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Supermom - Has Anders ever commented... - pregnancy and breastfeeding

amynicole21 wrote: Has he ever commented on whether your milk tastes different now that you are pregnant? Have you noticed any decrease in your supply or other changes?

Has your doc said anything about quitting bfeeding Anders in order to avoid premature labor? I don't know very much about it.


eiramitak replied: I'm not Supermom- but I did nurse through my 2nd pregnancy...

Olivia seemed to slow down her nursing at about 5 months and almost always asked for water afterwards because it was salty.... and my supply did drop at about 6 1/2 months but that was also because she stopped nursing as much.

My first OB did say that I should wean. My 2nd (we got new insurance) said as long as there were no problems I should do what we were comfortable doing.

Mesa was perfect and only a few days early. smile.gif

MommyToAshley replied:
Amy... is there something you are not telling us? Do we have TWO blue lines? biggrin.gif thumb.gif

amynicole21 replied:

LOL! No no no, not yet anyway. I was just curious about it. With the discussion about letting our babies self-wean I wondered if Sophia would still be nursing when baby #2 rolls around. I kind of wish it would just happen by *accident* though wink.gif

supermom replied: Anders has never made any outright comments about my BM tasting different, but I do notice that sometimes after he's done nursing (especially at night) he'll ask for water.

I have also had to limit (sometimes) how long he is nursing because my nipples are getting sore and more tender....

I had done quite a bit of reading about tandem nursing or nursing while pg before I even went to the doctor. For my first visit, I had mentioned to his nurse (which I get along with really well) that I was still nursing. She told me that I would have to quit, I told her to explain that to Anders <lol> So, when I saw the doctor (two weeks later) I had told him that unless there any medical indications as to why I should quit, then I would prefer to stay a nursing couple.....

He told me that there is a slightly increased chance of premature labor with nursing while pg because of the increase in oxytocin when nursing, and if I had had any premature babes before, he would recommend that I quit. (I've always been 2+ weeks late, so this was not a problem) He also told me the only thing was I would have to be VERY CAREFUL to get enough vitamins and iron and calcuim, because baby would take it's toll, and so would nursing. So, I asked about calcium supplements (Tums) even though I love dairy products. My iron has been fine (monitored a little more often than they would otherwise) with the prenatals and iron supplements, so everything seems to be going well.....

The only other thing I have noticed now is that I have started leaking again - LOL!!! I've got 8 weeks to go and it doesn't happen very often, but the other evening when Anders was nursing, the other side got wet - teehee...I read about this point that I start producing colostrum again, but Anders hasn't said anything - he just loves his boobies!!

Wow - didn't mean to be so long winded!! But I guess this is a subject passionate to my heart!! We've also talked about the "emotional" side of it - how he's going to share "his" boobies with the new baby...he says that they are both of their's now - it's really cute!!

Hope you decide if Sophia is still nursing and you "accidentally" get pg, you will continue to nurse her as long as she would like!!

Hillbilly Housewife replied: That's something I've wondered as well. I really do wish and plan to feed this 2nd baby...and I also plan to pump extra to give to Zach. I'm not worried about supply this time around, because my MIL will not be around to put me down, and I'm not going to be giving in to anyone's *right to give a bottle because I'm the grandmother and should be able to feed my grandbaby*.

Ha! laugh.gif

I,d just feela little wierd letting Zach nurse though... I think he'll stick with the sippy cup... heh heh

amynicole21 replied: Thanks, Supermom! I think that answers all of my questions smile.gif

Schnoogly replied:
Is that because your body loses more salt while PG?

That's so cute! "their" boobies. Of course they don't belong to you anymore do they? smile.gif

I am sure Iain will still be nursing when I have another--I can't imagine him giving it up anytime soon!! Will he share is another question!!


supermom replied:
I bet he'll share - you'd be suprised, because I kind of wondered about Anders, but he's very generous!

Kaitlin'smom replied:

rolling_smile.gif LOL I bet if we did a poll most DH or SO would have that complaint! LOL rolling_smile.gif

MommyToAshley replied:

wub.gif How cute!

CantWait replied: That's too cute, "their boobies"'re a lucky mom to have such a generous little boy. wub.gif

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