Political Poll
MommyToAshley wrote:
alice&arik replied: I honestly don't know. I don't watch politics, but from the commercials I have seen I would vote for Kerry. I don't know who Nader is. I just don't like how bush is spending billions of $$ on rebuilding Iraq. I think other countries could chip in too. We can't afford it and the money could be spent on something that would actually help us out instead. Just my opinion.
momof2girls replied: I just dont know, I dont like any of them really
I think we need a woman president!!!!
MommyToAshley replied: I agree, just NOT Hillary!
5littleladies replied: I'm voting for Bush. I think he's doing a good job and more importantly I agree with him on most of his views.
coasterqueen replied: I agree Jennifer I will vote for Bush too. I also don't believe it's a good thing when a country changes presidents mid-war. Doesn't say much for us when dealing with foreign affairs.
Kirstenmumof3 replied: Well since I'm not American I can't vote for a President. But in the Canadian elections for Prime Minister I will be voting Conservative. Don't ask me who that will be because I only know the candidates name running in my riding.
Boys r us replied: I really am not overly fond of either of them..however, if I HAD to vote today I would vote for Bush for the same reason as Karen said about changing presidents mid-war. But my honest feelings are that neither choice is better than the other..forgive me for using the term..DUMB or Dumber
ediep replied: I agree, I would vote for Bush
DansMom replied: I'll vote for Kerry. I'll always be a democrat.
If Abe Lincoln were to rise from the dead, I would consider voting Republican.
maestra replied: I will be voting for Kerry because of the mess Bush is making of our education system.
MomToMany replied: Yep, my thoughts exactly!
I voted "undecided" because I really don't like ANY of them. It's such a mess right now that I don't think any of them are going to make much of a difference.
Kaitlin'smom replied: undecided..... not sure if I like either one....
A&A'smommy replied: i voted bush
TLCDad replied: I'm moderate but will most likely be voting for Kerry. My main reasons are as follows (actually to name only a few):
- The current administration is giving credit and rewarding companies for sending jobs overseas. For example companies such as Earthlink are outsourcing their customer and technical support to India. Kerry wants to do the opposite and will reward companies for keeping jobs in the US.
- No good health care plan under the current administration. Kerry's proposal sounds the best if he honors it.
- The Bush administration is taking money away from technical advancement reasearch which I gather includes advancement in space technology, new forms of energy and health related technologies. Kerry, like Al Gore, wants to see more advancement in these areas. I know I am a techy but there are great reasons to spend money on this type of research.
- To many potential violations on civil liberties under the current administration... to many possible loop holes. Kerry mentioned this and wants to make some good changes.
- Conservative Replicans basicly do anything big business (big oil, drug companies, etc) request. Which really hurts small businesses and the middle class.
I like Bush, I just do not like his administration which I am sure he gets most of his advice from.
Basicly, Kerry has brought up just about everything that concerns me. We were watching one of his speeches and it litterally was almost word for word what I want to see or complain about.
Now, with that said, there are also several things I do not like about the Democratic party as well. But, so far from what I see from Kerry is that he is more moderate like myself.
MommyToAshley replied: Ok, time to debate the DH!
Bush has actually done a lot for small businesses, in my opinion. Cutting taxes is one of them. He also pushed to make health insurance 100% deductible versus the 20% that was deductible when he took office. (Now if they could just make insurance affordable for the self employeed!) There are also other advantages that he passed for women and minorities that own businesses.
I think tax cuts in general are a good idea, just look at what it did for the economy when Reagan cut taxes!
I also think it is great that we have a President that wants to stand up for some of the moral issues.... prayers back in school, faith-based programs, the sanctity of marriage, etc.
I happen to think that school vouchers are also a good idea. But, the democrats will never let that get passed.
I don't necessarily agree with the loop holes that have been opened up that encourages companies to send jobs overseas. The legislation was introduced to help companies fill minimum wage jobs that they were having problems hiring people to do (mainly farm work), but it seems to have backfired on them.
If Kerry could explain how he plans to have a national insurance program, then I just might consider voting for him. But, look at what the Clintons promised, and their national insurance plan was a big FLOP!
lsjulee replied: I can't vote. LOL I'm not there too.
But interesting poll and views. If I have to vote.... I won't vote for Arnold S - Mayor in California, that is if he ever runs for presidency. Cos of his slogan "I'll be back". Can't imagine him saying this whenever big White House decision has to be made.
coasterqueen replied: Hehehehe,is there every one we are *truly* fond of?
coasterqueen replied:
jcc64 replied: I really can't understand how people in the middle class can support Bush's tax cuts. Maybe things are different for you in Ohio, Dee Dee, but here in NY, the lost revenue is destroying our schools and driving up our property taxes to the point that people who have lived here their whole lives have to sell their homes. He's just shifted the burden. My taxes are actually higher, alot higher. Granted, I'm sending them to a different address, but the end result is the same- I have less money than I did before. How stupid does he think we are? And if you want to talk about the fact that we shouldn't change presidents mid war, exactly which war are you talking about? Because he never really finished the job in Afghanistan before running off to Iraq. Bush started the war in Iraq on false pretenses, he completely alienated us from the rest of the world community in doing so, and he has inflamed an already dangerous situation in the Middle East, with absolutely no coherent plan for withdrawl. And for a guy that seems so eager to depend on the services of the military, he sure has a funny way of showing his appreciation- he severely cut veterans' benefits. He has the worst environmental record of any president in memory. Aren't you concerned about the planet your children will be living on? The air they breathe, the water they drink? Because I have news for you, if it's a choice between your kids' health or the financial well being of a large corporation, it's no secret whose side Bush is on. I could go on for hours about this. He lacks a basic understanding of diplomacy and has repeatedly shown a disrespect for the constitution. I believe his policies are destroying this country and have seriously damaged us internationally. I'd vote for a poodle before I'd vote for Bush.
MomToJade&Jordan replied: I think I'm with you on that.
My2Beauties replied: Jcc64 I love your argument. I am a registered democrat, however, am sort of in the middle on certain things when it comes to conservative vs. liberal! I would definitely vote for a Republican if I agreed with his views. I am currently in an Environmental Policies class and the things Bush has done to our environment are terrible. The drilling for oil in the Alaskan wilderness, the tax breaks to large oil companies, the policies put in place to actually lower fuel economy standards on vehicles so we will actually get less mpg and the policies that will only make gas prices continue to rise. This war is getting out of hand, yeah I thought weneeded to get in there and do something because of 9-11 but now it seems as if we have no plan and we're just over there to be over there. What is going to come of this war? I would vote for Kerry because of his views as well, I'm worried about the environement my child will live in when she gets older and under Bush we stand no chance of having good air to breath and clean water to drink! Just IMHO!
5littleladies replied: Well I personally am a middle class citizen living in Minnesota. Our property taxes were raised last year for the schools and while that sucks (especially since I don't even send my kids to the public schools, but this is a totally different issue) I don't think it is fair put a greater tax burder on people just because they are wealthy. If I am getting taxed 6% and a rich person is getting taxed the same amount then they are still paying way more than I will ever pay. Don't give me a bigger tax cut just because I don't make alot of money, because I don't believe in that way of thinking.
As far as the war in Iraq, I don't care what people say-Saddam was a disaster waiting to happen and while I weep for those lives lost, I rejoice that the Iraqi people are free( and yes I know what a mess it is over there right now). Do you think that when our country was founded that it was all tea parties and happy times? Many lives were lost so we could have the freedom that we have today. I'm proud to live in a country where people are willing to fight for the freedom of others. Many Iraqi's have said that even though they are worse off right now in some ways they would do it again to have Saddam removed from power. I will stand up for Bush any day. JMHO.
MommyToAshley replied: I have to agree with Jennifer on this one. DH and I have this debate all the time. I am also middle class, and do not expect to be given any special tax rates. I don't believe those in a higher tax bracket should carry more of the tax burden either. If we continue to do this, what will this do for the motivation to improve oneself and do better? Why should someone spend 12 extra years going to college/med school if in the end they are going to be paid the same as a person working a minimum wage job right out of high school?
As for real estate taxes and state taxes going up... they have gone up consistently over the years, not just since the tax breaks. But, I would rather pay more real estate taxes where I have a say in how the money is spent (by voting on local levy's) than I would paying it to the federal gov't where I have no control over it. On a side note, I am also a believer in privatization of social security. The more I control my own money instead of the gov't, the better!
As for environment issues, yes Bush does have some things he could work on. But, he has also supported some bills such as giving higher tax credits to those that own electric cars (or hybrids).
If the oil companies do have the technology that they say they do, then I do think that we should drill in Alaska. Supposedly, the new technology does not harm the surrounding areas... I don't know much about it except for a special I watched on Discovery. But, the less we need to rely on foreign countries for oil, the better!
I also believe that we went to Iraq for the right reasons. It is sickening that so many of our soldiers have been injured or killed, and my thoughts and prayers go out to their families. But, they gave their lives for a good cause, and I am sure the people in Iraq would agree. And, I think the world as a whole will be a better place... it is just going to take persistence and unfortunately sacrifices to get there.