Someone enocurage me plase......
Hillbilly Housewife wrote: for all the colostrum leakage I'vehad... it seems that this kid just ain't getting enouhg.
She' on me for like 30 minutes at a time, every 45 minutes or so... once in a while, she's sleep for an hour and ahalf... and there,s a 3 hour period during the night (tonight was from about 3:30 to 6 - then 'fed' her again and gave her to DH)
she's had 6 bms since she was born, and like 3 urine filled diapers, and twice she peed on me while I was changing her bm filled diaper (dark sticky stuff - meconium i guess) so I KNOW she's getting enough... but it's still discouraging.
I've been giving her a little bit of sugar water (samples from hospital) to satisfy the emptiness feelig (only after a good 15 minutes on each side) but my nips are still very sore.
I have really big nips... I have double d size and my aureolas are a pretty big coverage on my bbs... my nips are really mushy, just the tips gets 'hard' and I,m wondering if this is causing a prob. She takes it in - and once in a hwile she swallows... but it's still the 'un-nutritional' type of sucking, like 2 a second... for 3 or 4 seconds, and I have to 'stimulate' her for her to continue sucing.
I forgot how much of a pain this was...
this IS normal, right?
going to sneak another nap while DH has her... I hope I have respnses next time I come on...
Jamison'smama replied: The amount of time she's at the breast seems right to me. Sounds like your milk hasn't come in right? If not, she's working hard to make that happen. She'll regulate soon. I remember feeling like a big milk bag with my bbs out all the time.
Did you see a lactation consultant in the hospital? Is she latching correctly according to them?
PrairieMom replied: I had a real hard time too. Hang in there. It will get better.
amymom replied: Hang in there.
coasterqueen replied: ITA!
And I'd DEFINITELY NOT give her sugar water. She NEEDS your nutrients right now, not sugar. If you don't let her nurse when she needs to nurse then your milk is not going to come in as fast. There are reasons they nurse like this. I'd definitely see a LC for the latch .
FWIW, Kylie nursed every two hours for at least 45 minutes each time til she was 18 months or so. NO JOKE!
Some babies just need more than others. Now Megan is not this way, she just doesn't need as much as what Kylie did.
Hillbilly Housewife replied: ick... lol
I saw a LC at the hospital, the latch is good.
I won't give her any more sugar water then. I've given her about 120ml sice birth total.
i'm positive i'll be back for more advicre on this
kimberley replied: hang in there hon. Brenda and Karen gave you good advice. no more sugar water and it WILL get easier and regulate. if you are really sore or tired, just let her suckle your clean finger for a bit. that always soothed mine. Jacob was a constant nurser and James was every 4 hrs. every kid is different.
coasterqueen replied: Come back and ask for advice ANY time, k? That's what we are all here for. If I didn't have people to help me through nursing I would have never made it.
coasterqueen replied: BTW, can you describe the soreness a bit more. If your baby's latch is good I'm concerned about why you are having pain. Technically you shouldn't have any pain if they are latching correctly. I know people say you do til your nipples toughen up but I'm not one to buy that. I most always lean towards other reasons why they are sore. What did your LC say about them being sore even though latch is good? She should have given you tips and reasons why. Hang in there!
~Roo'sMama~ replied: For the first couple of weeks Andrew would nurse for half and hour to an hour every 1-2 hours. It can seem like they aren't getting enough because they eat constantly, but it does slow down!
Hang in there!!
Hillbilly Housewife replied: they're not in pain when she's syckling... iy's after - like they've been swueezed to he**
they're so big that even though she has a full mouth, there' really juat the nip in there
it's like a tingly pain right at the tips and sometimes they throb
coasterqueen replied: I don't know who your LC is, but is she certified? Your baby does not have a good latch IMO, if she's only getting the nipple in. I really need to get back to work here but I want to address this. I'll get back on as soon as possible. Hang in there!
kimberley replied: i used to get that after james nursed. it was like a stinging pain if air every touched my nips. it went away after a month and i adjusted to his vigorous sucking. mine were giant too right after birth . as long as the LC said her latch is good, i wouldn't worry. hang in there.
Hillbilly Housewife replied: I appreciate the help.
The LC was certified, yep... and the couple nurses I had also checked, they said it was fine, and normal... but I don,t feel that it is anyways.
It was the same with my other 2.
coasterqueen replied: Well I'm still pondering this one because I have big nips too but a baby that size shouldn't really have a problem getting the areola in as well. Kylie was that size and had no problem. Megan was smaller and she really never had a problem once we got going. Her problem was more supply issue. She even nursed off a big nipple shield and I think those are bigger than nips are.
Have you looked at her tongue? Is it possible she's tongue-tied? Is she making a clicking noise when she nurses?
BTW, for what it's worth I had several nurses and even one LC told me that my latch was right with Megan and that was horse manure! She kept forward tongue thrusting so I knew it wasn't right.
Hillbilly Housewife replied: She's not tongue tied. lol!
It's gotten better during the day... a little. I think my milk is coming in though...
figues - I post something, then the kid does the opposite... lol
she's been sucking a little stronger this afternoon - and around 3ish, she started swallowing a little more often. So I think I,m getting a little more something from there.
I've only given her sugar water once since I posted this morning - and it was only about 5mL - she had fed about 20 minutes each side, then rested for about 30 minutes, then fed again for about 15 minutes each side again (reverse sides of course! ) and she was still really rooting and didn't want my finger, DH's finger, a paci, my mom's finger... so I gave her some sugar water and she was ok after that.