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Pregnancy Symptoms?? - Before you are due for period?

Heather wrote: Hey Ladies! I have a strange question. It has been almost 2 years since the beginning of my pregnancy so I really forget what I felt like when I was first pregnant. I am not due for my period for another week but I am starting to feel possibly pregnant? I guess it could be symptoms, but I am afraid I am just "making them up" if you know what I mean...Like I am psyching myself out.

For past few days my boobs have been somewhat tender to touch (with a little pressure) and today they are starting to feel a little tender just sitting there LOL. However, they haven't seemed to have grown in size nor have hte nipples changed. Today I started with a crampy feeling. I am not really exhausted but i am tired, but Alison is the worst sleeper so it could be just that. I am doing a fertility chart but haven't been doing temps because I have a whacked schedule because I work nights so I know it would be thrown off. BUT, when went on vacation and a couple of days before we DTD several : blush.gif times...almost everyday. This was the time where I shoud have O'd.

What is your cervicle mucus suppose to be like? I don't remember..

Sorry to ramble and give TMI...I am just jumping hte gun here and so anxious to find out now!

What do you all make of it??


ediep replied: WOW!!

I think my symptoms were just as you described. I had sore breasts and a crampy feeling.....kind of like just before AF arrives.

MomToJade&Jordan replied: It does sound like some of the symptoms I had in the beginning of my pregnancy. Then again I also feel these sometimes before my AF arrives. I was late again this month and I really thought I was pg. I was not. I would go ahead and get one of those early detect home pregnancy tests just in case.

MommyToAshley replied: Sounds a lot like the symptoms I had too. I thought AF was coming for a visit. I was really tired though, but everyone is different. Don't keep us in suspense... go get one of those early PG tests. smile.gif

supermom replied: ya, ya, ya!! Don't keep us in suspense....

Sounds like it *could* be signs of PG - it could also be just as you are describing, with adequate "excuses" too - so, go do the test and let us know!!

Heather replied: Maybe in a few days I will get one of those early pregnancy tests. I hve to work the next two I want to take it on a "normal" day if there is such a thing! THanks for the suggestions thumb.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: well let us know!

are you ready for another?

Heather replied: I tested today and it came back negative, but I still have a few days til my period is due. I bought a kit with three tests so I have 2 more tries. Going to wait a few more days and take another one and than take the last one after my period is due if I don't get it...WHICH if I don't I will be even more convinced because I am pretty predictable!!

Kaitlin....Yes, I think I am ready!! I also think Ali is ready for a brother or sister!!! thumb.gif

MommyToAshley replied: If you are, it will be just like that Disney commercial where the little boy says he is the souvenior from their vacation. LOL. rolling_smile.gif

Let us know when you take the next test. I have my fingers crossed for you! If not, you get to have fun trying again! wink.gif

MomToJade&Jordan replied: Remember that taking it first thing in the morning is the best time. That is usually when the HCG count is at it's highest. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Heather replied: Well, no baby this month bawling.gif AF is here (3 days late )and is working full force. I havent' bled this much in a long time.

UGH, I swore htis month was the month. I think i Just forced my body into believing? Well, I guess DH and I can have some more fun doing the BD this month. Hopefully, I can keep up with my charting.

Thanks for all the baby dust maybe it iwll carry over for this month.

MommyToAshley replied: Awwee, I am sorry, I know how much you were hoping to be PG. However, it will happen. It just wasn't meant to be this month. And, like you said, you and your DH get to do the BD a lot this month again! blush.gif

~~~~~~~~Baby Dust~~~~~~~~

Mommieto2Girls replied: I'm so sorry to hear AF decided to show up. When it's time, it's time. Good luck next month.


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