Some prayers for my brother
My2Beauties wrote: I don't talk much about my brother, he's my half-brother on my dad's side. He's 33. I never really saw him much growing up. There for a while we were really close but then we just stopped talking all the time. There aren't any hurt feelings or issues it's just one of those he has 4 kids and his own life and I have my own life. He came to my wedding and he is there for important events, etc. Anywhoo, my dad called me yesterday, they just found out that my brother, at 33 has diabetes. This runs in my family among the men, on both sides for some reason I feel so bad having to deal with this at such a young age with 4 children. Just say some prayers that it's not too bad and he doesn't need insulin every day...etc. I don't know a lot about the disease, I just hope he can control with his diet right now. TIA!
na81 replied: I'm so sorry to hear about your brother! I don't know much about it either, I have only had to deal with it once with a little girl at the daycare I worked at. We had to watch what she ate, test her blood and give her insulin shots accordingly. Very difficult and scary to deal with personally! Hope everything is okay with your brother so he doesn't have to have the shots! Many prayers and pt's!!
kimberley replied: i will say a prayer for him.
ashtonsmama replied: Definitely will be praying for him...KUP!
C&K*s Mommie replied: I think it depends on the type of diabetes he has, but hopefully he will be able to control through diet- it minus the meds and checking, and insulin every day.
Prayers for him!
CantWait replied: Prayers that it's controlable by diet.
holley79 replied: Prayers his way. I hope that it can be controled by diet. I have a diabetic dog ( i know it's an animal but it's the same disease ) and it has been really easy to control with diet and insulin. Once you get the hang of it, it's not too bad. There is also a pill form that can be taken now instead of shots.
Mom2Boyz replied: I hope he is able to control it by changing his diet. I'll definatly say a prayer for him
mammag replied: Prayers from me as well. Hope the diet is enough.
lisar replied: I will say some prayers that its not to hard on him. There are alot of people in my family that have it and they all take care of it with insulin (the pill) and they are all healthy. My prayers and thoughts are with him and his family
JP&KJMOM replied: Prayers for your brother. My DH is a diabetic and trust me it is something you can live with. DH started out controling with diet, then went to pills and now does insulin shots everyday. It can be scary but if your brother is willing to understand the disease and take care of himself then he will be fine. My dh is really working hard at taking care of himself becuase his mom (diabetic also) had a spell about 2 years ago where her sugar levels were 1450 (normal is 90 to 110). She was in a diabetic coma for over a week and took many months to recover. Infection is what caused hers to skyrocket meaning infections are more serious for diabetics. Just make sure that he finds a really good doctor that will help him to understand how it works and how to care for himself.
3xsthefun replied: He will be in my thoughts.
Maddie&EthansMom replied: He will be in my prayers. I hope it can be controlled thru diet alone.
1lilpeanut2love replied: I hope all is well with your brother. I hope it's not as bad as you think. May prayers and pt's to him and your family.
My2Beauties replied: Thank you so much for that! Well they said that he has to test his blood twice a day for the next 2 weeks. He needs to go see a nutritionist as well to talk about his diet. After the two weeks is up and he has changed his diet and checking his blood levels, he has to keep a log of what they are each time he does it, then the doc will let him know whether or not he needs insulin. So keep him in your prayers and hope his isn't too bad right now. Thanks guys!
BAC'sMom replied: Prayers for your brother