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Ok you guys....I'm late

5littleladies wrote: I think. wacko.gif I was expecting af around the 29th or 30th(didn't keep very good track in November-whoopsie!). On the 28th I had the tiniest bit of spotting so I assumed she was on her way. Now it is the 2nd and I have no sign of her coming. I guess the spotting could have been implantation bleeding but I don't know. I really don't want to get my hopes up but when this happens it's hard not to. I'm not testing right now-I'm just going to sit it out because for all I know I'm still irregular from the m/c. unsure.gif

I'm going to need some huge hugs if this doesn't turn out the way I'm hoping. sad.gif

(of course now that I have posted this af will probably show up right away rolleyes.gif )

ediep replied: Good Luck!!!

Keepingm my fingers crossed for you!

A&A'smommy replied: ((((HUGS)))) I hope this is your baby!!!!

I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!

elvisfan replied: I really hope you get a BFP!!!! Crossing my fingers and praying all comes out well!!

coasterqueen replied: Oooh, wishing you good luck.

If you have a very good relationship with your doctor my suggestion would be to call her and possibly get a blood test as well as having your progesterone levels checked wink.gif. Or at least doing so once you've got an answer from an HPT.


maestra replied: grouphug.gif Waiting to find out is the hardest part!

amynicole21 replied: Oooooh! Keeping my fingers crossed for you this month! thumb.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: I hope the old AF does not show up.

Mommy2BAK replied: ooohhhh, thats so exciting!!! I am crossing my fingers for you and hoping that it works out in your favor!!!

mummy2girls replied: my fingers are crossed for you!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

Maddie&EthansMom replied: grouphug.gif I'm praying this is it for you! grouphug.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied: grouphug.gif Here's hoping that AF stays far away this time! grouphug.gif

Kirstenmumof3 replied: grouphug.gif I hope AF does show her ugly face! wink.gif I hope all goes well for you! grouphug.gif

Boys r us replied: Ohh I'm wishing you THE BEST! I certainly hope that you are!!!!

hopeful05 replied: grouphug.gif I hope this is it for you!!!! wub.gif

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