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Started Bleeding

hopefulmomtobe wrote: I guess these last 11 weeks arent going to be very fun for me...if I make it that long. Started bleeding Saturday morning...called the doctor and he told me to put my feet up to see if it would stop on its own. I did and it did. I am still having all my pains that I have posted previously though and I am still waiting on a call back from the doctors office to tell me if I have a bladder or kidney infection.

Joy Joy huh?

amymom replied: hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

ZandersMama replied: Take it easy hun, keep that baby in as long as you can. hug.gif

3xsthefun replied: hug.gif hug.gif Try to take it easy. hug.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: any update?

~~~stay put baby~~~

hope your doing well

moped replied: Please rest up and don't overdo anything - let us know how you are feeling

A&A'smommy replied: ugh thats terrible I hope you start to feel better soon!!! hug.gif

boyohboyohboy replied: wendy, I just saw your post hope you are feeling ok.

CantWait replied: Rest up and take it easy hug.gif hug.gif

hopefulmomtobe replied: Been out of work for 2 days now resting...and fighting a terrible cold but have been taking Tylenol Cold and it seems to finally be going away slowly.

I have to go to the doctors tomorrow to be checked again.

Thanks for all the support, it means a lot!

Hope everyone is doing well!!!

hopefulmomtobe replied: Another day of work missed. UGH! I went in today to 'try' and go to work. I feel really bad for not being there because I am in accounting and I know that we have to close out for the end of the month, plus I have checks to run today to pay office expenses...but, my boss gave one look at me and told me to get the heck out of there. I feel miserable...will this cold ever go away!!!! UGH!! I am going to the doctors today at 11:30, maybe they can help me figure something out to make me feel a little better. I have been taking Tylenol worked at first but now it seems to not be. Not only is it being tough being sick, but being pregnant on top of it makes it a lot worse!!!

I am a work-a-holic at sitting around watching TV is driving me nuts!!! I would love to be a stay-at-home mommy, really wish financially I could but I think I would have to find something to do like volunteer at the kids school or something, I get cooped up too easily at home. smile.gif

Wish me luck in feeling better....I need it!!!

MotherForever2043 replied: hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

PrairieMom replied: any news?

hopefulmomtobe replied: Doc said I had the flu. I thought flu season was over...guess not. I am at work today, we shall see how long I last. My check up went well...he said the baby is a big boy, I am 29 weeks but measuring bigger. (He didnt say how much bigger though..yikes) I have gained 11 lbs total so far. My last appt it looked like I had gained 12 lbs in 3 weeks but he said it was water weight and it went away. Shewww!!! I knew I was really swollen, he said it might have been because I was getting sick that my body was retaining water.

Friday I have my 3D ultrasound. They will measure the baby to get a projected weight so far and check my amnio fluid levels since my last pregnancy had to be induced because the levels got so low.

amymom replied: I hope you are now getting much better. hug.gif

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