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She's suppose to be taking a nap...

MommyToAshley wrote: LOL

Jamie replied: she is so cute ......... how old is she?

MommyToAshley replied: Thanks. She's 9 months.

amynicole21 replied: The word that comes to mind first is "Rascal!!" She's a sweetheart! wub.gif

Mommieto2Girls replied: hehehe, she looks so happy in there. wub.gif
Maddie just finally knocked on the floor while playing, so she can sleep there. lol

Mommieto2Girls replied: Was wondering, Is her crib matress on the lowest level, if so she is pretty tall, Maddie can hardly look over the top rail, she has to look through the rails to see. She is on the short side. lol

MommyToAshley replied: Yep, her matress is on the lowest level.... I dread when she starts climbing. We will probabley go to a matress on the floor until she is ready for a toddler bed.

She has always been a big baby, weight and length.

Kaitlin'smom replied: key word suppose to............ smile.gif

she looks cute!

hehe I had to look at the picture twice I thought you took the bumpers out! ohmy.gif they are just lower cause the matress is lower! hehee I see them now.

supermom replied: Looks like she's having a really good time - napping?? laugh.gif

Mommieto2Girls replied: Wow she is really tall , as soon as I get a picture of Maddie I will show you how short she is. Her eyes barley go over the top of the rail. lol

ediep replied: that Ashley is such a cutie pie!!!! wub.gif

Jacqueline_n_Alyssas_Mom replied: wub.gif What a sweet heart! LOL! I have so BTDT with my girls smile.gif

Thanks for sharing!

booey2 replied: She sounds just like Thomas, I put him down one day, 10 seconds after I left the room I could here him playing with his toys. (he is not in a crib so he got out of his bed and decided it was more fun to play then sleep. laugh.gif

mustangmomma1981 replied: She is so cute!

hehehe...wait until she is 2 or 3 years old and she is in a toddler bed. She'll be getting out of it during her nap and playing when she is suppose to be sleeping! Kaitlynn does that sometimes anyways,I'll hear her in her room playing wink.gif

Schnoogly replied: Does she get mad if you take the toys out of her crib? It would be hard for me to sleep with all that stimulation right there in easy reach!

MomofTay&Sam replied: rolling_smile.gif Ashley looks so sleepy to. Ha! She is a doll!

MommyToAshley replied:
She is kind of the opposite. She needs something to distract her from knowing she is going to sleep. LOL. If she falls asleep on her own, she will do it only if she is playing with something, watching something, or holding on to something. If it were an empty crib, she would realize she was falling asleep and wake herself up.

Sometimes, she will fall asleep with her foot up on the activity box. LOL rolling_smile.gif

Plus, she does play with the toys for about 30-45 mintues when she wakes up. (as long as she has had enough sleep).

~CrazieMama~ replied: Oh my goodness!!! Your baby is so precious. What a cutie!!! wub.gif

catou_98 replied: she is such a doll! wub.gif , you guys truly have a beautifull daughter! wub.gif baby.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied: She really is SOOOOOOOOO cute!

Zach did this yesterday in his playpen. He was standing in it, and he was wihning. Not really a pathetic whine, just whiny. So I gave him his bottle and lied him down. (He hasn't caught on that you need to LIFT thwe bottle at an angle to get the milk out..when he's sitting...)

He rolled around for a while, playing with his bottle. So I gave him a little bang-on-me piano thing, and he played with that for a good half hour. Then I could tell that he was getting tired, because he was getting crankier...but then he lay on his side, took his pacifier and put it in his mouth, closed his eyes, and fell asleep. I was SOOOOOOOOOOo happy!

I wonder if that's what my caregiver does with him during the day to put him to sleep? She's got another baby (11 months old) and a 4 year old boy also.... they all take their nap generally around the same time. She says she doesn,t leave them crying.... but Zach hardly EVER goes to slep without being held. It doesn't take him long...(5 - 15 minutes) but still.

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