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Remains are missing boy

3'smom wrote: I was so hoping they wouldn't be him.

mckayleesmom replied: bawling.gif

punkeemunkee'smom replied:

This whole story makes me SO angry!!!!! What is wrong in this world when we have judges that let these monsters out of jail? Isn't hard enough to protect our children from the bast**ds they HAVEN'T caught yet? My husband and I feel that there should be some sort of penalty that these judges can face for allowing animals like this walk! As for Joseph Edward I say give him to these children's father to deal him whatever justice he sees fit! soapbox.gif

God bless Dylan's poor family that is left and I pray that Shasta will one day find some way to heal from this terrible time. bawling.gif

mckayleesmom replied: They also suspect him of the dissapearance of Leanna Warner from Minnesota....they have some kind of journal of his ..I think an online one..of him saying that he needed to come up with an alibi for the day she disapeared.

Insanemomof3 replied: How terrible. bawling.gif bawling.gif bawling.gif

JessC replied: I was really hoping that it wasnt gonna be his remains. bawling.gif bawling.gif

I hope the sister can eventually heal from this mess, losing her older brother, younger brother and mom! ohmy.gif dry.gif

gr33n3y3z replied: thats so sad

luvbug00 replied: bawling.gif bawling.gif

stanleygirl replied: bawling.gif What a horrible thing to happen to this family bawling.gif

ions_momma replied: bawling.gif bawling.gif I was hoping that it wouldnt be him. bawling.gif I am definatly going to keep the rest of the family in my prayers! Imagine how hard that must be for the little girl! bawling.gif bawling.gif bawling.gif

Sarah&Mackenzie replied: That little girl has been through SO MUCH!!! It makes me so angry they let those sick people out of jail. It reminds me of Timothy Buss and when he killed Christopher Meyer. Some people in this world make me SO MAD!!!!!!!!!!! bawling.gif bawling.gif

lisar replied: I was hoping they would find him alive since his sister was alive. That is so sad. I hate hearing about those things.


3xsthefun replied: That is so sad sad.gif

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