Pregnant man gives birth
Teesa®© wrote: I heard this on the news last night, but missed most of the topic.
Crystalina replied: He is SO not a "pregnant man". He was born a woman and kept all his reproductive organs. I don't see why people are wasting their time printing this story and Oprah spent an entire hour on it. It's a woman who has altered her body so she can live as a he. Not so newsworthy to me. Not a freak of nature either. She's doing what God made her body to do.
My3LilMonkeys replied: ITA. But then, in a society where Brittany Spears and her custody battles are big news, I guess we shouldn't be too surprised.
Calimama replied: Seriously. She's a girl in boys clothes.
stella6979 replied: No kidding!
A&A'smommy replied: I'm glad someone said it!!
luvmykids replied: I'm with you guys
DillsMommy replied: Is that really all it takes to make big news? I'm so gonna shave my head, throw on some of Tom's clothes and get pregnant....
A&A'smommy replied: I think we all should just to make a statement
Calimama replied: K.. you go first. I like my hair.
Teesa®© replied: I'd rather not shave my head either, lol. But I do often wear DH's clothes
BabyOwen427 replied: I worry for the baby girl. How's she sposed to understand the 'birds and bees' if her 'daddy' is the one who gave birth to her? Plus, it said he/she took male hormones, I wonder if he/she took them during pregnancy and how that's going to affect the baby girl. I also think it's sad that since his/her breasts are removed she'll never be able to breastfeed. I wonder if his wife, Nancy, would think of trying to relactate.
Crystalina replied: He stopped taking the male hormones years before TTC. I'm not sure exactly how many years before but at least a few. Also, his wife is unable to have children which is why "he" is doing it. "He" will be handing the baby off to his wife to be mommy so I doubt he would try to bf even if he could. He's made it very clear that she is mommy and he is daddy.
:ETA: I don't really worry about the child. It's no different then gay/lesbian parents and how they explain things to their kids. I think back in the day we would have been very confused but kids nowadays don't find it "odd" if they are raised in that way. They are just used to it. I'm sure the child will have questions, anyone would. That's when they whip out the one hour Oprah special.
punkeemunkee'smom replied: I am so with you on that one! I don't get it either! SHE is NOT a MAN
HuskerMom replied: Wow I really don't get how that's news.
gr33n3y3z replied: Oh I know I saw the show and I think its just plain ole crazy how they lable this
jcc64 replied: I guess I can understand the urge to have one's own biological child, and if this was the only way to make that happen given the wife's health problems, so be it. But I guess I don't understand the need to be so public about it. That really can't be good for the child in the future. People are incredibly intolerant, kids are cruel, so why would you increase the likelihodd that your kid is going to suffer socially later on? Why not just quietly do your thing?
lisar replied: I am with you on this one. If "she/he" wanted to have one that was biologically theirs then by all means do it. But they didnt have to be so public about it.
Crystalina replied: I can even see how they would go public. Some people may be interested in how they came up with the decision that he do it rather than she and all the idiosyncrasies about what's going on.
What gets me is that "they" (the media or whoever ran with the whole 'man gives birth' thing) is trying to make it seem like a born man is giving birth.
A&A'smommy replied: haha thats ok I like mine too... in fact I like being a girl I don't really understand how someone who wanted to give birth doesn't want to be a girl it doesn't really make sense to me
jcc64 replied: I've been thinking about this thread, and the whole thing's left me kind of scratching my head. You're all familiar with my liberal inclinations, and whatever people need to be happy is generally ok with me. Though I'll never be fully able to understand the whole gender confusion thing, I have heard enough people talk about it on television (and knew 1 girl in h.s. who did eventually have a sex-change operation) that I acknowledge it must be a very difficult and painful way to go through life. So, I accept the need for people to switch genders, I get it. But once you've become a man, then accept the limitations of your gender. NONE of us can have it both ways, right? I'd love to have my husband's physical strength and to lose the wacky hormones, and I certainly could do w/o AF, but no way, no how would I give up the ability to bear children. So, I have to accept that to be a woman, there is a price to pay. I think this 'guy' needs to accept that reality as well, if he really wants to be taken seriously as a guy. And in the end, the only one who's really going to pay for this is the kid, b/c people are just never going to be evolved enough not to think his/her birth story is not incredibly weird. I guess this is a very long winded way of saying I think the couple is being kind of selfish.
Crystalina replied: I tend to think kids will question it but then be okay with it (depending on how they were brought up of course). Kids don't flinch at stuff as much as us adults stop and ponder, wonder and WTH it to death.
I would also bet this has happened before but just didn't get the attention. If I'm not mistaken this couple wanted the media attention so that questions would be answered rather then people in their town whispering. I also think the wife is writing a book about it.
jcc64 replied:
'Nuff said. Everything, for a price.
Teesa®© replied: If that's what's paying now, I'm gonna write a book on how I stubbed my toe the other day
Or maybe one about how I emptied the one little freezer we have and scrubbed it all out. That oughta make the news, right??