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Okay here is the mutt that appreared

TANNER'S MOM wrote: He sat when I told him too..but he kept moving his face..the other dogs were eating..and he didn't want to miss out..

What should we name him. Tanner is going for Kris.. after Kris Kringle and Chris Ledoux.. I am sure he will win!

punkeemunkee'smom replied: wub.gif Oh man he is cute!!! wub.gif And you know I love the name! Lol! smile.gif

mckayleesmom replied: hes adorable....I vote kris

3xsthefun replied: He is cute! The name Kris is cute! thumb.gif

luvbug00 replied: Ohh How cute!!!! wub.gif look at those eyes!!

TANNER'S MOM replied: I think some kind of Sherpard mix..and ya'll? Any guesses?

luvbug00 replied: deffinately german shepard but i can tell mor by body stature then by looks.

A&A'smommy replied: He is VERY pretty and I agree with Nadia he DEFINITLY has german sheppard in him they are VERY smart dogs!!! I LOVE the name too VERY cute and it fits him!! love2.gif

kit_kats_mom replied: he's cute. I like Kris

kayla's mama replied: He is so cute. Kris fits him perfectly wink.gif

jacobsmama replied: awww the puppy is cute!!! wub.gif

redchief replied: Cute doggy!!! Tough to tell by the pic, definitely shepard... maybe beagle?

ions_momma replied: Awww! He is so cute! wub.gif

CantWait replied: What a cute puppy. I must have missed the post, where did you get him from?

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