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So Sad for Jennie

TheOaf66 wrote: After going to the Dr yesterday they told Jennie that they would not induce her until next tuesday so she is pretty bummed. sad.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: hug.gif it will come fast, I hope, at least she knows when now.

hopefulmomtobe replied: No way!!!! She is freaking 40 weeks! That is a bunch of crap! I would be sooo upset!!! That is another whole week!!! That is like eternity for pregnant women!!!! Poor thing!

Take her walking, have sex, drink some wine to get her to relax and I bet that baby will come out before then! smile.gif

PrairieMom replied: There is hope Troy. DTD worked for us. It took twice. wink.gif

amymom replied:
I agree with your second paragraph!! laugh.gif Those things all will help get things started.

My dd was 14 days late. My labor started a few hours before we were scheduled to be induced. From what I've heard natural is better even if it is a litlle late.

I know she is bummed but it will be soon!! I remember them putting off the induction more than once, when MB was due.

Go into labor vibes for Jen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

TheOaf66 replied:
she walks fine

can't get her on board with the wine or the sex (she thinks I am suggesting it just for MY own good dry.gif )

I am doin all I can to get that baby out sooner for her

lovemy2 replied: Tell her to hang in there!!! KUP tongue.gif

luvmykids replied: I hope something happens for her soon hug.gif

lisar replied: It will come. I hope it happens and these last few days go by quickly for her.

luvbug00 replied: Trust us. i was pregnant with mya one day..did the wild monkey dance that night and the next day at 11:55pm was holding my daughter. it works!

give her hug.gif for us!

TheOaf66 replied:
if you all can convince her to use that method I will oblige

PrairieMom replied:
Hey Jennie... take it from me, (and you know where I stand on the subject) DTD works. Give it a try. wink.gif it's worth it if it gets that kid to come out! laugh.gif

Boo&BugsMom replied:
laugh.gif Alright....since it's coming from my long lost twin I just may give it a whirl.... biggrin.gif

PrairieMom replied:
rolling_smile.gif desperate times call for sedperate measures right? wink.gif

Boo&BugsMom replied: DID IT! biggrin.gif And it didn't work... sad.gif . Only two more days to go so I think I can hold out that long, even though I feel like poop! sleep.gif

A&A'smommy replied:
awww that sucks that is didn't work!!!! Here's hoping before the day is over with you go into labor!!!

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