!

ashtonsmama replied:

Crystalina replied: How nice. And she's right in the front! thumb.gif I love the costumes.

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